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Given the current situation with the coronavirus and a lot of Raws come from that area, to which Black market items do go around customs, how possible do you think that the virus could've gotten through? It is the black market and will evade customs, so could a virus I would think.
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It round easily survive corona virus is a nasty bitch it can survive without a host for at least 7 days some think more in the two week range. There is no stopping this virus without a vaccine It spreads like the common cold. This virus was made with the intention of it affecting as many people as possible. The news try’s to portray this virus is getting under control it’s lies it’s killed tens of thousands more people than what they claim.
temps etc, what its on all makes a big difference, then travel time.
its not as simple as it sitting on say a sink
You can contract the corona virus by walking through where someone sneezed a half hour ago through your eyes I’m sure whoever Created the virus made it pretty resilient
i read the studies on it, certain environments it doesnt last long at all

certain temps, humidities etc, sure easily to control in import end
It’s entirely possible, just unlikely. Really, virology experts haven’t cracked this one yet, so to so no it could not would be foolish.
Actually read more than 1 article on this today experts say its a complete myth.
I must not understand. What is a complete myth? The possible spread of the corona virus?
Through mail..
Bleach kills it from what I hear. Also the common hand sanitizers are selling out fast in the stores too.
Regardless, the coronavirus is not what the liberal media are trying to falsely present to the public. The effects of the sickness and death toll is not even 1/3 that of the common flu. There is a reason hospitals are not really concerned. MY wife works in this field. She doesn't even wan't to har about something so stupid when people ask her.
I don’t know how exaggerated it is, I’ve heard a very low death toll number s in US. But that isn’t really the point of a pandemic. I am a medical professional, and I work with transplant recipients often... believe me, they worry about Coronavirus, the flu has killed many that I know from complications. I see it daily almost in several hospitals. So a virus that can’t be treated effectively, yeah that is bad for anybody. I cases in our state yet... so we’re good!
Death rate is actually much higher than the flu.
Its just gotten to the US very few have even been tested for it as we didnt have hardly any tests...
Trump just blocked a quarantine that was about to be placed in our state. Send them to California. Lol
From fox the right wing hacks
3.4% death rate
Flu in us is like .1 to 05%

Should we be running hysterical? No
The argument that the flu is worse however is void of all facts.
This spreads faster than flu, much higher percent die than flu, flu has treatments.

Most havent even been tested in the US
the ocean also offering large protection.
The flu is already seated into seasonal this thing just begun
Link above says flu easier transmission

Science page following it states

Virus transmission

The measure scientists use to determine how easily a virus spreads is known as the "basic reproduction number," or R0 (pronounced R-nought). This is an estimate of the average number of people who catch the virus from a single infected person, Live science previously reported. The flu has an R0 value of about 1.3, according to The New York Times.

Researchers are still working to determine the R0 for COVID-19. Preliminary studies have estimated an R0 value for the new coronavirus to be between 2 and 3, according to the JAMA review study published Feb. 28. This means each infected person has spread the virus to an average of 2 to 3 people.
Heard... it’s a percentages thing. But a lot of people die from flu complications. So it gets murky. When what starts as the flu becomes ARDS... you can almost forget it.
I see it almost daily... people dying from flu etiology.

So flu is a droplet transmission, whereas Corona is an airborne transmission... which is worse, or to say more difficult to fend off.
Also keep in mind a percentage of the flu vaccine is to fight off H1N1 ... which came from China. So it is at all possible. If anyone don’t think so, then go get you some and let us know how that works out for you. Lmao

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