Interesting Joker/Black label update

Great now I'll never get my gear , DAMNIT !!!
Oh well I guess money down the tubes !!!
Well fuck! Thanks for sharing LT..... I've pushed the envelope to many times with him, I always paid minimum just incase, but it still sucks!! Makes me feel like the earlier story was complete bs...... Which seemed odd in the first place. We all need to just move on,as bad as it sucks. Don't need to waste any more time on him....
I think the Joker fan base that existed here is dead. He should never be allowed to return to this board again because he's a security risk. Even though I honestly don't believe all the story telling anymore. I have my own theory about why he's been so unreliable for the past year. We have so many good sponsors here that makes quality gear and don't repeatedly lie to people about T/A times, so why open a can of worms if and when he tries to return and make good on what he owes people. I doubt he will at this point, because I've been following the Black Label thread on Eroids (not a member) and he owes far more people there than he does here. And some have been waiting even longer than we have from the Black Friday sale. Write it off as a loss, even if he tries to return, and move on guys!
Could the members who lost out on items make a thread and put what they lost out on and are in need of so other members can help them in need please.
Ya he was a dirty dude man. One time I ordered 30 bottles from him. An 200 clomid am supposed been 150 arim tabs. Okay well I got all my liquids. After 2 months of waiting an everyone was bitching on here. He owed me peewee, biglith, tKascho, a lot of people hear around this time last year exactly. I got to 2 packs. One from road island. One from Texas the same day I'm like wtf. The liquids was joker labs. I opened the other pack. It was black label labs or whAtever. He shorted me 50 Adex tabs. An on the Adex pack it said anastrole .5mg. So i was like bro I've never even seen Adex .mg. he's like o my tab guys wife printed the label wrong. He did send a bottle tren 400 an a bottle of prop. Said he was making up for his tab guys mess up. Thing I wasn't no other guy. Black label was him man in the first place. He showed us all when mick was a tracking him lol. His whole lab. But u guys seen black label. Then he had white bottles with 4 lear clovers on it. Then joker labs. Point in making he lied was him the whole time. He did make it right but I needa that Adex. Ended up getting some from a better faster vendor. I think when he can he needs to refund everyone's money. Or least donate to the board since he acts like his bank account is so big. I no if I came at him with a 900 dollar order fuck he was emailing pm all that lightening fast. An if he can't return funds or donate to are home here. Or actually send people there packs yes he shouldn't be allowed back on here. He's the biggest keyboard warrior I hate looking at his threads. Sometimes I do just to get a laugh he'll talk shit to everyone being all defensive. If u wasn't running a shit job operation. There wouldn't be 20 guys waiting on packs. Now I will say the black label I got was good his clomid was good. The Adex being .5 I had take 2 eod. Just a honest review brothers
I'm sorry dirtyjoe but I really don't understand what you are trying to say.
He maid me test prop and mast prop mix 5 vials and they maid me sucks as a dog and and he said he would use a different oil and send them a new batch to me and never happen. This was way back in the summer ! I eneded up tossing 5 vials lol
just remember any source even the best can go bad and you loose your money.... from being busted to being a drug addict to a divorce , all can send a good source bad...

there were warning signs with joker.... the story about flushing the raws after being paranoid while doing drugs... he's going through a divorce (she could be trying to get him busted?)...

don't get me wrong ...i really liked the guy ...and would have rated him as one of the best a while back.. he gave very generously to the board and members... had great sales and great gear. but like i said even the best can go down....

we all can learn from this and hopefully members and vendors (like pristyn already) will likely help some of the ones hit.

i learned a hard lesson recently .... ran my mouth to questionable guys about how much gear i had stashed... one of them broke into my house and stole it all!!!... education is never free.... i won't be running my mouth about my shit anymore
thabeast said:
I'm sorry dirtyjoe but I really don't understand what you are trying to say.

Ya I'm working an it's auto type. Basically he lied. He acted like black label was another person not him. An he shorted me on my Adex. An acted like it wasn't him. That it was his tab guy aka black label. When it was him the whole time. is that more clear for u? He did make up for the shortage of my Adex. By sending tren 400 e. Test prop 100. But I needed Adex not the extra oils. Do u understand what I was saying now? Sorry just auto type an working at the same time.
thabeast said:
I'm sorry dirtyjoe but I really don't understand what you are trying to say.
Also I was saying if he can't get people there packs. He should refund them the money. Or donate to the board. To get back on here, I'm a not kiss is ass. I got my vendors an there never no sad story's with them. Just being honest as always
halfnatty said:
Oh and I was getting red lumps and swollen anywhere I injected

Damn bro I never got any bad gear from him ever. Just lies an I can't stand liars. Cheats or theifs. I guess I got lucky never getting bad gear from him. An he's also I agree if he's so hot an LE is watching him I'd say he's a risk for us all. Till things cool down I for sure wouldn't let him back in here. For all of us to be safe. Sorry half natty about your gear I believe I've vouched for his gear several times saying how high quality it is, an that he always lands with his packs. I had good luck with him I guess never got shitty gear. Did take 2 months to receive. But only thing he did was lie to me. That's it. If he's black label then he lied to me.
Damn krustus!!! Ya u can't trust anyone now a days. Brother i keep what I'm using at the house that's it. The rest u can say. My stock pile u couldn't find it less I showed u. An I've never showed anyone my hiding spot, put it this way. U would literally have to get inside the walls of a house I own. Cause in the state I live in. Roids is a class c felony. U can get up to 7 years for poss it. Why I keep just enough at home. That if them punk bitches got t knocking or kicked the door in. I could literally open a window throw the few bottles out the window or just destroy them. Can't do shit with a broken bottle can they? Sorry about your luck. Man that's crazy u show someone your stash an they steal it. Bro I be getting some street justice on them, id be getting my shit back. That's for sure. Why I trust only a few people enough I can count on one hand. Gotten a lot wiser with age.
Pretty sure Joker is having some seriuos issues with substances that make prople paranoid and unreliable. I just hope he gets the help he needs. By the rules I follow Joker could get hurt pretty bad for what he has done. Im pretty sure there are a lot of pissed off brothers on both sites he was listed on.
AkProGuy said:
Pretty sure Joker is having some seriuos issues with substances that make prople paranoid and unreliable. I just hope he gets the help he needs. By the rules I follow Joker could get hurt pretty bad for what he has done. Im pretty sure there are a lot of pissed off brothers on both sites he was listed on.
You're not the only one thinking Joker is back using again. I've had conversations with a few other members in private and all of us have been thinking he's strung out.
??? Like meth? That a make ya really paranoid. I've struggled with addiction an beat it. I used make meth, use meth, I was a junkie for real. But I figured out the hard way. An now with age i think how stupid I was period doing that shit. Ya if that's the culprit u guys are speaking about meth is a mean drug, even worse is herion. Herion doesn't make u paranoid though. It's a opiate it's like the user depends on the drug. Meth is way different. It's easy to quit if u want a better life. I decided I'd rather spend money on stuff that makes my body look good than use drugs that make me skinny an look like walking death. Drugs period are bad nation wide. I don't consider roids a drug. Is it addictive yes. But u don't hear man Chris Benoit story's. We may pass earlier. But hey none of us is a live forever. An I don't wanna be 70 in a nursing home either. I go at 60 I'll say that's good enough for me. Live life to the fullest were only here a short time not a long time. Make the best of it. An ill tell everyone any type of powder dope is no good. That a be your life. Dope. Like going swimming or say six flags. Or the beach. On dope ur doing nothing but chasing that drug. It's there fix they have to have it. If he is struggling from that. I don't wish that demon upon my worst enemy. Hope all goes well an this all blows over good an there is a actual happy ending to this.
dirtyjoe said:
??? Like meth? That a make ya really paranoid. I've struggled with addiction an beat it. I used make meth, use meth, I was a junkie for real. But I figured out the hard way. An now with age i think how stupid I was period doing that shit. Ya if that's the culprit u guys are speaking about meth is a mean drug, even worse is herion. Herion doesn't make u paranoid though. It's a opiate it's like the user depends on the drug. Meth is way different. It's easy to quit if u want a better life. I decided I'd rather spend money on stuff that makes my body look good than use drugs that make me skinny an look like walking death. Drugs period are bad nation wide. I don't consider roids a drug. Is it addictive yes. But u don't hear man Chris Benoit story's. We may pass earlier. But hey none of us is a live forever. An I don't wanna be 70 in a nursing home either. I go at 60 I'll say that's good enough for me. Live life to the fullest were only here a short time not a long time. Make the best of it. An ill tell everyone any type of powder dope is no good. That a be your life. Dope. Like going swimming or say six flags. Or the beach. On dope ur doing nothing but chasing that drug. It's there fix they have to have it. If he is struggling from that. I don't wish that demon upon my worst enemy. Hope all goes well an this all blows over good an there is a actual happy ending to this.
That's awesome dirtyjoe! Good for you for changing your life around!

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