Legit IGF

Legit IGFLR3 Dosent take long to work. If your not packin on weight every week u got garbage shit. I would also take legit IGFLR3 over hgh anyday. Now hgh u have to wait for gains.
Eman said:
Legit IGFLR3 Dosent take long to work. If your not packin on weight every week u got garbage shit. I would also take legit IGFLR3 over hgh anyday. Now hgh u have to wait for gains.
Eman i know you know your shit and have used igflr3 plenty times but have u honestly ever been able to afford to run legit fda not generic growth? I see monsters on fda hgh and slin not one has ever said I did this with igf1lr3.

Not only that now a days I don't think there's legit shit coming from the research companies. I've never tried igf1lr3 but I'll take it over generics anyday myself.
Eman said:
Legit IGFLR3 Dosent take long to work. If your not packin on weight every week u got garbage shit. I would also take legit IGFLR3 over hgh anyday. Now hgh u have to wait for gains.
Emanalso helps you keep gains and repair injuries.
Has worked great for me numerous times...
49ER said:
i know you know your shit and have used igflr3 plenty times but have u honestly ever been able to afford to run legit fda not generic growth? I see monsters on fda hgh and slin not one has ever said I did this with igf1lr3.

Not only that now a days I don't think there's legit shit coming from the research companies. I've never tried igf1lr3 but I'll take it over generics anyday myself.
49ERigflr3 is not to make one a monster...
I got up to 300+ with very little gear but a lot of igflr3..
Many use a combination of all, years ago igflr3 was the rage, now people who never ran it say its bs.

GRIM said:
igflr3 is not to make one a monster...
I got up to 300+ with very little gear but a lot of igflr3..
Many use a combination of all, years ago igflr3 was the rage, now people who never ran it say its bs.

GRIM I believe it was legit years ago you guys do find some legit IGFLR3 I'd run it myself I'm sure the quality used to be better back in the day
My shoulders were shit then i hopped on IGFLR3 for the first time and they felt like they were brand new again. Also igflr3 combined with slin is actually amazing igflr3 makes you more slin sensitive. So its not to hard to become a monster with igflr3 and slin either. Alot of igflr3 bashers around here. To much bro sci on igflr3 floating around imo.
I'm sure their is a lot of bunk but that's with anything.
Gear, ai's, hgh, etc
Gotta find a good source.
Last stuff I bought was like $30 a mg, cause I bought in bulk.
Was great and def not bunk.
I'm not knocking it all I've just never seen anyone show me proof that it does all these things I guess iwas cconfused i thought it was for growth new muscle cells like real igf. If it's for helping repair injuries then that's cool.
49ER said:
I'm not knocking it all I've just never seen anyone show me proof that it does all these things I guess iwas cconfused i thought it was for growth new muscle cells like real igf. If it's for helping repair injuries then that's cool.
49ERit grows muscle cells yes, but also helps injuries and keeping gains etc.
I think the problem is people confuse the results of pharm grade igf1 v igflr3, not realizing they are different and although similar often used in different ways.
It does both new growth and greatly speeds injury recovery.I will agree with you though 9er that I wont buy any research company igflr3 any more. The recent iv tried hasnt touched what I tried in the past when it first really hit the scene. I agree also purity has dropped a ton. Pretty sad actually. It really was no joke.

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