Insulin does not build muscle

Just from a search that really looks to be bro science..
the vid actually makes sense..esp just injecting a ton of slin.
A ton if slin might be the problem there. It’s sorta like gears in a watch... take out one gear and and the watch doesn’t work. But the gear is necessary part of the complete process. So, no bro science, I know this for fact. I’ve been working my ass off in med school for almost 7 years, and have a very good understanding of the endocrine system and so on. That guy is cherry picking to make a web video.
It’s selective information. If you look at the complete picture of insulin’s function at a cellular level... yes it is anabolic. You can say protein doesn’t build muscle, but we know it is necessary to build muscle. You could say fatty acids don’t build muscle, but they are necessary to build muscle. And so on... really, believe what you’d like.
Pretty much every single site stating 'most anabolic' a bb site not science site that is bro science the very definition
Then I would try medical reference material. I am speaking from professional knowledge in physiology, not bb websites. It’s all good bro... you’re probably right.
I have read numerous studies not one points to it being the most anabolic actually they all point the same direction most anabolic effects in certain cases, and many talk about how BBers claims are BS. They do state anabolic but nowhere near BB site claims, not even close from every scientific study I read thus far.

If it was the most anabolic, why arent women blowing up natty as natty men do or near so?

The only things that claim 'most anabolic' are BB sites that is the very definition of bro science.

BTW not saying it isnt anabolic one bit, just questioning the 'most anabolic' claim
All my scientific reading disputes this, only place the claim made I see BB sites
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I just saw video with DAVE PALUMBO and some Vets where they say the same. Insulin is not anabolic, it doesn’t cause muscle growth. Basically just swells you up and after some time , you look like Pee Wee Herman , or just smaller .
Heard of Rich Piana injecting insulin for the expos just to look bigger!
And bodybuilders used to take insulin before photo shoots to look nutty, and the following day , they looked like they lost all their gains .
Again , these are just things I’ve seen on videos !!!
I think you’re getting hung up on verbiage. What other hormone in the body is most anabolic? Insulin is a necessary part in the process, whether you or Dave Palumbo agree or not. Lol
I’m not referencing any google or body building... it is medical fact. But it’s ok, I’ll leave it there. Good thread...
I think and only my opinion from using it that it is a great tool if not abused. Having the ability to inject something that floods your muscles with aminos, carbs, etc before and after a workout produce better gains and promotes healing. When I would just use 5iu and drink a carb and amino loaded ore work out it was amazing how full I felt and looked that look and feel didn’t last more than a hour or two but helped provide a clear edge in while working out.
Walker, If used as such over a cycle the insulin would have helped pack on some lean muscle that would not have been gained without.
Scientific studies which I read a ton of them sure dispute this 'fact' many of them actually
BASH the bro science. But what do actual Drs and Researchers know.

Most of them say its only really proven to be anabolic in those who need insulin, and that BBs use wishful thinking

Google isnt scientific papers, the ONLY places claiming its 'the most anabolic' is BB sites that should tell you something.

Every single study etc I read Testosterone is the main Anabolic with insulin feeding it in best case scenario
This I can agree with it floods or can flood nutrients 'the most anabolic' however nothing states this but BB sites, science states the opposite
Plus an edge, sure you were using anabolics as well, so just an 'edge' over those I mean everything disputes the 'most anabolic' its like 1 idiot claimed it BB latched onto it when it has no basis in facts
i wouldn't mess with it, personally, whether or not it adds muscle. that and DNP are my no list. Tren was on there too, but i'll probably give that a try soon---like over the summer.
Studies make lack not many people are injecting superficial amounts like BBs to be study I would imagine most studies are using normal studies. Either way it’s a personal decision I guess I know guys swear by it and some don’t.
Again not saying it dont work what Im saying is ONLY BB sites state most anabolic.
There simply is zero backing on this claim

As far as the post below that was deleted it honestly doesnt make much sense.

Same could be said if you don't eat at all, now is food the most 'anabolic' item we have?

Of course nutrition, delivery of nutrition etc is going to give edges does that equate to 'most anabolic' substance, ummm hardly.
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Really easy read on anabolism and insulin.

Again, truly understanding the process of why or how insulin is anabolic on a cellular level is likely the issue. Insulin is necessary. Without insulin, there will be no muscle growth. It’s “most” anabolic hormone moniker is probably due to the amount of access, production, role playing, and function in the body. A very moot point to get hung up on. Insulin role as an anabolic hormone is common knowledge. No pHd or broscience necessary. Lol

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