How many here are ALWAYS on and how many Cycle??


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Just want to see the diversity of the NEW GROUP here. I know alot of you guys like me are gonna be on cruise and blast forever. Now lets here from you guys how this shit started and what your thought process was to stay on if it wasnt bc of Low T. I decided after cycling and losing gains throughout my late teens and up to 27 that when I came backafter a 5-6 year hiatus I was done fucking playing and now had the resources and more stable lifestyle to " Live the BBer Lifestyle" and never want to go back. FUCK IT
I never come off completely. B&C and have done that for several years. My decision to do so was low T and the fact that I'm old and hate the roller coaster bullshit! On forever

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I'm always on. I'm 40 and when I had my vasectomy 3 years ago, my natty levels plummeted to 96ng/dl I've tried coming off a few times, but it drops too low. My TRT script is for 500mg/wk Test C
RockShawn said:
I'm always on. I'm 40 and when I had my vasectomy 3 years ago, my natty levels plummeted to 96ng/dl I've tried coming off a few times, but it drops too low. My TRT script is for 500mg/wk Test C
RockShawnThat's not TRT!!!! That's year round Blast....... 😉
I've been cycling...2-3 a year...but I'm 36 now and think I'm gonna start blast and cruise after this cycle...
I only did 2 cycles over the course of a year and then decided to stay "on". I was only on for a year then I recently took a break for about 5 weeks. I think this is how I will play it. Stay on for 11 months out of the year and half that time just cruise at 200-300mg test E
If I could just stay in Blast mode, I would. But the body needs a rest sometimes.
Always on. I'm 23.

Decided to do so after second cycle when body pretty much shut down. I ran Pro's for 2 years before ever hitting the sauce and unfortunately abused them so my body was fcked before I ever started.

I'll be coming off in 6 weeks, but if it's not working out for me I'll continue with my 250 test/week on my cruises that I've been doing.
NextGen Freak said:
Always on. I'm 23.

Decided to do so after second cycle when body pretty much shut down. I ran Pro's for 2 years before ever hitting the sauce and unfortunately abused them so my body was fcked before I ever started.

I'll be coming off in 6 weeks, but if it's not working out for me I'll continue with my 250 test/week on my cruises that I've been doing.
NextGen Freak
A fellow young buck, finally!
Well I cycle so I guess I'm the lone wolf here, , I just had a kid and want a few more so I don't want to fuck myself and kill my boys, plus I respond well with low dose cycles, I'm sure I would respond even better if i just stayed on, but i will get there eventually! I like the time off anyways.
I usually cycle but I am contemplating staying on at a low dose test year round and just blast every few months.
Akhusker said:
Well I cycle so I guess I'm the lone wolf here, , I just had a kid and want a few more so I don't want to fuck myself and kill my boys, plus I respond well with low dose cycles, I'm sure I would respond even better if i just stayed on, but i will get there eventually! I like the time off anyways.
AkhuskerI like this.

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