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Mortality and Low-T
Having low T increases your risk of dying from ANY cause. Here's why and how to fix it.
There's a strong correlation between declining testosterone levels in men and the risk of dying from any cause. Yes, any cause. It sounds hyperbolic, but that's what the research is telling us.In one long-term study of mortality and death rates, scientists in the early 1980s gathered up over 1000 men between the ages of 30 and 60 (1). The researchers collected blood from the men at enrollment and again in a follow-up examination in the early 1990s. They were specifically looking at levels of serum testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and SHBG.
The participants were then tracked for another 18 years, during which time 421 deaths occurred: 106 related to cancer and 199 from cardiovascular disease. The other deaths came from less common diseases and accidents.
Those who suffered the greatest 10-year decline in testosterone were more likely to die from any (all) causes in comparison with the other participants. Those whose serum testosterone declined more than 1.0 nanomoles per liter – which put them below the 10th percentile – had a 60% greater risk of death than those that placed between the 10th and 90th percentiles.
It Gets Worse
That 60% greater risk of death statistic is alarming, but it gets a little more troubling when you add another statistical ingredient to the mix – testosterone levels are plummeting all over the world.One study found that men born in 1970 had about 20% less testosterone than their fathers (2). Another study, this one conducted over 17 years, again found that testosterone levels in individuals and age-matched generations had dropped 20% in a very short time (3).
It's estimated about 39% of men in the U.S. over the age of 45 suffer from low testosterone levels, which equates to about 13 or 14 million men (5). But who knows where the cut-off rate is? What percentage of men between 30 and 45 suffer from low testosterone?

Low T, Bad Heart
While the first study found that low T led to a 60% increase in deaths from all causes, it didn't offer up any possible reasons. However, other research seems to explain a good portion of it.For instance, one meta-study looked at over 100 testosterone studies and found low testosterone is associated with abnormal EKG readings (4). They also found that men with higher T were 25% less likely to suffer from sudden cardiac arrest.
Low testosterone was associated with a higher rate of mortality in general, along with higher rates of cardiovascular mortality, obesity, and diabetes.
Possible Causes of Low T
Modern living brings with it a plethora of testosterone-robbing evils, among them:- Rising rates of obesity. There's an inverse relationship between body fat and testosterone levels. Fat men typically have 25% less T than leaner men.
- Poor sleep, inadequate exercise, crappy diet, and ever-increasing stress.
- Taking multiple medications, especially anti-depressants.
- An onslaught of environmental chemicals.
What Should We Do About It?
If you're 30 to 40 years old, get your T levels checked and establish a baseline against which you can compare future blood tests. Men of any age should be aware of symptoms of low testosterone, including a decrease in energy, loss of muscle, increased fatness, poor results from training, a waning sex drive, or impaired sexual performance.If any of those apply to you, you have a few options. You could eliminate some or all the conditions (obesity, stress, medications) that may be robbing you of your testosterone.
You could also use testosterone-boosting supplements. Some, like Longjack, synthesize testosterone by blocking its aromatization into estrogen while also stimulating testosterone production in testicle Leydig cells. Just make sure to use the patented LJ100 variety that includes a special delivery system to ensure absorption.
Other natural T-boosters, like resveratrol, inhibit the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, thereby ensuring higher T levels. Again, use one with a delivery system designed to increase absorption,
Even taking supplemental magnesium can boost T levels significantly, provided you have a deficiency of that mineral. Use 400 mg per day of the chelated form,
Lastly, and especially if a blood test (along with symptoms) shows that your T levels are low, consult a doctor about possible testosterone replacement. It could change your life. It could also save your life.