I fucked up big time tonight!



So I had to run to Lowes tonight with my G/F to buy a ceiling fan for one of our rooms. Out of nowhere comes the Devil. Whispering in my ear to go to McDonalds after, which is right next door. I tried to fight it off to no avail.
Next thing I remember, I'm ordering 2 big mac's, a lg fry and a carmel milkshake!

I haven't touched this shit in I don't know how long! The 1st sandwich went down easily and tasted so damn good. the 2nd was even better! LOL
Now I feel fucking Guilty! I contemplated puking it up, but then I'd have to eat some lame chicken breast and rice! haha
So I'm just gonna leave it where it is and hope to not wake up a fat fuck in the morning!!
I hope you guys can forgive me. It won't happen for a long time again. I promise…...

Before, and aftermath pics!

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ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? I cant believe you bro, only one catsup, thats just ridiculous lol
JM cut yourself some slack!!!!! And damn I want some Big Macs

Don't be mad because you ate that big mac, be mad you didn't eat two of them. Ronnie Coleman
I havent had mcds in a while. Im more of a taco bell guy, thats where its at! 😛
You should a just gotten three qp with cheese and bacon.... large fry and large chocolate shake less rabbit filler bro... lol
That's how I roll
you are going to be regreting that soon!! i havent eaten at mcdonalds in atleast 5 years
tkasch30 said:
you are going to be regreting that soon!! i havent eaten at mcdonalds in atleast 5 years
LOL, I'm telling you, I'm the guy that always laughs at the dumb asses at McDonalds eating that crap. But the Devil got me tonight.

LOL, HAI never happen...
A hard dick as no conscious...well neither does a Mickey D craving...its good to splurge ... ENJOY
Hey man! I've been in Tampa since Monday and I've ate everything in site. Philly cheese steak,burger,fries, all you can eat Chinese good,gator bites, nachos. You name it I've demolished it!
Send me all three of them.. I wouldnt have a regret. In fact it would make my day alot better. Im goin to get a bigmac right now. That tray of food looks so damn good!!! 8)
JM you are just fine. Big Macs are the food of gods. You deserve an indulgence once in a while. You're good bro. Btw I would have had 3.
Big Macs are disgusting IMO
Damn it...You're killing me man!!!!! Just wait until this next 6 weeks is over, I'm gonna demolish whatever is the first thing I can find!!

.....and Hey, nothing wrong with a moment of splurging like that, nothing at all. Just don't do it every week!
TSizemore said:
Damn it...You're killing me man!!!!! Just wait until this next 6 weeks is over, I'm gonna demolish whatever is the first thing I can find!!

.....and Hey, nothing wrong with a moment of splurging like that, nothing at all. Just don't do it every week!
Maybe you'll find a nice tofu burger.

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