Just got back from the gym

Tests are known to throw false negatives why many need to be tested 2 or 3 times.
But yes much is unknown...
throwing my crazy conspiracy theory out there....does anyone feel that this behaves more like a biological weapon than a virus? Like maybe it was genetically engineered in China and got out somehow?
Both me and the old lady were tested on Friday . Will see what happens?
It's one worst bio weapons ever if so. Bio weapon, think tear gas, works fast and dissipates quickly. The idea is to clear an area fast and allow your team to occupy/take the area quickly.
This was definitely a man made virus it’s to perfect not to be. I’d hate to know what else is behind those lab walls. Its a bsl-4 lab which means it can host and research the worlds most deadliest pathogens. It’s creation and release was intentional.
What makes it perfect? Not trying to be dick, curious thats all.
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Thats been disproven and shot down numerous times by the scientific community
Scientists are paid by the government there going to say whatever keeps their job.
@Jinko the way it infects you can carry it for up to two weeks without showing symptoms unknowingly spreading it everywhere. The rapid progression of symptoms.
most arent paid by the government...
the only ones claiming its man made are right wing conspiracies.
Even our own intelligence services said it wasnt contradicting Trump
Scientist after scientist has stated its not man made, there are literally tons of articles/statements by numerous scientists

If they wanted to keep their jobs they'd of backed Trump

Not one shred of evidence points to man made in fact all points to the opposite bro
The president isn’t anything but a face there’s people way above him that make the world turn. We could argue this all day and not change each others opinion my opinion man made. Scientists that go against the grain are shunned labeled lunatics same with physiologists. We won’t ever know the truth.
It would be in their best interest to say it’s bio weapon China. A better selling point for polices being pushed.
Some that go against grain are lunatics and some aren’t. When my girl has published medical research. In various medical periodicals. It’s amazing the amount of steps necessary to prove what you’re doing is legit and not fabricated. When the ego gets going you’d be amazed how many fake data and get caught. A lot of those discredited researchers, scientists what have faked data and got caught. They want to be published and want to get recognized.
Looks like it's going to be mandated that if someone is outside in my city you must have a mask on or face getting a ticket.

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