Just drained 6mls out of quad


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
So is not the first time by far but it's annoying as fuck..... Did 3ml tren Ace left quad 4 days ago.... Got real bad tren cough... Not abnormal..... Clean gear... Clean inject.... Massaged a bit after.... No pain next day... A little the next... And just increased.... Got a fever and a lump... No redness or heat.... Decided to drain it today...... What the fuck.... Why did this randomly happen? Same gear... Same process as always..... Once a year or so this happens . Too much volume? I feel like it's a waste of gear. Pic for you sick fucks.


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Update... It was actually 1ml tren e 2ml tren Ace.... If that even matters.... Clean gear I've run before.

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happens to me as well, same good gear same injection technique etc
An infection can happen from broken skin from sweating alone no matter how good the gear and inject process was
Yeah I'm assuming something like that... But 3ml normally does not give me issues in my quads..... I use a 23g 1" buried pretty good.... Just weird painful and pisses me off

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Yeah I'm assuming something like that... But 3ml normally does not give me issues in my quads..... I use a 23g 1" buried pretty good.... Just weird painful and pisses me off

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Sucks broski most definitely. The issue arises from so many external factors (Actually quite easy to get a site infected) that it almost has a unlucky randomness tied to it. Does it feel better now that you have drained it?

I’ve had this happen twice in my life, once in early 2014 from gear, once in 2016 for no explainable reason. The second ended up with an infection, i shit you not, that you could trace from my middle deltoid all the way up my neck. I was hospitalized for almost two weeks (10 days) while they worked to stop the infection.
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Sucks broski most definitely. The issue arises from so many external factors (Actually quite easy to get a site infected) that it almost has a unlucky randomness tied to it. Does it feel better now that you have drained it?

I’ve had this happen twice in my life, once in early 2014 from gear, once in 2016 for no explainable reason. The second ended up with an infection, i shit you not, that you could trace from my middle deltoid all the way up my neck. I was hospitalized for almost two weeks (10 days) while they worked to stop the infection.
JDizzle619i had it happen to my quad over a liter drained first night, 3 operations removing necro muscle
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Sucks broski most definitely. The issue arises from so many external factors (Actually quite easy to get a site infected) that it almost has a unlucky randomness tied to it. Does it feel better now that you have drained it?

I’ve had this happen twice in my life, once in early 2014 from gear, once in 2016 for no explainable reason. The second ended up with an infection, i shit you not, that you could trace from my middle deltoid all the way up my neck. I was hospitalized for almost two weeks (10 days) while they worked to stop the infection.
JDizzle619Yeah feels better immediately..... I always have anti biotics on hand as well... I run those for a few days to be safe..... Never have had it get out of hand..... Had a miserable week before but always suck it up and just drain it before it gets to crazy

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Yeah feels better immediately..... I always have anti biotics on hand as well... I run those for a few days to be safe..... Never have had it get out of hand..... Had a miserable week before but always suck it up and just drain it before it gets to crazy

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
BigKevantibiotics from what i've read wont stop a lot of them, ive used them as well however
Yeah feels better immediately..... I always have anti biotics on hand as well... I run those for a few days to be safe..... Never have had it get out of hand..... Had a miserable week before but always suck it up and just drain it before it gets to crazy

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Smart man. You are prepared and consistent. These are things that lack from ALOT of people. Just like I always have Prami, Caber, and Letro just in case. The truth is antibiotics are as important if not more so.

I also wait it out first and foremost because a lot of times it rights itself. I know that sinking feeling day 5 when it’s still fucked LMAO
antibiotics from what i've read wont stop a lot of them, ive used them as well however
Depends on the type tbh. Some of the antibiotics work with certain infections others do not. It’s trial and error I always keep pen amox and a few others on hand just in case. 7 to 10 day cycles but if it doesn’t improve in 3 days time to switch.

If it is a abscess though it can also not be infected I believe or it could end up bacterial. Shit, you got me thinking GRIM lmao.
reminder of what can happenquad.webp
Been running juice for 10 years now. One infection.
20 years of gear. 1 infection and that was dirty gear. They drained it, it was only blood, and I was fine. Maybe not an infection but blood mass.

As for the antibiotics maybe not best idea to self diagnose, teakettle them a few days and switch cause it’s not getting better. That’s how we get super bugs (bacteria that is antibiotic resistant).
20 years of gear. 1 infection and that was dirty gear. They drained it, it was only blood, and I was fine. Maybe not an infection but blood mass.

As for the antibiotics maybe not best idea to self diagnose, teakettle them a few days and switch cause it’s not getting better. That’s how we get super bugs (bacteria that is antibiotic resistant).
That and the 51% of the antibiotics used in the US which is given to our livestock. Yup, that's right 51% of ALL antibiotics aren't even given to humans. We give them to our food to keep them in horrible conditions so they can "survive" those conditions and in the end we create more problems that way too.

Jinko is right. You don't want to take something b/c you think it's the right thing to do. You want to see a doc and take the entire amount of the medication. That's another problem... people stopping their antibiotics early which also causes problems.

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