I need parenting advice from a bunch of juiced up bodybuilders


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Ok so this came sooner than I fucken hoped for. My daughter is 11 way too far advance mentally and physically. Recently i checked her tablet and saw Google searches for boyfriend advice. She has some shit called kick it's a social network for her little friends and boyfriend. I come to realize she lies alot and lies like crazy!

I told her she is to young my chick called the boyfriend parents and said he's gotta back off. There was inapropiate conversations. I try to give my daughter some trust again let her go to my parents house opened her tablet and caught her chatting to this boy again. Wtf am i supposed to do 11? Not good her mom and me were horrible and on drugs when we had her.

I can only see this going bad from here. I try to explain i dont want her to make the same mistakes I did. I amso fucked my parents said time to pay for what you put us tthrough when you were a kid lol. How do you guys deal with these types of problems?
Well, my kids are/were homeschooled. My daughter wasn't allowed to even think about dating/having a bf until she was 18, and she didn't care. Why? Because I've always been VERY involved with my kids lives and I speak to them quite frankly, but I always keep in mind that they're kids, so I moderate my rhetoric. I simply explained to her that she has all the time in the world for a social life involving boys. I pointed out that she can first work on her education and prepare herself for adult life. Kids don't need to be treated as adults or even your equal. YOU are the boss and your rules must be obeyed. You have to explain on their level why these rules are in place .... it's because you love them and they are your world.
First off how old is the boy???
You have some options..she is to young to give consent by law. If the boy is not over the age of concent you cant press charges for statutory rape..BUT depending on the state u live in you canpress charges for unlawful sexual contact , because she is not old enough to give consent.
You need to check the laws in your state first.
Then contact the boys parent and Inform them if the relationship progresses to the point any sexual contact is made You WILL press charges against their son and if found guilty he will be a registered sex offe der the reet of bis life...this should shake the boys parents to the core....and I bet they will have a serious talk with him about staying away from yiur girl..
The second thing is shes 11 bro your the adult...take that fucking tablet and any internet device
Away from her ass!!!!!!!!! She will not die, she probably will hate you..but your the parent act like one.
Social media sites, Internet and phones in the unmonitored hands of a child is a recipe for under age sex.drugs and drinking.....
When she starts acting responsibly and listening to your wishes then give her some freedom back with access to the devices ect...
Thats how parenting at any age works..the parents set rules, the kid disobeys, the kid losses privileges!!!! That tablet is privilege not a right...!!!!
Back to the boy you neex to screen shot and keep records of any inappropriate talk especially if ut concerns sex , drugs or alcohol. .this is useful when talking with his pare ts and if u need to press charges if u can in your state....
DO NOT LET THIS GET OUT OF CONTROL AT AGE OF 11 OR U WILL HAVE A GRANDCHILD..MY WIFE HAD SEX AT 12 AND A BABY AT 16..... BRO TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR GIRL SHE IS A MINOR YOU ARE IN CONTROL...ground her till the fucking cows come home if she doesnt stop talking to the boy. If she runs away call the cops make them bring her home.
my kids all grown up. Girls are the worst shit heads and fight back worse than boys. You gotta stick your foot way up her ass dude and let her know you are the boss. No tablet, and if you cannot block shit from it then dont let her have it. if you do you are doomed bro.
Damn bro that's tough !!! I have a 4 year old son and I can just imagine what he will go through when he gets older. Knowing all the shit I did !!! But I mean at the end of the day I think Hanz is right. U have to speak to them and lay shit down so there won't be any surprises !!!
When I was growin up all my parents said was not to do it and that's how it was, so of course I went and did my own shit !!! I was the first one in arrested, in jail, smoked weed, sold drugs, in court, on all that shit but thank god I had a higher power looking after me and I'm still here. I did all that fucked up shit but at least I can say I love my son and look after him !!!
Dude just talk to her and be str8 up !!! Don't be like an infomercial !!! And hope that they listen and get it !!! But u have to lay down the rules, that's what we have to do as parents ourselves !!! Of course they're not gonna like it but which kid does !!!
Good luck bro, god bless !!!
massdig said:
my kids all grown up. Girls are the worst shit heads and fight back worse than boys. You gotta stick your foot way up her ass dude and let her know you are the boss. No tablet, and if you cannot block shit from it then dont let her have it. if you do you are doomed bro.
AGREE !!! 😡
Ooh man. I wish I could give you some real advice. My daughter is only 8 so I'm sure I'll be going thru the same shit. I hope the others with more experience can help you. Sry this is happening. She's to young for boys right now!
Solid advice guys and blue the boy is the same age. It broke my heart reading her messages that she hates me and my girlfriend can'twait till sshe's older I give her so much slack time to tuff en up. My mistake is not spending enough time and doing activities i take her to the movies but that's not quality time.

And yes the fucken tablet is gone! Lol no more i can't help what happens at school but I'm not allowing her to do as she pleases she's a fucken little girl! She just developed and grew up way to fast. Shes 6th grade but reads at 9th grade level she's very smart and knows how to manipulate lol
with my daughter , it was a balance. you can't read her personal stuff. that is your big no no bro. her saying bad stuff about you is only a vent and not how she really feels. keep that balance with her and understand this is the new age and what is in let it be in, with that be in safe terms. know when to lay the law down and be balanced , keep your distance somewhat, and you got to pay attention when she talks. even though she sounds like a fucken kid, still say yeah i hear you and understand but i think right now it gotta be like this. Toress is right here i think. can't fuck up too much or you will be blowing the judge to get onyour side. ;D
I'm in the same boat brother. My lil girl is 12 and I've caught her lying to me and am realizing she does it more than I thought. Idk what to do either she lives with her mom I get her weekends so I can't keep an eye on her 24/7 I posted that app you can download to smartphones tablets etc...its set up as parental control monitoring. The app is hidden in whatever device you download it to. You get all txts anything she searches online whatever she's doing you can monitor it. Tispy.net it has a 3 day trial period after that I think its like 13 bucks a month. Instructions on how to install and hide the app are on the site page. I'm already thinking birth control I'm not ready to be a grandad at 37 fuck that
49ER said:
Solid advice guys and blue the boy is the same age. It broke my heart reading her messages that she hates me and my girlfriend can'twait till sshe's older I give her so much slack time to tuff en up. My mistake is not spending enough time and doing activities i take her to the movies but that's not quality time.

And yes the fucken tablet is gone! Lol no more i can't help what happens at school but I'm not allowing her to do as she pleases she's a fucken little girl! She just developed and grew up way to fast. Shes 6th grade but reads at 9th grade level she's very smart and knows how to manipulate lol
Ah so same age is a much harder situation to control...and u can control what happens at school, go talk to her teachers and principle amd let them know what is going on they can monitor the two of them. Sexual contact is not allowed at school especially in middle school...true the more u crack down the more she will buck..BUT thats where communication comes in, u have to reward her and follow through if she behaves and is good...u have to balance the punishment reward system depending on her behavior. .....at 11 you have not lost her yet, but you have to be consistent and and get control now, which it sounds like your already doing by taking privileges away
There is definitely a double standard if she was a boy I'd be like he'll ya son that's good lol she's my little girl I just want her to wait till she's 25 or 30 Iis that too much to ask? ;D

Good advice joker believe me i wanted to whoop her never have but I wanted too lol!
I don't care what anyone says .... never, ever, ever, ever strike your kids. That's the biggest no-no you could ever do. Realization of wrong/shame/then guilt is a better teacher than violence. Violence foments rebellion, I'm not saying discipline, but violence. I've never struck my kids, ever. I thank God I never have.

On the other hand, my parents didn't have the insight and patience I have, and I had the holy shit knocked out of me more than I care to remember. It only made me worse.
My daughter is grown, but was a huge shithead when that age, her mother and I put everything out there, I mean everything! no topic was taboo. Boy's and sex, drugs and alcohol, and whatever, and that she could call us any time for a ride somewhere if she had been drinking or any number of other reasons. It was still no cake walk, but it did take the edge off having a hint of respect for each other. I believe the lying even slowed down a little...a little! lol
Joker said:
Parenting in my eyes is a very tough skill to learn. ..for anyone. Lets face it. ..you really don't know if you can hack it unless you become one.
And unfortunately many "parents" are far from that.
I'm not saying you're in this category. .I was just making an overall statement.

Ok.... hmmm.. how I would handle this. ... I'm irish... I'd just beat her fucking ass for lieing.... jkjk. Totally joking

Seriously.... at this age... and this generation. .. knowledge is power... sad but true... Every daddy wants their lil princess to be their lil princess forever. ..but. .. with lil whores like miley cyrus and other teeny bop teenagers exploiting sex as a joke.... young kids.. young teenagers are very influenced. .
I would start teaching her about sex education. .. If not you. . Mom. . Step mom... idgaf your local prostitute. .
Knowledge is power brother. .
The harder you are.. the more she will resist and rebel....
Parenting is a skill... like chess. .you need to see 3 moves ahead before you strike...feel me. ...
If the young lass is or has started her period. ..get her on birth control. ...
Once again.. knowledge is power. ....

This is just my two cents.....
K hommie...
Good luck
Great advice!!! I have a 16, 11, and 4 yr old...all boys each one different and none of the fuckers came with instructions. In this day and age educating your child is the most important thing you can do. That includes what is appropriate or not appropriate use of technology! Short of home schooling and locking her up the only real control you have is the ability to Teach your child, sexting, boys, porn, birth control, the list goes on.
Talking to the school gets you nothing...my kid texts me a all day from class. Now I'm not saying give your kid free unsupervised everything but is chating online with a boy from school any different than when we left our house to go play and didn't check in till dark? Kids talk, teach her the difference between right and wrong and let her have some trust. And really don't all kids say they hate their parents I know I did till I needed something.
Bravo. You guys all have some very good advice. Heck, I'm learning in this thread myself. Joker, what up homie?
Dont buy for minute u cant control what goes on at school!!! And yes the school will help monitor them...!!!! All it takes is a talk to a lawyer amd a letter to school about allowing sexual contact
Which includes holding hands, kissing, hugging ect when a minor is involved and they will keep them kids so far apart.....you have total control of your kid at school if u want....in 11 grade in ft Lauderdale florida in 1995 my mother came to school with me every day and walked me from class to class at a huge public school and sat with me at lunch to be sure I wasnt skippin, getting stoned and did my work...I was involved in gang activity, skipped so much they were gonna expel mefor dropping out....I went from Fs to As and Bs in one semester. Then at the end of thst school year my paremst packed up amd moved to columbus ohio to get me away from gangs and get me back into a healthy lifestyle. you are GOD in a childs world you have The ability to control or be involved in every aspect of the childs life..sometimes that could mean making major life changes but it can be done.....
The biggest thing is not to give up on a bad or rebelipus kid!
There is no perfect recipe or advice, every kid responds different...you got time to find thebalance with her...shes young...if she was 17 it would be a shit ton harder to get her to listen and behave as u ask......I bet just the removal of internet ect is going to fix a huge part of it...
I know its so accepted to let kids have full access to internet but when we were kids would our parents have given us a phone, internet with access to porn and drugs amd everything else thats able to be accessed on the devices...FUCK NO..
Sensoring your childs exposure to tbis stuff has seem to be non existance.they should really drop the censorship of tv and movies and the ratings they label stuff with..cause they can see it all on internet if they want
Your right blue my chick called the principal this time and said all the teachers on the yard will keep them apart. My daughter might hate me but oh well she's too fucken young lol
I think your just gunna have to try and explain to her how you care about her and dont want to see her having to raise a child at such a young age and how it wouldn't be fair to a child also if anything like that happened. Scare her with all the responsibilities that come along with it. At such a young age, thats pretty tough. Gonna have to keep both eyes out on her now.
Blueedge said:
Dont buy for minute u cant control what goes on at school!!! And yes the school will help monitor them...!!!! All it takes is a talk to a lawyer amd a letter to school about allowing sexual contact
Which includes holding hands, kissing, hugging ect when a minor is involved and they will keep them kids so far apart.....you have total control of your kid at school if u want....in 11 grade in ft Lauderdale florida in 1995 my mother came to school with me every day and walked me from class to class at a huge public school and sat with me at lunch to be sure I wasnt skippin, getting stoned and did my work...I was involved in gang activity, skipped so much they were gonna expel mefor dropping out....I went from Fs to As and Bs in one semester. Then at the end of thst school year my paremst packed up amd moved to columbus ohio to get me away from gangs and get me back into a healthy lifestyle. you are GOD in a childs world you have The ability to control or be involved in every aspect of the childs life..sometimes that could mean making major life changes but it can be done.....
The biggest thing is not to give up on a bad or rebelipus kid!
There is no perfect recipe or advice, every kid responds different...you got time to find thebalance with her...shes young...if she was 17 it would be a shit ton harder to get her to listen and behave as u ask......I bet just the removal of internet ect is going to fix a huge part of it...
I know its so accepted to let kids have full access to internet but when we were kids would our parents have given us a phone, internet with access to porn and drugs amd everything else thats able to be accessed on the devices...FUCK NO..
Sensoring your childs exposure to tbis stuff has seem to be non existance.they should really drop the censorship of tv and movies and the ratings they label stuff with..cause they can see it all on internet if they want

^^^^ Hahaha oh man, thats terrible! lmao

Just scare the shit out of her with that story 49er! That'll teach her!

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