Long v short ester


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Usually I run short or a mix of short and long ester
This is really my first all long ester run in a long time and Im not feeling it like usual

I know product is good from other indicators just man some of you find short works better for you as well by far over long?
Only short ester I like is NPP. I’m long ester guy.
You have to remember... as a general rule.... the longer the ester, the less hormone available. The shorter the ester, the more potent the hormone. Prop has a short ester weight of like 74, (or almost 25%) while Cypionate has an ester weight of like 132. This means Test Cypionate is roughly 68% of total Test Mg content. (250mg Cypionate * 68% = 170mg of actual hormone)
You have to remember... as a general rule.... the longer the ester, the less hormone available. The shorter the ester, the more potent the hormone. Prop has a short ester weight of like 74, (or almost 25%) while Cypionate has an ester weight of like 132. This means Test Cypionate is roughly 68% of total Test Mg content. (250mg Cypionate * 68% = 170mg of actual hormone)
TSizemoreyeah so may try going up in shots to 3x a week...
Most the time I do one or the other but because of what TS just explained I do 500 or 600mg of long ester or I will do prop at 200mg eod, which gets me jacked, lol.
I have also done 300mg Test E and 100mg test prop e3rd or 4th day, go by how I feel sometimes.
I can not pin eod lol fuck that
EOD 2cc prop and 2cc Npp, alternate bicep and tricep with a 23g 1 inch.
I did that for a good run maybe a month and put on 18lbs without a lot of water retention, you could still see veins in my arms and shoulders.. I love it when I am in the zone!!!!

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