Insulin does not build muscle

There have been studies of people taking test (and Var I believe) and not making a dietary or exercise change and still gaining muscle. Not much but they did.

I’ve used insulin before. Eh not overly impressed but I’m certainly not an expert. Chad Nicolas recently said he doesn’t think too much of it.

I guess it’s anabolic. Without you can’t really get nutrients moving through the body. Plays a role in process. But by itself without anything would you still gain muscle?

Guess it’s how we define anabolic. By itself or as part of a process.
No bullshit I was waiting for you to say something about those.
I don't understand the hype in this conversation. I mean it's simple when you take tren or dbol or some other compound do you see results? Of course you do we know they work that's why we use them. If you've used slin and didn't see any gains or strength increase then there is your proof. Why keep going over something that if isn't giving results any attention at all. Tell you what I'ma do ima add some humalog into my training program for the next 30 days and I'll give you my thoughts. Anyone want to give some input go ahead.
Tell you something else when Erik gear head was around he had some of the best gear I ever used and one of the best lists as well. He used to give me 50 dollar store credit for every humalog pen. I'd save up 20 or 30 pens and cash them in for anything on his list only thing I couldn't get was HGH. Dude would would send me big packs of juice and always looked out for me but he wanted those pens.
I swear by insulin hgh slin tren look the fuck out not saying that its anabolic its self but it really helps put you body in the perfect state for growth.
So how exactly do you guys use it? Like pwo once a day or 3x day I've read so much on it but never really used it
I have to see it in the morning when I wake up with a shake, then eat a half hour later and preworkout with a shake and also a intra shake. Never more than 5 iu and never after workout mainly because I tended to be in gym late and didn’t want to sleep before it peaked. Have also used just preworkout no morning.
I've never competed just tried to stay strong lean and in shape. Normally pwo I have a shake with a glass of grape juice to spike insulin levels. So if I do 5iu pre work out what do I load up on carbs? Usually a shake and a bowl of rolled oats or a baked sweet potato with a banana is what I go in to workout on. I'm no pro here but i thought slin was for pwo to send all the nutrients and protein to your muscles. After pwo shake and simple carbs within an hour I usually have a good solid meal chicken breast w baked sweet potato or some whole grain pasta. ???
10iu pre workout with a protein shake good solid meal after the gym. Been using slin on and off for years never had the need to go past 15iu slin is great for breaking thru plateaus
True... it’s just part of the processing. Either anabolic or catabolic, insulin is anabolic no doubt. It it useful on cycle... yes absolutely in very small quantities. 5-10 iu 15 mins preworkout followed by 50 g Karbolyn, the PWO meal ... is amazing results.
The life cycle of insulin you are using determines what nutrition is needed. Rapid acting will set it in 15-20 mins and peak around 90 minutes. So having 80% of the carbs needed to cover the insulin already digesting will avoid any hypoglycemic events. Then you PWO meal and maybe another 2-3 iu if necessary.
Great point mattyice, knowing the type is a must IMO and for safety anything other than a rapid acting should be avoided.
I would only use preworkout with Karbolyn... it is slow digesting and rapid digesting carb without sugar. I covered 6g carb per iu insulin novalog. Maybe try 7-8 just to be safe. Have a juice drink on hand in case you start feeling wonky. 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. The pump and intensity of the wo will be amazing.

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