John Meadows “The Mountain Dog” suffers a heart attack

its conspiracy theory ZERO facts, goes against science but unfortunately as Trump loves to push conspiracies void of facts he has again
We will never truly know there are so many cover ups. The Chinese would not let other Scientists into the Wuhan, then there is talk of WHO working with China to cover things up, WHO was telling America to work with China to handle this not condemn them or bring a lawsuit, another strike against WHO and strange they are not trying to investigate China themselves. I believe there are a whole lot of coverups going on and there is so much we don't know about everything.

There is technology we don't know about, ther secret Gov't organizations we don't know about beyond the CIA, FBI,NSA et.... Just saying there will always be controversy over this but again, it is kinda of suspicious that this covid crap popped up all the sudden out of nowhere like it was turned loose on us purposely.
Seems some scientist was also murdered over this, I don't have all the facts but it made headlines.
I guarantee you there is more to this than they are letting on, I smell a cover up with some specialist saying yes and having evidence to some saying no.
They claim no one has a system to produce this, I am sure Red China is going tell them all about the unknown technology and developments they have made (not). I feel people are being paid, used and manipulated into getting China off scott free but that is what I see when I read between the lines and I take all there explanations with a grain of salt until they can come up with an absolute explanation and proof.
@Thor The scientist who was murdered was a research assistant murdered by someone close to him, effected non of the research they still all have it, conspiracies bro...

Both non US citizens, police say zero evidence of link to working at University. Research wasn't even done much less a cure as many of the conspiracies claim.

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Our own intelligence, intelligence around the world, top scientists say its not man made.
People who are spreading that have zero back ground in this stuff and wear tinfoil hats.
There simply is ZERO evidence all evidence points to exactly the opposite
Trump as he often does claimed he seen evidence 'right wing conspiracy' his own intelligence service said that's not the case.

A virus much like covid already existed but in Bats...

Well we know covid came from animals originally
@GRIM Yea I read an article where it said the virus or or a type of it was found in a certain bats Guano or shit for the lay man...LOL.......
You know how those Chinese will make soup out of anything now..LOL
@Thor LMAO have you ever watched the vids? Some eat the nastiest shit! Whole turtles, no organs nothing removed, live mice etc

And that's the thing I get other cultures, hell our way of living has caused disease outbreaks in the past.

But Chinese are a bit over the top on their dishes.
Granted not entire population but enough of them!
@GRIM Yea my dad was stationed somewhere over there in the Air force, he said they would bring little monkeys out to customers to play wit, then they would take the monkey and put his head up through a hole in the table and dinner time.
The customers had ball peen hammers and would hit the monkey in the head until dead and than the staff would cut the top of the monkeys head off exposing the brain and there you brain food.
@Thor lmao Ive actually heard of that Ill HARD PASS!

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