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The Physique Fine-Tuner
This body composition supplement isn't made for people who aren't training and eating right. It's made for those who want to fine-tune their bodies.
Back in the 1990s, a fitness writer was sued by a supplement company for 10 million dollars. What did he do? He pointed out that a woman was pregnant.See, back then, makers of fat burners relied on before and after photos to sell their products. One particular magazine ad showed a "before" photo of a pretty girl with a stomach bulge. The "after" photo showed her in a bikini – tanned and fit with no belly fat in sight – ready to compete in a physique competition. According to the ad, the fat burner was responsible for her transformation.
The problem? Well, this fitness writer knew the woman... and he knew that she was pregnant in her "before" photo. He exposed this in an article and was sued. Luckily, he avoided the legal fees by promising never to hurt their feelings again. The nuisance suit was dropped.
Many companies still use scurrilous advertising. They make unrealistic promises and unsubstantiated claims. They often use psychology to prey on desperate overweight people.
But a fat-loss product shouldn't be marketed to obese people who aren't even dieting or exercising. Fat-loss supplements, if they're truly legit, should be marketed toward people who already eat well and exercise and just want to fine-tune their physiques.

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Forskolin 1,19 Carbonate – The Anabolic Thermogenic
This plant-derived substance has a body of solid research to back its use in not only burning fat but building muscle too. It's often regarded as the closest thing science has to "exercise in a pill" for its body-composition-altering effects, even in people who don't exercise.It does all this primarily by stimulating the production of an enzyme named adenylate cyclase, which increases levels of a cellular messenger called cyclic AMP, or cAMP for short. Here are the highlights of a few forskolin studies:
- Female subjects in an 8-week study lost a mean of 9 pounds of weight while experiencing gains in lean body mass (without weight training).
- The total body weight of a mixed group of men and women in a 12-week study decreased by 3 pounds while experiencing increases in muscle weight (without resistance training).
- The forskolin users in a mixed-sex group of 50 test subjects experienced a 1.78 percent increase in lean body mass and a decrease in mean body fat from 35.8 to 34.0 percent.
- Young overweight male forskolin users in a 12-week trial experienced a 17% increase in free testosterone on average, some up to 23%. The average participant also lost 10 pounds of fat mass and increased their lean body mass by 8 pounds
While their results were good, imagine if the studies' subjects had been weight training and managing their diets. And imagine if they'd all been using the more bioavailable, longer-lasting form (forskolin carbonate).

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The Fine-Tuning Agent: Forskolin 1,9-carbonate
Forskolin has been around for years, but most companies producing it don't bother to isolate and purify the main ingredient. They just collect the dried leaves of the coleus forskohlii plant, grind them up, and put them in capsules. As lame as that approach is, it sometimes works in certain situations, like maybe they luck out and find a crop particularly rich in forskolin. It's hit or miss.The right way to manufacture a potent forskolin product is to isolate the active ingredient, then purify it and esterify it (bind it with a carbonate ester). The end product, forskolin 1,9 carbonate, is much more bioavailable, and its efficacy in the body extends from 4 hours to about 12 hours.
It's not a "magic pill." You won't go from overweight to lean and muscular in a month. But you will better release and burn stored body fat, build a little more muscle, and reap the benefits of a modest testosterone boost.
In other words, it'll make fine-tuning your physique easier and faster. Your "after" photo will look great, even if you weren't pregnant in your "before" pic.