Just got back from the gym


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Lots of people in their without masks. 1st day I've really noticed it. Not too happy about it. With this virus spreading in many states and masks being the best way to limit the spread of the virus per the CDC and WHO, I don't understand people who don't have the common sense to wear a mask in public. I understand taking it off while doing your sets/cardio/whatever, but not wearing one at all seems ignorant imo. Please don't make this into a political debate; this is a public health issue.
Masks are a false sense of security they offer no protection People constantly adjusting them touching there face. Masks don’t offer a air tight seal. The virus is transmitted through eyes and ears. Stop worrying about covid and go on about your day your going to get it whether you like it or not. Mask or no mask.
I deal with COVID patients on a daily basis. I agree with above. Wearing a mask is at best minimal protection. Your best protection is a healthy immune system. I am not saying that I do not take precautions when I am in contact with these patients but if your gonna get sick its not because you didn't wear a mask. We protect ourselves and we isolate the patient.
Some of my family deals with COVID patients also daily. Distancing yourself is the best. If you’re out mask helps from you spreading it to others. Like covering your mouth when you sneeze. Mask helps minimize amount of particles that escape from your mouth.

If you are naked and start pissing you get piss on yourself and everywhere else. If you have pants on and start pissing you don’t get as much piss everywhere.

Country’s that have it under control and have dramatically flattened the curve have two big things in common. They did a true lock down, not half ass shit we did here, and they wear masks. Pretty simple.
They do help some science proves that but at a gym? No way I'm wearing a mask at a gym
But the ladies are looking good all you see are eyes and hair. Anyone else think that?
That’s the scary part @Durro !!!
Some of these Brauds have teeth that could bite thru a wooden fence , and now with the mask you can’t tell. SCARY !!!
That’s what I’m saying all these ladies looking good because their grill is covered but just like yoga pants they are deceiving!
@Durro , I work at a facility where the Yoga Pants are the thing these women wear, and there's a lot of good looking women. But I have to think that once the pants come off and gravity hits, all that good looking meat turns rancid, LOL !!!
damn! thats why i'm not going to the gym until next year. I've been doing home workouts - walks, runs at the park. dumbells, jumpropes, boxing bag. etc etc.. body workouts too. I'm not going anywhere near gyms, restaurants, movie theaters. I'm staying away from people!
2nd time at the gym yesterday. Almost everyone not wearing masks. 2nd floor with a free for all. Especially the younger folks congregating 3 and 4 deep! The facility is monitoring the number of people but they are not making sure that numbers are not high in one area ( Free weight area)!
Hardly anyone on 1st floor where some of the different Machines are mostly cardio equipment is. Doesn't feel safe.
i feel like we are gonna be locked down again by end of summer/fall because no one is taking this seriously any more.
And don't forget that not all masks even provide protection if worn properly. Not all of them are made and rated for the reason their being worn.

Wash your hands, use common sense, and remember the best thing for us as a community is herd immunity. SO everyone needs to be exposed to build anti-bodies.
what about reinfection? if that is possible, it throws herd immunity out the window
immunity is FAR from proven with this crap so the call for herd immunity really is baseless
More and more coming out of antibodies not even lasting and antibody tests so many use to scream see we all had it etc are failing and detecting other antibodies not necessarily covid

I take it seriously but Im not anal on it

  • A positive test result shows you may have antibodies from an infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. However, there is a chance a positive result means that you have antibodies from an infection with a virus from the same family of viruses (called coronaviruses), such as the one that causes the common cold.

  • We currently don’t have enough information yet to say whether someone will definitely be immune and protected from reinfection if they have antibodies to the virus.
rapid loss of antibodies

I have a friends whose daughter just tested positive. And she's been hanging out with her grandmother and lives with her boyfriend. Both boyfriend and GM have been tested and both came up negative?s
Which makes me believe that what we don't know about the virus is pretty much useless right now shit it all over the map regarding this virus. No one knows really knows WTF to believe!

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