Just Bought 2 Snakes


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Just bought 2 snakes for the kids today.One is a Corn snake and the other is a Ball Python.Both are babies but the Corn snake is friggin tiny.Probably 10 inches long and his head is like the size of my pinkie nail.LOL

I and we have had snakes in the past and really love having them as pets.Anything you've heard or thought about snakes is wrong.They are the perfect pet.First off,they make no noise,very very little mess and really need no attention other than handling them enough that they become completely use to it and domesticated.Secondly,they dont have to be walked or taken to the vet,or played with.

Next,because they swallow their food whole,it takes a long time to digest which means they can actually go for months without eating but its common to feed them either once a week or once every 2 weeks.So going on vacation with owning a snake is no hassle at all.Make sure they're fed before you go away and their water bowl is full and they are GTG.Unlike my friggin 3 dogs that cost me an arm and a leg to pet in a pet hotel while we travel.LMAO.

They are absolutely the perfect LAZY PET OWNERS PET.LMFAO.

So anyway,the kids have been nagging me to get another snake as we haven't had any in a while so I finally caved in and we went shopping for one.We ended up with 2 though.I had an old 45 gallon tank already as well as a hot rock (for them to lay on for warmth) but I did have to buy another dual heat lamp,more bedding and a bored out tree trunk for them to hide under and climb on and through.

I'll post up pics of them soon.Right now they are getting acclimated to their new home so I dont want to bother them.LOL
i had a red tail boa for 19 years... finally gave him to a breeder when I moved, also had a ball python they are timid little guys hope hes a good eater best getting them as babies.

i got the boa as a baby less than 19 inches and 19 years later he was a large and dangerous beast lol..
I've owned 4 snakes in my day. I know, most bruthas don't own snakes.
misterB said:
i had a red tail boa for 19 years... finally gave him to a breeder when I moved, also had a ball python they are timid little guys hope hes a good eater best getting them as babies.

i got the boa as a baby less than 19 inches and 19 years later he was a large and dangerous beast lol..
19 y.o. damn. How long do they live and how big can they get?

I thought only anacondas and reticulated pythons were the only ones that could get huge, looks like I'm way off.
Jinko said:
I've owned 4 snakes in my day. I know, most bruthas don't own snakes.
Lol or women. Ahh nothing wrong with them I used to be into them big time I still have Big Momma Boa imperial she's pushing 14ft and probably 50 plus pounds
sityslicker1 said:
19 y.o. damn. How long do they live and how big can they get?

I thought only anacondas and reticulated pythons were the only ones that could get huge, looks like I'm way off.
common boas can easily live 25 year even 30 years is common , mine was over 7 feet and about 35 lbs with space and food they can be 15 feet 70 to 100 lbs
Hanzo said:
Just because you say so. I was hoping morrey would follow Hillary around long enough to annoy her and she'd eat him.
Hanzoyou seriously need to stop the personal attacks. You're going back to the hanzo who 'thinks' he's superior to everyone.

Nick the crap out.
WTFever. Like people on here don't go out of their way to take barbs at me.

You need to ease up and take a joke. Sheesh.
Hanzo said:
WTFever. Like people on here don't go out of their way to take barbs at me.

You need to ease up and take a joke. Sheesh.
HanzoUmm they don't hanzo and when they did you cried
GRIM said:
Umm they don't hanzo and when they did you cried
HAHAHA!!! I KNOW you're kidding when you posted that.

Yeah I cry all the time Grim, and I was just kidding with you, so don't start crying also.
misterB said:
i had a red tail boa for 19 years... finally gave him to a breeder when I moved, also had a ball python they are timid little guys hope hes a good eater best getting them as babies.

i got the boa as a baby less than 19 inches and 19 years later he was a large and dangerous beast lol..

Yea,Ball Python's a re notorious for going into fasting states where they dont eat sometimes for month's.Very frustrating.One time I had to set up a separate tank to keep the mice I kept buying thinking it may be the specific mice they didnt want to eat.It sucked.They are very family friends snakes though.As well as the Corn Snake.
Hanzo said:
HAHAHA!!! I KNOW you're kidding when you posted that.

Yeah I cry all the time Grim, and I was just kidding with you, so don't start crying also.
HanzoHanzo I'm talking about how you talk to other members.
Kidding isn't pming me.
Quit the crap a little joke at you or what you percieve at you turns into you being a complete rude dick.
No other admin would let you talk the.way you do.
I make the rules I enforce them,.not you.

Now enough I am the admin I have spoken. Get the topic back on track
sityslicker1 said:
19 y.o. damn. How long do they live and how big can they get?

I thought only anacondas and reticulated pythons were the only ones that could get huge, looks like I'm way off.

They have a pretty good life expectancy.20-30 yrs can easily happen in captivity.How long they get depends upon how big an environment they have to roam.I actually have built custom tanks in the past that were HUGE!! Pretty awesome too.Multiple tree branches for them to climb on,rock water falls,multiple hides for them,all covered with stone tile inside,2 large plexiglass doors on the front to open for easy access,etc.I actually built one many yrs ago in an apartment I was in that was so big,I had to leave it when I moved because it wouldn't fit out the door.LMAO.I just took all the hardware,doors,heating elements etc that I could and left the frame.

But anyway,these I just got will normally only get between 3-4 ft but can get up to 6 ft for the Corn.
Come on guys,lets keep things cool.Lets not let it escalate.We're all family here.

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