Melanotan ll

thanks man, i get pretty damn dark as it is (30%+ native american) so i'll prob do .5mg eod for a week and then .325mg eod after that for the rest of bottle
im real pale and dont tan, but the reccommended dosages for my skin type were to high for me. and a big difference in sides from. 5 to 1 mg... my stomach was churning all night, felt sick but had a boner i didn't. want to use but madr it hard to sleep. But if i recall correctly a feew weeks in i didnt notice it anymore and could pin it anytime without worryi g about feeling sick. also those itty bitty little injects are so cute anf painless compared to my 3cc oil loads.

sent from a hole in the bozone layer.
haha yea small injections are nice currently I'm running 1cc test eod and .3cc in a slin pin of MTR pre workout and anavar 🙂 least amount of liquid I've pinned in along time haha its rather nice. i might try a test e tren e cycle of just 1cc eod of each. so 7 pins 1cc each pin would b a nice a change lol
im still running prop eod, but loading my test e for when i drop it, and trying to get 5 to 6hundred mg/wk eq in there when its dosed at 20mg. this 3cc a day shit is the most ive ever done. getting back to 2x a week or e3d will be nice.

sent from a hole in the bozone layer.

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