Macro percentages?



What determines a persons need of each percentage of protein, fat, and carbs?
Is every person different? If you are bulking VS cutting are the percentages different? I would think so.

So my question is: How do I find out what percentage of fat, protein, and carbs will I need for a good bulking diet?
I'm so sick of this guessing game. If anyone has links or anything, I'm up to hear it.
Is there a formula?
I've never had the luxury if bulking mostly cutting due to being a fatty. But if it was me I would eat until I felt like puking of mostly clean whole foods. Fuck counting macros. Just have a sufficient amount of carbs, and protein every meal along with some healthy fats too. Add in a few cups of veggies everyday for your micro nutrients. Last but not least have 3 or 4 cheat meals and treats a week. I mean as long as health conditions are good and you feel fine while making gains, why even bother with macros?
The percentages are so important just the amounts are. You will hear it all over the place that you need 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. THIS is just untrue. Read the scientific literature. You do not need that much protein. 1 gram of protein per pound is still over kill but I know its tough to eat less, so there is a great starting point. You can replace all the protein you are no longer eating with carbs. Fats (make sure most are essential fats or monounsaturated, but some saturated is good too) you can get away with .25 grams per pound of body weight. This is really low so you will probably bump this up considerably, but keep in mind that you dont NEED much more than that but you will want more. Once you find your maintanance you can fill the rest of the calories with carbohydrates
A perfect example of the scientific approach vs devil may care approach. Both work. Being meticulous and counting everything will optimize performance and minimize fat gain but will take a lot more time
JM, I'll offer some broscience methods cause I'm not a dietitian. The best way to find what works for you is work with a dietitian or coach that can help you based on body type, blood type etc.

Bulking diets are higher in carbs typically so fats stay lower. Common Bulk diet macros are 50pro/35 carb/15 fat or 45pro/45carb/10fat (these are percentages of your daily Caloric requirements) ie if you have a Cal requirement of 3000Cal a day then 50% protein would be 375g (3000x.5=1500/4=375) 4Cal per gram of protein. Fat is 9Cal per gram. Carbs are 4Cal per gram.
Excellent question, JM! The determining factor is the goal you are trying to achieve.
Counting Macros is of vital importance to anyone interested in knowing exactly what works for you, whether bulking, cutting, or maintaining. I personally like a 40/40/20 Macro split for Lean Bulking. 40/30/30 for maintenance and 45/35/22 for cutting. These numbers can be manipulated as you see progress (as it pertains to you) unfold. Adjust up or down accordingly.
this online calculator can you some good starting points

it's kind of geared to the intermittent fasting style but the macros and cals would be same either way... everyone is different but things like this can give you a good start.. then adjust as you figure out what is working or not working
Thanks so much for the answers. So If I started with a 45pro 45carb 10 fat for a bulk, that would be a decent starting point?
I'm tired of this guessing game. I want to start to dial in my food intake at the right percentage. I want to see how much difference this will make.
Why bulk and cut??Why not stay in shape all the time and steadily grow instead of constantly ballooning up and then cutting calories, losing muscle and being miserable?? You will get SOOO much more out of that.. Who on here is going to be a pro?? Look as good as you can and enjoy life rather than be miserable and unhealthy...
homegrown said:
Why bulk and cut??Why not stay in shape all the time and steadily grow instead of constantly ballooning up and then cutting calories, losing muscle and being miserable?? You will get SOOO much more out of that.. Who on here is going to be a pro?? Look as good as you can and enjoy life rather than be miserable and unhealthy...
I have never bulked and cut. Hell, I'm still working on getting big. Cut is not in my near future.
JM750 said:
I have never bulked and cut. Hell, I'm still working on getting big. Cut is not in my near future.
Consistency.... Food, training and rest.. Measured in years, not days or months...
Why bulk and cut??Why not stay in shape all the time and steadily grow instead of constantly ballooning up and then cutting calories, losing muscle and being miserable?? You will get SOOO much more out of that.. Who on here is going to be a pro?? Look as good as you can and enjoy life rather than be miserable and unhealthy...

awesome advice... this my goal.. grow while staying relatively lean
Just a warning about too much protein.

(EDITED) I ate at least 200-300grams of protein per day EVERYDAY for 15 years

Had some health issues as a result of it and can only eat .5-.6g of protein/body lb. on training days(and the day after heavy training), but on non-training days about .3-.4g/body lb.

If I consume more than I outlined, it will make me feel like crap!!! Sometimes for days!!!

So procede with caution; but who does, right?
homegrown said:
One of the most underutilized marcos = FAT.......

Aside from all the nutrient benefits (hormone production, cell membranes, and absorption of fat soluble vitamins, improve lipid profile, etc..) I assuming you mean for those with insulin resistance?

It been over 10 yrs since I took a nutrition course, but I do remember something about not letting fats drop below 10% of total calories for the day.
ok, so here is what I'm going to try. This is to gain lean mass with little or no fat added to my weight.

3100 cals per day

6 meals thru the day.
522 cals per each meal.

protein: 33grams each meal
Carbs:59 grams per meal
Fats: 17 per meal.

I am designing the food intake part of it now so I will have a full week of meals.
JM, I don't know if this is of any help but when I was working with Shelby Stares he had me on a baseline of 50/50/20 for 5 meals and the last meal was 6 whole eggs. Each week or every other week he'd adjust my macros. This was for a cutter, but still you can see the original set up. I'm sure he would of put me on something similar if I was bulking and would of adjust weekly or bi weekly depending on actually gains vs fat gain.

Something I never did before working with him was taking photos every week first thing in the morning. Same time and same conditions. This was his gauge for my progress. I still do this now without him b/c our eyes can easily deceive us.

btw, I think your set up looks good. Your an ectomorph right? I think higher carbs would be necessary for your metabolism as well as the extra cals.

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