Ideas for auction


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
So the auction I posted up hasn't gotten any bids and I'm trying to help out the board so if you guys want to give me a list of stuff to put up that people will bid on I'll change my auction to make it more bid able, I pretty much have everything you can think of, so let me know!!
I feel your pain AK. I put up an auction and only got 2 bids. I was expecting it to go for a lot more than what's it's at currently. I'm afraid the same members are bidding at auctions and those same members are beginning to run low on cash.
I'm already tight for cash since I'm the highest bidder currently on two auctions.. But if you throw up some orals to auction off all definitely bid as much as I can. I'm very thankful be a part of this board and all continue to show as much support as I can
Do you have a hot sister ak? J/K brother. The auction idea is coming from a good place but I think a lot of people are tight for cash. I know its for the board and I offered Grim a small donation of cash and gear. I just don't think small personal auctions are gonna get bids if 400 dollar credits are only going for 200.00. From vendors. Not sure it's the best way. I think those that have a few bucks should just send it to Grim. Less risk in shipping and Grim gets what he wants. It's a great idea in theory and it's a great gesture but I just don't see it working.
LittleTom said:
Do you have a hot sister ak? J/K brother. The auction idea is coming from a good place but I think a lot of people are tight for cash. I know its for the board and I offered Grim a small donation of cash and gear. I just don't think small personal auctions are gonna get bids if 400 dollar credits are only going for 200.00. From vendors. Not sure it's the best way. I think those that have a few bucks should just send it to Grim. Less risk in shipping and Grim gets what he wants. It's a great idea in theory and it's a great gesture but I just don't see it working.
Nope my mom gave birth to a household of boys.
remember gentlemen, even when our sponsors put items up for auction the value is 400.00 or more. Sometimes the auction depending on the situation goes for 200.00 I know your intention is raising money for the board however, expecting face value is a little overkill. We have alot of vendors, so we experience alot of auctions. Hang in there, don't get your pride hurt gentlemen I know you mean well but consider it is an auction. I love pharma also but have gotten bloods on alot of our vendors gear. Some of our vendors blow the numbers away of the pharma etc. There could be many reasons why some auctions go fast and heavy and some dont
lith56bigguy said:
remember gentlemen, even when our sponsors put items up for auction the value is 400.00 or more. Sometimes the auction depending on the situation goes for 200.00 I know your intention is raising money for the board however, expecting face value is a little overkill. We have alot of vendors, so we experience alot of auctions. Hang in there, don't get your pride hurt gentlemen I know you mean well but consider it is an auction. I love pharma also but have gotten bloods on alot of our vendors gear. Some of our vendors blow the numbers away of the pharma etc. There could be many reasons why some auctions go fast and heavy and some dont
So youre saying auction off my joker gear!! Haha. And I fully know that my auction wasn't going to get close to retail at all, but at the time not one person had bid, so I was just trying to put something up for people that they would want to bid on, no sense in auctioning off a bunch of stuff no one wants.
For me, it depends on what the auction is. The only AAS I ever keep I surplus is Test and GH as those are easy for me to resell. But I don't really go looking for specific compounds unless I'm in need or someone I know is in need. I'm usually never in need myself because I stock up on what I'll need for my next cycle several months in advance, because I know delays happen.
I told people to make me offers I've had 4 people wanting me to trade the stuff I'm trying to auction for other gear ?? I'm just gonna send in some cash myself i think.
Dago all make you a offer on some orals you got

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