
the prototype

Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Looks like he's no longer a vendor on here. I guess I'm not getting my order that he promised to send a month ago. There goes $600 down the drain. I did get my proviron though. I remember on BOP where a bunch of people got ripped off by someone named White Rhino then after he left, Joker pops up and everyone called him a scammer and said he was WR under a new alias. I came to his defense and said to give him a chance but everyone was on edge and pissed. I guess I know how those people feel now. From now on I'm sticking with the vendors I know, Agent Yes, Dyel and EGH. All solid vendors. I waited three months for that order and have nothing to show for it but a bunch of empty promises. Sorry but I needed to vent a little. I kinda saw this coming but gave him the benefit of the doubt.
Wow. Joker never did me wrong and always hooked me up. Hes no longer a vendor but he is still on from time to time. Keep hitting him up
I never used Joker personally and I could be totally wrong but elsewhere Blacklabel labs has seem to blow up lately and they talk about a guy named Irish 😉

I was going to use Joker once but TA killed it for me.

Stick with AY you won't find any problems there.
He's told me 3x now he would ship the order. I paid for my order in late February on my bday. Last time I had to ask the status of my order on the board b/c he ignored my emails. Said he messed up and would personally take care of it. I won a contest when he first came here and the gear was gtg. I got drawn in by the bulk discount. I had so much Test and TRT that lasted a couple years so I was gone from the boards for a while but most of the vendors I dealt with were still around. I should've just gone with one of them but Joker had a sale and responded quicker so I went with him. I try not to pester the vendors and last resort is to post something here to get their attention. Lesson earned I guess.
im still waiting on my march auction but i have dealt with joker a few times, just domt give up yet..... i really think joker will come through in the end.... hes just wanting to be safe right now...
he was set to go private and had security issues going on he made everyone well aware of
I'm not giving up on him yet, but, he was removed for members security reasons. Hang in there, and I'll try to keep contacting him.
Joker will come thru. He is just being really cautious. His gear is top notched and worth the wait. But I understand everyone's nervous and worried. It will work out for all.
I hope you guys are right and he delivers. $600 is more than I could afford to lose but I just got my tax return when I ordered so I had the money at that time plus he was having a sale. I have his old email and I doubt he checks it since he has a new one now. I know his gear is good but three months and still waiting? He said a month ago he would personally handle it and said in a post that it was my fault but he had the wrong order/guy. We got that straightened out, he apologized, remembered my order and said he would ship it.
Mick said:
I never used Joker personally and I could be totally wrong but elsewhere Blacklabel labs has seem to blow up lately and they talk about a guy named Irish 😉

I was going to use Joker once but TA killed it for me.

Stick with AY you won't find any problems there.
I agree. AY is awesome. Figured I'd save a little money and buy some Test in bulk but I've been using her for years. I like that's she's a one stop shop. If you have the cash she's the way to go.
he will come through on the oils, took me 11 weeks and i changed the order cause the black label guy was MIA but jokers solid

someone post the new email it was in his threads that are gone
I got my orals. Waiting on oils. The oils were the bulk of my order. It probably isn't a good idea to post the oils but it was a decent amount. Well for me at least. Enough to cruise for a couple years plus some NPP and tne.
the prototype said:
I got my orals. Waiting on oils. The oils were the bulk of my order. It probably isn't a good idea to post the oils but it was a decent amount. Well for me at least. Enough to cruise for a couple years plus some NPP and tne.
the prototypethen he will come through, hes super paranoid and wont mail stuff if anythings off .
I agree !!! Irish will come thru for u !!! And I do understand how u could think that ur money is lost but give it time .
I also waited some time for my order and was alittle nervous about things but Joker produced . It's crazy dealing w/ the waiting game and we all hate it .
He's a cautious person and like most brothers have said, if he smells shit , he won't step in it . Keep tryin to contact him !!!
I will continue to contact

If you have an E-Roids account and can view the pictures of this lab's gear, it's obvious that Joker is brewing for this op. Details about his packaging also make that clear too. As well as people stating that they had received a mixed bag of Joker Labz oils along with their Black Label Labs order, and undenied references to a "Joker" or "Irish" brewing for them. Note the shamrock on the labels too.

I'm not hating on the guy, btw. There are obviously big bucks to be made sourcing for a much larger E-Roids market than here on EG. I only had one order with him and he filled it without issue. The wait was long for domestic, but I knew what I was getting into when I submitted my order. I hope he does right by the EG members here and hope he stays safe in his new venture.
Bro i hats hear that!! Joker hasnt screwed me over ive heard guys waiting 6 months to land. 600 bucks is alot to anyone. I do believe someone should post his new email. So guys can reach him an not be in the dark. He always had the best bulk deals. But good vendors that dont tax hard. Muscle man. Paxton. Never used egh. Heard hes g2g. Man man i hate see anyone geg burned. Thats why we are hear. Good vendors. An gkkd bulks, seens joker left bulk discounts are higher than usually, never used private yes. Ischus is a gokd vendor he just aint got his list all together yet. Someone shoud get jokers new email. So guys can atleast talk to hm. See whats going on,

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