Losing party crying


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Am I the only one sick of this? Trump won, get over it
I'm generally liberal, and i'm disgusted by it as well. people need to move on and stand in unity, as Americans.
Obama wins twice, yet not a single Republican riot. The Republicans win and our streets are filled with riots, schools are canceled and people are signing petitions to have him thrown out of office. THIS IS EXACTLY WHY WE TOOK POWER AWAY FROM THESE LIBERALS!!!! Most of the nation is sick of these damn games. We're sick of schools bringing in special counselors to help students deal with their emotions from an election.

I believe we need to give equal respect to the views on both sides, but I also believe we need to bitch slap and laugh at the extremists on both sides.

President says shut up!

It's time these people were told to shut the fuck up.
I'm sick of the cries and drama already.
Get it over it, move on. Give the guy a chance and let's see what happens.
The true sadness is that people love the message but fail to notice there is no follow through. the Clintons are both thieves and are robbing us all blind, Obama is by his own words in the book he wrote " dreams of my father" is an anti-colonialist, this basically ,means he hates the principals of America and wants to globalise us
trump is president. he won fair and square. i see no reason for protesting. democracy is working and people voted.
Yep still riots happening daily.. a guy even got his ass beat and car stolen cuz people thought he voted 4 Trump but in reality he never did
honestly, some of these millennials need to get a life. they are protesting by not going to college which is just silly. My friend told his son if he misses one day until break he is coming home for good. I work with a lot of these millennials and I have never seen a more lazy, selfish, lack of initiative group of people in my time. I am not saying all, but most for sure.
The Huffington Post has an article out showing the left wearing safety pins to promote their views. I for one think they finally hit on something I agree with. I didn't really need a symbol to recognize them, but a baby diaper pin seems perfect. These crybabies are full of shit and always whining.

This guy is the millennial crybaby poster child;


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T-bar date=1478954875 said:
Obama wins twice, yet not a single Republican riot. The Republicans win and our streets are filled with riots, schools are canceled and people are signing petitions to have him thrown out of office. THIS IS EXACTLY WHY WE TOOK POWER AWAY FROM THESE LIBERALS!!!! Most of the nation is sick of these damn games. We're sick of schools bringing in special counselors to help students deal with their emotions from an election.

I believe we need to give equal respect to the views on both sides, but I also believe we need to bitch slap and laugh at the extremists on both sides.

President says shut up!

It's time these people were told to shut the fuck up.
T-bar date=1478954875Exactly!!
No riots but a lot of crying
T-bar date=1479049527 said:
The Huffington Post has an article out showing the left wearing safety pins to promote their views. I for one think they finally hit on something I agree with. I didn't really need a symbol to recognize them, but a baby diaper pin seems perfect. These crybabies are full of shit and always whining.

This guy is the millennial crybaby poster child;
T-bar date=1479049527Now that's a fucking fag if I ever seen one!!
Joebad1 date=1479055004 said:
I just hope they get rid of that fuckimg Obama care ASAP..
Joebad1 date=1479055004that's not going anywhere. also, there will be no deportation force or a wall built on the Mexican border.
millenium girl date=1479059213 said:
I agree, people should stop whining, it won't get them anywhere.
millenium girl date=1479059213IMO that's part of the problem... whining DOES get them somewhere. We've been pandering to this behavior for 8 years now. Don't get your way? Cry to the media and let them spin a story on it. Hold up a store and get shot? Cry to the media and let them spin a story on it. Hell.. get the president to say you're one of his children and then get people to riot in the streets and rob stores. We've allowed this type of behavior to exist and now we're paying the price for creating Pavlov's Dogs.
Man, you guys are mean!

By the way, where is the EnchanceGenetics safe space? I hope you have it filled with coloring books, cry spaces and therapy dogs.
Just don't touch my play-doh or I'll need a special therapy room to recover from my therapy room.
I really wanted to avoid this thread as Grim and I get into heated disagreements about politics lol but anyway. I'm just glad to see the Clintons out of Washington. Yes I voted for Trump but Im always open to democratic/Republican views. I'm not solid either way.

I can't stand the rioting. Its ridiculous

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