I fucked up big time tonight!

Damn you...lmao...not what I was thinking when I saw the topic!

stfu, you went from bad ways in life to the healthiest, most solid brother we know. A break out cheat meal with your lady is not going to kill you every now and then. If anyone has learned about the consequences of bad eating and this game we all play, its me....... You are very disciplined.... Get over it bro
Hey man if you feel guilty after you ate bad then you don't have a good nutrition plan to begin with. I was the same way back then, but since i first started a nutrition plan that i followed I had/have no desire to binge eat or eat like that only on the day that I deserved it. Good luck brother hopefully you on the right track!
massdig said:
Hey man if you feel guilty after you ate bad then you don't have a good nutrition plan to begin with. I was the same way back then, but since i first started a nutrition plan that i followed I had/have no desire to binge eat or eat like that only on the day that I deserved it. Good luck brother hopefully you on the right track!
nah JM is on the right track, this is prob the first hes done this in over a year
Ate two Big Macs for lunch today. I can feel the blood pooling around my stomach and I'm so bloated I can hardly bend over. Currently sitting on the water closet making room for what's coming. I'm done with Big Macs for life!
its poison ! write it off a a cheat day and do 35 min cardio every day this week
JM, we are all human bro, it's ok every now and then to go ape shit and have some dirty food. Don't sweat it, you have the right attitude man and deserve some cheats on occasion.
d3r3k said:
I havent had mcds in a while. Im more of a taco bell guy, thats where its at! 😛

me too, love the Bell once in a blue moon

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