Im spots


Jacked Immortal
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So I've been pretty much using the same 6 spots for years now. I never run that much where I need to inject too much. But I feel like maybe I need some new rotation spots. I do both sides of glutes, quads, and delts. I tried my pec yesterday with winny and it burns going in and has some pip today. Is it because it's my first time with the muscle? And plus winny is a water base injectable so probably a stupid idea to use it on a virgin muscle. I don't mind pecs in the future as it's easy to do but i wondering what other options are there? I did calf once...never again. Biceps once and not that great either. But calf was pretty awful.

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Winny in water is gunna kill anywhere especially a first time spot. I like the vg super easy if you know how to find it. Use it over quads after a quad shot left my leg numb for months.
Winny in water is gunna kill anywhere especially a first time spot. I like the vg super easy if you know how to find it. Use it over quads after a quad shot left my leg numb for months.
FitraverI was thinking the trap? It's a pretty big muscle but I heard it can suck with a lot of nerves there. I haven't tried VG, can I hit glutes and VG the same day with no problem? Or is it too much oil in that one spot?
I was thinking the trap? It's a pretty big muscle but I heard it can suck with a lot of nerves there. I haven't tried VG, can I hit glutes and VG the same day with no problem? Or is it too much oil in that one spot?
Ummmm idk I've never pinned two spots in one day. How much oil you pinning? Why not just rotate?
Ummmm idk I've never pinned two spots in one day. How much oil you pinning? Why not just rotate?
Fitraver I do rotate in the 6 spots I use. I can comfortably pin 2cc in glutes, delts, quads. But i'm about to use primo and it's 100mg/ml so it looks like i'll be pinning more at 600mg ew.
I was thinking the trap? It's a pretty big muscle but I heard it can suck with a lot of nerves there. I haven't tried VG, can I hit glutes and VG the same day with no problem? Or is it too much oil in that one spot?
Ummmm idk I've never pinned two spots in one day. How much oil you pinning? Why not just rotate?
winny gonna hurt no matter where. chest is not bad use a small needle and two hands to keep steady.

you can get like 3 spots on your quads easy.

then you can do TFL, probably my favorite site, no idea why people don't use this more, i only have one big blood vessel there and it's visible otherwise it is PIP free like VG and i have put almost 3 CC in there


delts + pecs

that's 16 spots. you can do lats easy too. you are pretty fuckin lean so half inch needles should be fine, can do small too 27 gauge, i use even 30 gauge for small shots.
I am a glute only right now, hit a nerve in quad and that ended there. I have pinned in pecs, but it burned all day after

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I am a glute only right now, hit a nerve in quad and that ended there. I have pinned in pecs, but it burned all day after

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Bamaquads are hit or miss for me. when i first got on TRT they were awesome. but as time went on and i got more mass in my legs, it becomes more and more frequent that i knick a blood vessel or hit a nerve it seems, at least on the top. inner quad goes way better for me, though there is a bit more pip than the top of the quad.
I pin traps, front delts, side delts, rear delts, pecs, lats, vg, glutes. That give me 16 spots to hit so it is over 2 weeks before I come back to that muscle. I can pin 3ml in every spot with ease. Traps are kinda tricky because you will hit spots that will cause your neck muscles to twitch and spasm. Pecs are simple but you have to go slow because you will feel the pressure if you go too fast and it is alittle uncomfortable when you do that. Lats are simple and don't hurt at all, even with a 22g 1.5" pin!

Pecs are just weird. It's the only place where I can literally feel the oil go in. Not really painful but I guess it's not bad once you get used to it. Just a weird feeling.

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Pecs are just weird. It's the only place where I can literally feel the oil go in. Not really painful but I guess it's not bad once you get used to it. Just a weird feeling.

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Andrew0409Yea that was what I mean by go slow with pecs, it builds pressure and you can feel it in there if you push too much too fast.

for guys that do i suppose to go 90 degree straight in or at an angle?
I used to pin a lot of test suspension. Other than the twisting around the lats took it like a champ. I recently started using triceps not bad but no more than 1ml for me right now. The more you rotate and smaller the pin 25g or lower the better off guys like us will be in the future. Scar tissue not a nice bitch! Feel for the I call it a nerve pac runnin down the lat you hit that and pain takes on a whole new meaning.
I usually pin lats with a 22g 1.5" pin. They are a big muscle and I want to get deep in it, I did use a 25g 1" pin before but I hit a vein and put 3ml in it and ended up in the hospital for days, so now I will only use a long pin to get deep ion the lat so that don't happen again.

I know most people don't aspirate. But I've hit veins a lot in my quads and glutes. Like a lot. I hit 2 spots after one spot pulled blood in my quad and moved and still pulled blood. As a former IV user....I can't imagine putting that in your veins. Ouch. Lats I did today. .5in. Super easy as I'm pretty lean. I did pecs again not so bad, tried to use a .5 but my chest needs a 1in to get through IM.

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TMM it is good to go deep I think you can get 25g 1.5 it will cut down on scar over time. I use 25x1 in most cases if I go glutes a 1.5 triceps 25x5/8 I try to always stay away from nerves and veins feel around 1st rotate frequent heat gear if needed and always aspirate plus real slow push. You guys really got me thinking about inj winny here the ladys been pushin me for it for some time.
TMM it is good to go deep I think you can get 25g 1.5 it will cut down on scar over time. I use 25x1 in most cases if I go glutes a 1.5 triceps 25x5/8 I try to always stay away from nerves and veins feel around 1st rotate frequent heat gear if needed and always aspirate plus real slow push. You guys really got me thinking about inj winny here the ladys been pushin me for it for some time.

I know most people don't aspirate. But I've hit veins a lot in my quads and glutes. Like a lot. I hit 2 spots after one spot pulled blood in my quad and moved and still pulled blood. As a former IV user....I can't imagine putting that in your veins. Ouch. Lats I did today. .5in. Super easy as I'm pretty lean. I did pecs again not so bad, tried to use a .5 but my chest needs a 1in to get through IM.

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I never used to aspirate before I ended up in the hospital. At that point I had been using gear for 10+ years and never aspirated and to think back now I am dang surprised it didn't happen to me well before it did! I have been aspirating every pin since and there has been several times where I drew back blood and had to repin another spot!! I use a 22g 1.5" for my glues and VG, and I use a 25g 1" for every other spot I inject.

I only pin my glutes, outer thighs.
Shoulders only for bases and suspensions!

I don't aspirate. My Dr even told me all approved injection sites are not protocol because of lack of viens and nerves.

I use 25ga 5/8" to 1". But sometimes I use 23ga.
Always heat gear in pin. Under hot water!

I have only caught tren cough a couple times in 20 years. I always pin basically above the knot cause it always falls down.

Knot of course I like primo, and mast prop, test prop, and tren.
I have been pinning everyday since August and have 5 weeks to go.

Most important thing is sterile!!! And clean site to avoid bacteria!!!

I draw with one and pin with another!

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I only pin my glutes, outer thighs.
Shoulders only for bases and suspensions!

I don't aspirate. My Dr even told me all approved injection sites are not protocol because of lack of viens and nerves.

I use 25ga 5/8" to 1". But sometimes I use 23ga.
Always heat gear in pin. Under hot water!

I have only caught tren cough a couple times in 20 years. I always pin basically above the knot cause it always falls down.

Knot of course I like primo, and mast prop, test prop, and tren.
I have been pinning everyday since August and have 5 weeks to go.

Most important thing is sterile!!! And clean site to avoid bacteria!!!

I draw with one and pin with another!

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Musclemechanic76On Google search of "IM Injection Aspiration" this comes up at top of Google.
Further reading with fda protocol and CDC do not recomend it necessary in any approved sites for "Steroid injections"
It doesn't hurt to do it, but I don't.

"However, it may be indicated for IM injections of medications such as PCN. ... Perry & Potter describes aspirating when using Z track method of injections; yet for routine injections in the deltoid or vastus lateralis muscles, aspiration is not necessary as the sites do not contain large blood vessels.

Question: What is the current practice for giving an IM injection ...

Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses › q...

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