I was at the Gym last night and :


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Buddy asks me to spot him as he does his lifts. Told him I would as soon as I finish my set. A 17 year old kid says "I'll spot you if you need one". (He's a good kid,, thirsty for knowledge), But my buddy says "No, he wants to wait for me". So, I come over. He has 225lb loaded and gonna do 8 reps. I don't even notice he uses a Suicide grip. On rep 7 he lifts and is just short of lockout, and.......Bam!!! The bar squeezes out of his palms and down on his chest! (I should note, the reps where not a problem, no indications of failure) My hands were there, but I couldn't catch it, no warning. I feel awful, my bud is on the ground in agony (I didn't offer him water, though!), can't breath, and the whole gym is over there standing over him as he's cussing about his chest. Today he seems to be alright, gonna take a few days he says.
So the question....What could I have done? The first conclusion is: From now on, anybody using a suicide grip asks me to spot, I have to make it my rule I will have a grip on the bar at all times whether they like it or not. Other than that, I really don't know what I could have done differently?
if his grip let go a true spot was not at all the failure...
GRIM said:
if his grip let go a true spot was not at all the failure...
GRIMI wanna agree....just seems like I should've been able to do something. But, I know..Nobody has that kind of reaction time. It would be super human
not to mention no matter how strong you are how you going to grab 200+ from a complete free fall w/o hurting yourself?

I'm sorry but those who use a suicide grip are asking for it, this example goes to show...
Re: Re: I was at the Gym last night and :

TSizemore said:
Buddy asks me to spot him as he does his lifts. Told him I would as soon as I finish my set. A 17 year old kid says "I'll spot you if you need one". (He's a good kid,, thirsty for knowledge), But my buddy says "No, he wants to wait for me". So, I come over. He has 225lb loaded and gonna do 8 reps. I don't even notice he uses a Suicide grip. On rep 7 he lifts and is just short of lockout, and.......Bam!!! The bar squeezes out of his palms and down on his chest! (I should note, the reps where not a problem, no indications of failure) My hands were there, but I couldn't catch it, no warning. I feel awful, my bud is on the ground in agony (I didn't offer him water, though!), can't breath, and the whole gym is over there standing over him as he's cussing about his chest. Today he seems to be alright, gonna take a few days he says.
So the question....What could I have done? The first conclusion is: From now on, anybody using a suicide grip asks me to spot, I have to make it my rule I will have a grip on the bar at all times whether they like it or not. Other than that, I really don't know what I could have done differently?
Friends don't let friends suicide grip... but seriously you said you didn't notice. I suggest approaching every spot with total concentration and seriousness. If you noticed would your hands have been on the bar?

I have and will always use a suicide grip. I dont really understand how this happened I would have to be there for sure to understand. But it sounds crazy to me.. did his arms go forward??
CROSS80 said:
I have and will always use a suicide grip. I dont really understand how this happened I would have to be there for sure to understand. But it sounds crazy to me.. did his arms go forward??
CROSS80Nope. Just squeezed right out of his hands! Damndest thing.
TSizemore said:
CROSS80 said:
I have and will always use a suicide grip. I dont really understand how this happened I would have to be there for sure to understand. But it sounds crazy to me.. did his arms go forward??
CROSS80Nope. Just squeezed right out of his hands! Damndest thing.
makes you wonder what he did before the gym that his grip was so slippery 😉
lol @ grim that is so crazy man.. I have big hands so even if I dont put my thumb around the bar my fingers still wrap around it.. does dude have small hands??
There was nothing you could have done. Dont feel guilty, was his own fault... 😛
There are certain risks assumed when using that kind of grip. Anyone thinking that you can react to 200+ pounds free falling without nitice is nuts.
As a spotter, your job is to assist in helping with a last rep or two at a weak moment. A lift with risk of complete failure typically has several people spotting from different positions like the big boys do when pressing massive ass amounts.
Don't sweat it, there was nothing you could have done differently!!
True. a spot should consist of helping off the rack, maybe helping push out the last few reps, and helping back on the rack... Not stopping all the weight from slipping out of hands... I've had some
Close calls myself. I went heavy on chest and right before I left tried 80 lb dumbbell press... I almost took it to the face and I would have had my boy not
Been watching me
lol @ grim that is so crazy man.. I have big hands so even if I dont put my thumb around the bar my fingers still wrap around it.. does dude have small hands??
ODINSBLOOD"yes he does"
That sucks but your the "spotter" not the bar catcher! I would say normally when you spot someone your not looking for the bar to come crashing down on someone with it falling out of their hands. Your waiting for them to drop it DOWN from not being able to complete the rep. Not the same kind of mindset or precautionary measures being taken. Bottom line its not your fault and 225 on the chest isn't really thatbad. Head or neck yes, tell him to suck it up! haha
We the jury find you not guilty. I use to bench suicide grip and was talked out of that by a good friend and now it don't even feel safe to hold a bar like that.
Thanks everybody for your input. Discussion is good! I do feel better about it now.
Honestly that is one of those things that I think is just unnecessarily dangerous. Not at all your fault, realistically if you did have a grip on it and his arms did give out, you could quite possibly have hurt yourself catching it IMO
When I ask for a spot the bar will never crush me... I might have trouble getting that last rep locked out but my spotter is there to help me not save me
I wouldnt
Have to catch it just
Kind of hold it till he re
Gripped or moved out from under it

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