Matt Drudge might elect Donald Trump:

Well I can't imagine it could have been worse bro. Then again the only thing government is concerned about these days is power and growth.

We will have a war torn nation in about 20 years
The "haves" will be at war with the "have nots"

In other words people will get tired of getting raped by the government just to keep giving to the lazy fucks that don't contribute shit

This downward spiral of liberal PC bullshit with kill this country

How long can the millions and millions of middle class keep getting fucked before someone rises up and starts a huge movement and things get ugly?
Trump is an imbecile. Bernie 2016!
Republicans are screwed. you can't win elections in the US any more without the votes of the women and minorities. Thank God for that, too! 🙂
Bernie Ftw. Trump wants to spend 30 billion to make a wall (the mexicans are not going to pay for it) , but 8 billion dollars to make education free for everyone seem like crazy talk. Healthcare is not a want it is a need. United states is one of the few developed nations that does not provide free universal healthcare. Yes you pay for it in your taxes , but everyone should be able to visit the doctor without worrying if they can afford the bill or not. Health care should not be an entitlement. How would you feel that due to your financial situation you cannot see the doctor and have to suffer from horrible symptoms. Also we have to educate the masses to be literate. So when people vote they actually have an idea of what that vote stands for and is implicating.
bossman said:
Republicans are screwed. you can't win elections in the US any more without the votes of the women and minorities. Thank God for that, too! 🙂
Oh yes, women , the backbone of this great country..... give me a fucking break.

(nothing personal bossman. You know I love you.)
the rich get way more welfare than the poor, this has been proven over and over. those fng the system om both sides need to be stopped
a president needs to concentrate on things that really matter: education, healthcare, infrastructure, equal opportunity for all, developing of science, freedom of media, less civil controlling via NSA spy programs on own people, more logic and less religion, safety and security, less crime, gender and racial apartheid issues, good standing foreign image, less war, better economy and more jobs based on real production, big corps that pay taxes here and many others

politics as it is and has been for years and years is corrupt to the core, paid by the wealthy, doing anything BUT working in the interest of the people. however you vote it is only a matter of which choice is little less evil. the system is corrupt to the core and people are too uneducated, too sick and too poor and non caring to do anything about it
No president is holding any of us back in life.

I'm a lot happier and have a lot more financial success now that I understand this.

It's all on each of us to create a life we love.

Yes we all hate taxes that go to lazy people. But a 3-5% percent change in your tax bracket isn't going to make your life much better. You'll just buy a few mire bottles of test. 🙂

Realistically, if you don't own your own business, you will never be wealthy, you will always be working to fulfill someone else's dream life.
Both great posts

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