Low energy


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Past 3 or 4 weeks I have felt my energy levels deteriorating. It's starting to really affect me now where I feel I don't have energy to work out some days.

I'm wondering what's causing it. I've heard high levels of test can cause that. I've heard Tbol can cause that. I've heard all sorts of other stuff. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this and what caused it.

Currently on week 6 of Test Cyp & NPP @ 600mg each. 60mg Tbol a day. Arimadex @ 0.50mg a day. 5iu of HGH a day. 250mcg of T4 a day.

I take my HGH in 2 shots. Generally early afternoon and one at night. T4 I take on empty stomach prior to bed.
really so many things it could be... are you in a calorie deficit?...

too much junk food even in a deficit causes me blood sugar crashes...

could be sleep issues also... vitamin d deficiency... magnesium deficiency... i use spray on magnesium...really helps my sleep...

are you using a lot of preworkout stimulants?
Also I take Zyrtec for sinus issues. Been taking that for about 5 weeks. That could more than likely be the problem?
krustus said:
really so many things it could be... are you in a calorie deficit?...

too much junk food even in a deficit causes me blood sugar crashes...

could be sleep issues also... vitamin d deficiency... magnesium deficiency... i use spray on magnesium...really helps my sleep...

are you using a lot of preworkout stimulants?
I feel I eat healthy. And no pre workout supplements.

I'll have to monitor my blood sugar.

Did you see my second post about Zyrtec?
Could just be your working too fucking hard. Not sure what your workout plan is but I know I used to go way to hard out of the gate. You made some huge progress in a few weeks. Maybe you just need to adjust the work outs and slow down. Like Krustus said... could be anything.
I think it's Zyrtec. Been reading up on it and seems 20% of people experience drowsiness from it. I'm going to stop that for 2 days and see how I feel.

The way I feel is how you would feel after taking two Benadryl.

LT I work 40 hours a day and my workout has been the same. I can't slow down lol, I wanna be sexy lol
Daredevil said:
I think it's Zyrtec. Been reading up on it and seems 20% of people experience drowsiness from it. I'm going to stop that for 2 days and see how I feel.

The way I feel is how you would feel after taking two Benadryl.

LT I work 40 hours a day and my workout has been the same. I can't slow down lol, I wanna be sexy lol

Wow... no wonder your pooped ;D
I wanna be sexy lol

a noble goal... mine too...

real body changes involve some bit of suffering ...lol... in my experience.

hope it's only the zyrtec... would be an easy fix
id take the t4 in the morning so its used to keep you alert, might be making you restless , zyrtec at night is fine . look to add some healthy carbs and see if that adds more energy
When are you taking your zyrtec?

Take mine at night seems to help.
krustus said:
really so many things it could be... are you in a calorie deficit?...

too much junk food even in a deficit causes me blood sugar crashes...

could be sleep issues also... vitamin d deficiency... magnesium deficiency... i use spray on magnesium...really helps my sleep...

are you using a lot of preworkout stimulants?
krustusHa!!!! Vitamin D. See MisterB. I mentioned that as a possible cause or contributing factor, Also when I m a few weeks out ( especially the final week) of a show, and my carbs are wayyyyyyyy low. I'm done. Carbs are my main source of energy 90% of the year, ESPECIALLY ON SLIN. So I drop the slin and start carb depleting and it's a big hit. For me anyway. Plus lethargy can be from the halotestin as well. It's in my opinion, a bunch of factors that are contributing to the loss of energy. For me. I'm completely drained a week or two out. Add in the halotestin and other things, they are putting your body in a depleted state. I'm not a dr. My coach puts my orders for me, I listen, and it kills me. I don't have any energy by 5 days out. I feel like I'm going to pass out at posing practice.
But. There's a few secrets to be known. And every single person is going to be different. And furthermore
The fix you find. It may not be the same problem. Try D3 as we discussed. I mean cutting carbs is a big hit on me alone. Then the AAS and such. Phew. I'm going to be there soon, as well. So I'll be suffering as well. And I have a plan which usually helps. Good luck bro and God bless you. Your amazing
It's been 33 hours with no Zyrtec. Also took vitamin d and drank a good bit of 2% milk last night and only got 5.5 hours of sleep.

I feel better today then when I got 8 hours a sleep on some days.

I think it's a combo of both those. Thanks so much yall
Sleep is important thats for sure. If you're waking up and you are in full force all day than yea you will definitely be wearing yourself out. I take a caffeine pill at about 3-4pm after work as it gives me that pep I need to function.

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I have low energy too because I'm overworked and a bit depressed.

Meds can cause a lack of energy but also the lack of sunshine (seasonal depression).

Did you have bloodwork done lately?

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