How many here are ALWAYS on and how many Cycle??

RockShawn said:
I'm always on. I'm 40 and when I had my vasectomy 3 years ago, my natty levels plummeted to 96ng/dl I've tried coming off a few times, but it drops too low. My TRT script is for 500mg/wk Test C
^^That's what i'm talking about!
I am always on after this cycle. Never coming off again, just love it to much lol. I am going on TRT.
GoPro said:
I am always on after this cycle. Never coming off again, just love it to much lol. I am going on TRT.
I know what you mean bro the last one made me say I love it too much myself.. Never looking back...
Haven't fully decided yet. Been off and on for a couple years now. But mostly on. I love being on. Goin to see what happens after my cycle and will decide then
I stay on for long times. Come off for little breaks. I never seem to recover so I'm thinking of staying on. I feel like total hell when I'm off. Getting on test has literally changed my life for the better.
I haven't been on gear for awhile.. its showing too! I've always cycled. I would stay on for longer then the usual 12 weeks but always did a pct so never had too many issues. I used to have really good local sources but they dried up faster then telling your girl your broke.. I'm planning to do a cycle very soon though.. thinking about 750-1000 test e, 600 eq, maybe 5-600 tren, kicked off with a-bombs or dbol.. planning to run 20+ weeks while adjusting the tren accordingly.. I'm getting my diet figured out and all the lil things together now.. trapped up boss! Lol

from my outdated pos phone
tbonexl said:
I haven't been on gear for awhile.. its showing too! I've always cycled. I would stay on for longer then the usual 12 weeks but always did a pct so never had too many issues. I used to have really good local sources but they dried up faster then telling your girl your broke.. I'm planning to do a cycle very soon though.. thinking about 750-1000 test e, 600 eq, maybe 5-600 tren, kicked off with a-bombs or dbol.. planning to run 20+ weeks while adjusting the tren accordingly.. I'm getting my diet figured out and all the lil things together now.. trapped up boss! Lol

from my outdated pos phone
Nice Go hard or go home for sure. You gonna blow the fuck up on this one.. Raise that EQ to 900mg
I am 42 so I stay on or I am fucked. I tried coming off awhile back and would have rather been out cutting grass than fucking the old lady. I stay on about 300mg ew of test enth. Then when I blast I go up to around 900mg and run tren ace at around 400-500 mgs ew. I run that for about 12 weeks the drop the tren and test back to 300mgs. Seems to work pretty well for me
NextGen Freak said:
Always on. I'm 23.

Decided to do so after second cycle when body pretty much shut down. I ran Pro's for 2 years before ever hitting the sauce and unfortunately abused them so my body was fcked before I ever started.

I'll be coming off in 6 weeks, but if it's not working out for me I'll continue with my 250 test/week on my cruises that I've been doing.
NextGen Freak
Young gun you are young enough that your body will rebound , it make take time but I would really think hard about staying on at your age bro. HCG and a good pct will bring you back. But hey your life brother just my 3ccs
I'm on trt but blast a couple times a year. But my blast are long, usually 16 weeks then 4-6 weeks of cruising only b/c I have to have labs for my dr.
rippedgolfer said:
I'm on trt but blast a couple times a year. But my blast are long, usually 16 weeks then 4-6 weeks of cruising only b/c I have to have labs for my dr.
rippedgolferHow do those labs turn out.....since you run long esters? You find 6 weeks is enough cruise to get your levels back to keep the Doc. satisfied?
I've been pretty much on since 1992-1994 can't really remember. There were times I came off 6-8 weeks but never fully recovered so came back on. I used trip a while back just to see what would happen if I came off, my son uses it and it worked for him.. It felt like I recovered but then T levels sank. Too old to come off
TSizemore said:
How do those labs turn out.....since you run long esters? You find 6 weeks is enough cruise to get your levels back to keep the Doc. satisfied?
Hey sorry for the late response. I'm still trying to navigate this site. My dr lets me know a month before my test so if I'm on long esters, I just switch to Prop for 2 weeks then pin my prescribed TRT dose the last 2 weeks. My dr is a GP and he's more concerned with my cholesterol than testing my Test levels. Actually, he only tested my Test level once and I've taken 3 other tests since but he's just looking at lipids. But I still do what I mentioned above in case he does test my Test level. 4 weeks should be plenty to clear the long ester though.
B & C. I planned my first cycle at 44yr and got everything needed to pct after 12 weeks. I still have everything needed to pct. Once I got "on" I realized what i am supposed to feel like on a daily basis. I just started another blast and had been cruising since February on 250mg/w with more energy than I had in yrs. God bless test!

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