
My dad had worked his whole life and when he died at 80 all he had was 800€ retirement while immigrants get 1500€ and more for doing NOTHING ....
lith56bigguy said:
I have s very strong feeling just as you can have an id falsely created, you can have a set of papers drawn up under a name that is registered. Look at the illegals that got caught with voter registrations. How did that happen???? I don't have the answer all I know is until America's children have homes and veterans are taken care of I don't give one fuck for an illegal immigrant
Vets do deserve more however most homeless are because of drugs and other issues, cant force help on them. its still sad though.
illegals registering etc has largely been overblown and proven false, however im sure some does happen
grim date=1488417598 said:
Vets do deserve more however most homeless are because of drugs and other issues, cant force help on them. its still sad though.
illegals registering etc has largely been overblown and proven false, however im sure some does happen
grim date=1488417598Regardless, I don't care about the illegals... I will protect my own first. There are many problems we need to fix in reference to Americans before illegals are concerned. Right now we are over crowded and they just keep breeding cause it kept them here
i share your view bro, just dont want our own fucked if not done right
tkasch30 said:
That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. Lol. I'm white never hunted a day I'm my life. Illegals do the work citizens won't do because there paying the illegals shit with no benefits. Which helps nobody but the business owner so the guy sounds like a sack of shit to me.
actually it keeps your food costs down, lawn care, construction etc as well

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