Kai Greene Is Trying Out a Plant-Based Diet

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Kai Greene is undoubtedly one of the biggest and strongest bodybuilders out there. Like most, he accomplished this through a diet consisting of meats, eggs, and plenty of other animal-based products.

Now, "Mr. Getting It Done" will be looking to see if he can get it done with a new diet — and a plant-based one at that. After watching the Arnold Schwarzenegger-produced film Game Changers, Greene announced on Instagram that he’ll be trying out the new diet for a week.

“I always knew the Green in my last name would mean to stand for something,” he said in a post that ended with the hashtag #GameCHANGER.

In another post, he said the world turned its back on Popeye the sailor when his name became associated with chicken, rather than spinach. “Damn I feel terrible,” he wrote.


While some welcomed Greene’s decision as a major win for the vegan community, others called it a horrible move by the veteran bodybuilder. He responded to one commenter, who predicted Greene would soon abandon the diet, saying, “I’m trying it out for 7 days - bro watch the doc. Def makes you think.”

Game Changers, which was recently released on Netflix, chronicles the rise of athletes who follow plant-based diets. Schwarzenegger has said people should not only cut down on meat for health reasons, but to reduce greenhouse emissions as well.

There’s been much debate over whether athletes can excel on a plant-based diet, with some arguing that plants don’t have the protein available to help facilitate muscle recovery. But it appears to have convinced at least one person to try going plant-based. Greene said the film spoke to him.

“Idk if you guys saw that Game Changers doc on Netflix but it sure got me all messed up about meat,” he wrote. A few people in Greene’s comments said they’re considering giving up animal products, too.

We’re not sure if Greene will keep up this new diet when the week is over, but it’ll be interesting to see the Predator’s thoughts on it either way.



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7 days isnt near enough time to see if a diet works, you like it etc.
People are sheeple and they believe whatever they see on Facebook or some documentary. People need to read some textbooks and some unbiased scholarly articles.

And yes... he should follow the diet for 1 yr and see what happens. Just follow that and see for yourself what will happen when a vegan diet is used for a strength sport.
no matter what getting the amounts of quality protein would be tough esp at his level.
I watched the documentary and i want to make slow changes into the diet. If it works like it was showing it could be very beneficial
The documentary does a good job of swaying people's minds who aren't educated in the subject matter. I can't wait to see the droves who drop all meat and dairy from their diet and see what happens to them. They'll drop significant weight, sustain greater amounts of injuries, etc...
have not seen the doc but have been vegan for about 2 years. it's not difficult to get protein, but it can be difficult to get iron and b12. i don't notice that much difference in my energy or gym performance, to tell you the truth. I do it more for animal rights and environmental reasons, although i started doing it for my health. i actually think the mediterranean diet is best for health.
kais level even more protein needed very few vegan items have hi protein,
even vegan protein shakes many have more cals per gram of protein

sure there are a few but how many actually are a quality source comparable to meat as ell

i use a lot of vegan protein myself and they just arent comparable
your body can only process so much protein anyway. that is true of Kai's body too, and all humans. If you can't get enough protein on a vegan diet, you don't know what you're doing imo. some vegan proteins are deficient in lysine, so it's good to get some more of that too (oats)
true but kais level = much much higher lbm...and again not all protein is equal not even close bro...
i had someone guide me when i started. he recommended i eat lots of yeast flakes (b12), hemp seed (forget why). and seaweed (forget why again lol). Veganism might be ruining my memory, idk.
you're going to easily take in more calories as well, more calories in most all vegan proteins versus lean meats..
seaweed believe iodine numerous items for metabolism, other micro nutrients i actually eat that
hemp is great fat, the actual plant good protein, fiber
b12 possible deficiency?

Dont get me wrong I am not anti vegan I have boughts of my diet that could be considered vegan I however can tell a HUGE difference when Im depending on just veggies etc and when I add steak to my strength its nuts

Plus most forms of protein in vegan types are much lower protein per calorie of a carnivore style diet

If it works for you its great.
also the protein notion of absorb is bro science
after a certain amount muscle recovery/building doesnt improve
protein is used for far more than muscles though
from the research i've done, optimal protein is 0.8 g-1.8 g per kg. i think the high end is like 2.2 g/kg of what our bodies can process. this is just my understanding of what i've read on pubmed, i could be mistaken or there could be other studies out there i haven't read.
thats for muscle building, not taking into account if in roids.
thats where the bro science is, protein does far more than build muscle

Was on a few studies, scientific pages just today and they specifically pointed out bb forums for spreading this falsehood
i try to eat as much protein as i can but it can be easy to over-carb
exactly my point on vegan forms of protein bro
BINGO... Protein is used for almost everything that takes place in the body and not just building muscle. Again, it would behoove those who aren't educated to pick up a book. Protein is used for building tissues and muscle, hormone production, enzymes, immune function, energy, etc... and I could go on but I think you get my point.

Also the notion that We can only assimilate 30gr of protein at a time is bullshit. An antiquated study done which wasn't even using athletes that are natural let alone ones who are running gear. You do realize that gear allows your body to assimilate higher concentrations of macromolecules like protein right?

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