I need parenting advice from a bunch of juiced up bodybuilders

Blueedge said:
Dont buy for minute u cant control what goes on at school!!! And yes the school will help monitor them...!!!! All it takes is a talk to a lawyer amd a letter to school about allowing sexual contact
Which includes holding hands, kissing, hugging ect when a minor is involved and they will keep them kids so far apart.....you have total control of your kid at school if u want....in 11 grade in ft Lauderdale florida in 1995 my mother came to school with me every day and walked me from class to class at a huge public school and sat with me at lunch to be sure I wasnt skippin, getting stoned and did my work...I was involved in gang activity, skipped so much they were gonna expel mefor dropping out....I went from Fs to As and Bs in one semester. Then at the end of thst school year my paremst packed up amd moved to columbus ohio to get me away from gangs and get me back into a healthy lifestyle. you are GOD in a childs world you have The ability to control or be involved in every aspect of the childs life..sometimes that could mean making major life changes but it can be done.....
The biggest thing is not to give up on a bad or rebelipus kid!
There is no perfect recipe or advice, every kid responds different...you got time to find thebalance with her...shes young...if she was 17 it would be a shit ton harder to get her to listen and behave as u ask......I bet just the removal of internet ect is going to fix a huge part of it...
I know its so accepted to let kids have full access to internet but when we were kids would our parents have given us a phone, internet with access to porn and drugs amd everything else thats able to be accessed on the devices...FUCK NO..
Sensoring your childs exposure to tbis stuff has seem to be non existance.they should really drop the censorship of tv and movies and the ratings they label stuff with..cause they can see it all on internet if they want
My point exactly! What happened when mommy let go? Did you end up making the right decisions in life or still go down the same path till you learned what responsibility meant? Don't smother your child teach your child to become a adult, it's not 1920 anymore.
Your point wasnt proven...I continued to be good and stayed clean i attended my senior year without my mom and maintained good grades...until I was in 22 when I went through a very nasty relationship with a girl who used drugs...within 2 years of dating her I had begun using heavily....teaching an 11 year old boy crazy girl to be a responsible adult is a joke..
I dont know one single girl whos parents tried to treat them like adults at 11 -15 that behaved as parents wished..other than the nerdy and prude girls...
My parents had my sis under lock amd key.. witb two older brothers she didnt date till she was in college literally...and married the first guy she dated ..he has his phd amd she has bachelor's degree in accounting and is working on her masters...boom strict ass environment and a success story..
They both are semi retired and hes 40 and shes 32...she goes to school and he sales stuff on ebay from home..they both were able to quit regular jobs their well enough off...
My parents tried to be buddies with my older brother and treat him as adult. Had him paying bills and working part time at 16...hes a failure and lives with my mom now. No vehicle and o mo ey..
Im sure others could share stories about different results under same circumstances but...
Kids are kids.... not adults. Now if she was 15 or older yea u neex to treather like a young adult
This girl is 11...she needs parents being parents not handing her condoms and advice on being responsible....
Blueedge said:
Your point wasnt proven...I continued to be good and stayed clean i attended my senior year without my mom and maintained good grades...until I was in 22 when I went through a very nasty relationship with a girl who used drugs...within 2 years of dating her I had begun using heavily....teaching an 11 year old boy crazy girl to be a responsible adult is a joke..
I dont know one single girl whos parents tried to treat them like adults at 11 -15 that behaved as parents wished..other than the nerdy and prude girls...
My parents had my sis under lock amd key.. witb two older brothers she didnt date till she was in college literally...and married the first guy she dated ..he has his phd amd she has bachelor's degree in accounting and is working on her masters...boom strict ass environment and a success story..
They both are semi retired and hes 40 and shes 32...she goes to school and he sales stuff on ebay from home..they both were able to quit regular jobs their well enough off...
My parents tried to be buddies with my older brother and treat him as adult. Had him paying bills and working part time at 16...hes a failure and lives with my mom now. No vehicle and o mo ey..
Im sure others could share stories about different results under same circumstances but...
Kids are kids.... not adults. Now if she was 15 or older yea u neex to treather like a young adult
This girl is 11...she needs parents being parents not handing her condoms and advice on being responsible....
You love to go to extremes...where did I say to treat them as a adult or give her condoms...read before you rant! And when you actually raise a child come back and tell us how it works. As for me I have, and by educating my son he has learned to think before acting. He maintains Honor roll status, not because I held his hand like a bitch but becuase he is educated and was allowed some freedom to learn how to take responsibility for himself.
My wife and I were extremely active in my sons life. We taught him about sex from the time he was 4 years old (age appropriate of course) and continued with that as he got older. We always gave him the tools he needed to make the right decisions....He didn't always make those right decisions, but it wasn't because we didn't inform him. Did he disappoint us sometimes, yep. But, that's part of growing up and learning how to be an adult...mistakes will be made, lessons will be learned. But, we were ALWAYS in control.....If it wasn't appropriate we stopped it. As he got older, and did things that weren't appropriate we had to approach things with looser reins, but we still approached them.....You have to be active in their life and be willing to be the bad guy in order to be a good parent. Period.
MY baby girl is same age. Its not your daughters fault its your fault for letting her have this much personal space. Before you jump my shit I was in same boat 2 months ago for THE SAME DAMN STUFF.

We as parents trust our kids to much. But there still kids and do stupid shit kids do. We have to have our noses in the face every day. If not this is what happens. Get rid of the kick account, no instagram, facebook or anything. Shes 11 not 15. Shes going to hate you as out daughter hates us but we are not friends. We are parents to our kids.

We have found that now we know way more about whats going on in her life as she has to use the HOUSE PHONE lol. anyway my 3CCs
Buck said:
MY baby girl is same age. Its not your daughters fault its your fault for letting her have this much personal space. Before you jump my shit I was in same boat 2 months ago for THE SAME DAMN STUFF.

We as parents trust our kids to much. But there still kids and do stupid shit kids do. We have to have our noses in the face every day. If not this is what happens. Get rid of the kick account, no instagram, facebook or anything. Shes 11 not 15. Shes going to hate you as out daughter hates us but we are not friends. We are parents to our kids.

We have found that now we know way more about whats going on in her life as she has to use the HOUSE PHONE lol. anyway my 3CCs
Buck 😡 :'( that's it I'm whooping her ass lol
You'll have to personalize your relationship with your daughter as no kid is the same at all. Some kids growing up in the same life as myself turned out entirely different than myself, most cases much worse. I had my fair share of mistakes but In the long run I turned out great. Being open about things will help a ton, give freedom but keep some sort of limitation on it. Let her earn it back from where she is now, but don't restrict it too much, for most kids that's a recipe for disaster. Yes, blue, sometimes it works, but those cases are the minority. Where I grew up, the ones who lived a sheltered life turned into absolute freaks with partying, drugs, sex etc as soon as they broke loose, or even every time they had a chance to sneak out. That's coming from me whom my significant other lived a pretty sheltered life, however she was one of the few who turned into a responsible adult and never even went through a wild phase.

Kids will make mistakes. Its part of growing up. Let them make those sometimes and learn, as hard as it will be especially with a little girl. I'm not saying let her go get laid at age 11. Hell no. Keep her from that shit as long as possible, but give her the amount of freedom she needs at that age. She needs friends outside of school, not guy friends, but friends. I wouldn't say have the school keep her away from boys. If that's what you do then boys will feel taboo and as soon as she gets the chance she's going to want to hurry and find out everything she can about the first one she can sneak with. Let her interact with boys at school as if they were just like her girl friends. Not much is going to happen during recess in elementary school even if they tried.

As she develops give her a bit more freedom. Also, be her parent, and also a bit of a friend. Don't throw parent out the window to be a friend, but also keep the relationship strong with your kid. You'll be happy about it later so long as you maintain the respect you deserve as her parent. Its not going to be easy, but it can be done. When she gets through this little spell, give her her iPad or whatever back, but have her know what she's not to do on it, and keep monitoring it. She fucks up again, its gone longer. 3rd time, out the window. Let her chat with her friends, boys or whatever, but let her know she's too young for the talk she's doing , and that that kind of talk will not be permitted.
This thread had me checking all my kids stuff .... turned me into capt over protective again ...
I got no advice that the bros havent already said they all hit it on the head.

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