- EG Cash
- 84
About two weeks ago my clinic closed due to COVID-19, and they had to lay all employees off indefinitely. I posted on here asking if anyone had 1-2 vials of test that I could purchase, as most sources have minimums and I didn't want to spend that much without having a normal income anymore. Jstone was the first to message me, and he offered to send me a couple vials for free. I told him that wasn't necessary and offered to pay, but he insisted and yesterday I received my pack from him.
Thank you again jstone. I am incredibly grateful and appreciative of not just you but this forum and all the members in general. I've been a member on forums for about 8 years now, but this one by far has the best members and great sources.
Thank you again jstone. I am incredibly grateful and appreciative of not just you but this forum and all the members in general. I've been a member on forums for about 8 years now, but this one by far has the best members and great sources.