John Meadows “The Mountain Dog” suffers a heart attack

damn ive watched his vids
What ???!!!
Damn he is always about living a healthy lifestyle, going to have to watch this video and see whats up !!!
He was always pushing himself to the extreme, that may have did him in. I have to watch it to T.
Living the lifestyle he does, that's the hard truth of the risk of such pursuit.
He’s had some blood clotting issues. I hope he recovers well from this. He is very intelligent and shares his knowledge. My prayers go out to him and his family.
Sources saying that it is something to do with a Blood Clotting Issue.
I know he had to have some of his intestines taken out when he was younger and we don't know what kind of meds he has to take due to that. I posted up something about that some time ago, he doesn't have a naval/ belly button, he has a scar running up the middle of his abs.
Well from what I have been able to gather is that he is in the hospital and that the attack was not severe, so maybe he has an underlying issue with blood clots, which caused this.
Covid! LOL
it is causing clots though
@GRIM I wouldn't be surprised if they say that his issues were caused by COVID!!!
All illnesses ATM are in some way, shape, form, or fashion, according to the media , becasue of COVID-19 !!!
Thats bs torres a conspiracy theory
Strokes and clots however have been occurring because of covid

I myself dont watch news
I had heard that damn virus causes them, they said it was manipulated to attack and destroy human DNA and we don't know how far that goes from there....the whole genome????
Heard a report on the radio earlier that they now have an offshoot from the covid-19 that is similar to Kawasaki disease affecting children.

If it is that is some bad shit but again it was engineered to attack human DNA, infiltrate it....
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@Thor Yeah kids getting a syndrome. IDK man part of me is so sick of hearing about it, BUT I fear we sure haven't heard the last of it and its effects are gonna linger FAR more than just the old dying.

Esp the kid thing to me is just awful I HATE hearing about kids being hurt in anyway
First off, to say something about children and the thought of them getting sick over some shit some asshole made or concocted in a lab somewhere makes me sick to my stomach. I have a son, and if anything or anyone were ever to harm him, I wouldnt sleep until heads rolled.
All we can do as adults, for those of us who do have kids, nieces, nephews, whichever is too keep them as healthy as humanly possible so that they are strong to fight off these diseases, viruses. We have to stay vigilant, for their sake.
As far as John Meadows, I saw today on RX Muscle , that he is doing well, that his arteries are clear, except for the ones that had the clot issues. The meds they are giving him are clearing out the clots and his heart is in good shape. The Dr.'s think it may be from the time his colon was removed, a lingering problem, not the Anabolic use like some dipshits may think or blindly point too.
Get Better Mountain Dog !!!
There is zero proof of 'man made' in a lab..

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