i think i met a new princess, bros


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we are going out to lunch next week and have been talking daily. she is in recovery like me, only about 4 months clean/sober. i will probably catch flack for dating her, but it feels right. i had no intentions of dating anyone else in recovery, especially a relative newcomer, but it just happened.
Well hopefully this can help you both out and it a match made in heaven buddy..!!! Lmfao... but seriously good for u bossman
Do ur thing man !!!! Wish u the best !!!
Just don't get blinded by ur feelings too soon , I kinda went thru a similar situation , but for everyone it's different . U can't go by the stereotypes and shit .
Gl. I thought I met one myself but now doubting it
i hated the don't date for a year thing.. you guys have a lot in common you can both help each other and if thats codependent fuck it you know when you're in love . don't let it pass , life's only moments and memories in the end . make all you can
A 4 month clean isnt going to help you...they can barely help themselves. True life is memories...use good decisions and make them positive memories. My .02 having been through it bro.
i got into two relationships my first year. the first one, i thought she was THE ONE. but then she sent me on my way. i'm lucky i made it through that clean, so i am going to proceed cautiously here. i don't want to fuck up her recovery. or mine.
ive been clean and sober 27 years Wednesday July 8th.. forth of July 1988 was my last binge weekend
misterB said:
ive been clean and sober 27 years Wednesday July 8th.. forth of July 1988 was my last binge weekend
Congrats brother that's huge!
bossman said:
i got into two relationships my first year. the first one, i thought she was THE ONE. but then she sent me on my way. i'm lucky i made it through that clean, so i am going to proceed cautiously here. i don't want to fuck up her recovery. or mine.
Yeah bro... if your serious about your recovery then use caution. Sounds like you've already talked yourself into it... the heart will always win the mind in matters of "love". You'll believe anything you want to believe. You know the deal... good luck bro!
yea be strong dont make her a crutch but help each other and if shit does not work shes no excuse to get fucked up, its never worth it the next day trust me i quit a million times before the day i made it stick
there's never an excuse to use. i plan on staying clean no matter what.
Hanging out with her tomorrow, bros. we went out to eat with some of my recovery friends and she was getting kind of affectionate with me, so i guess the cat's out of the bag, even tho nothing has happened yet.
things are going good, taking it slow on account of her early recovery. going to the beach with her tomorrow. we'll see how it goes. more will be revealed.

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