MisterB's 2017 national run


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Starting the early stages of my 2017 national title goals

got up to 205 during december and i've gone back to a regimented eating program now, getting my BF back in control, probable about 13-14 % now which is high for me but comfortable

been working hard on legs and lats and its paying off. I will begin to post some pics so we can log the progress of the diet and exercise goals

i am and will be using Genesys gear, love the stuff .

started on Test 600 and NPP 600 since October, now i have switched start of January to Test 750 / Primo 600 / EQ 600

really love the stuff, feel great and body is transforming rapidly this month Blood pressure a little elevated like 140 /82, not completely sure , E2 is not high i barely use Aromasin , I take half a 12.5 on mondays and fridays and that seems to almost crush my sex drive, so i stay off and feel better
using 20 mg lisinopril to help, might go to 30 if necessary also using beetroot 3 times aday for the Nitric oxide

major focus will be presentation, posing is a make or break at this level. so i need lots of practice, aslo doign my vacumem exercises daily, need to make it religious but i do it some everyday.

ill post my diet this week and ill add a starting point photo in some mandatorys
Vacuuming and Stretching on a roller is crucial for perfect abs... Check out Artemus Dolgin, his vacuuming is insane! I just bought a waist belt to wear, curious to see if it will help.

For being 26 I've always just taken Arginine, Never tried beetroot, does it make a big difference?
Beetroot an awesome food, helps blood pressure as well
can't wait to see you do your thing misterb... have always been inspired by you... and your willingness to share knowledge has been a real benefit to me.

you got some starting point pics?... would love to see you transform..
krustus date=1484748913 said:
can't wait to see you do your thing misterb... have always been inspired by you... and your willingness to share knowledge has been a real benefit to me.

you got some starting point pics?... would love to see you transform..
krustus date=1484748913I 100% agree, Mister B you have a phenomenal plethora of knowledge! I hope you have a kickass 2017
I'm very excited to follow your log and support you 100% of the way. You've always proved as being disciplined and dedicated.
meeting with coach this week so i'll post up the new diet and exercise plan and my start point pics. i'm not too fat right now weights 193
This will be very motivating, good luck bro!!
I meet with my coach on Sunday and three other team mates and we did Back and Biceps. coach can kill you without barely even using a weight

we did some shit my arms are still hurting , all the guys there except me where under 28, One guy chuck is a monster for a short guy, competes light heavy and is a beast, the other two are into classic like me

no new diet yet but here is my drug protocol starting today ( All gear is Genesys, love the stuff!)

Test E 1 ML three times a week m/w/f total 750 per week

Primo E 1.4 ml three times a week m/w/f total 820 a week

Eq 1 ml three times a week m/w/f 600 mg total per week

Aromasin like 6.5mg once or twice a week, don't seem to need any

[font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida, sans-serif]I am using a little anavar he didn't specify so im on 30 days of 40 mg a day , using up some TMM stuff i had in the safe[/font]

[font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida, sans-serif]pics soon, need the GF to take my reference points so we track this year[/font]
Love the updates
sorry to be as slacker, have been slow with updates. I received a new diet , we're 10 weeks out from my first show. A regional show in Akron Ohio

New diet

4 egg whites
1 cup oats
1/4 cup blueberries
4oz bison

7 oz turkey
1.5 cups rice
1 cup Brussel sprouts (broccoli)

6oz beef
1 cup rice

7 oz chicken
8 oz sweet potato
1/2 cup broccoli

7 oz fish
1/2 cup rice
1/2 avocado

2 scoops whey
1 tbsp Macadamia oil
3 weeks today till my first show, a regional show called the NorthCoast Championships. its a national qualifier and a fun multi-state event

Last year i won the 50+ BB and took third in the 35+ classic. this year id like to win both but really for me its a starting point for gettig ready for National, so no tren no hard dieting , just eat the normal diet, do the exercises and see how we are doing compared to last year . competing at 185 lbs, current weight is 191.

im improved from last year, my shoulders are improved, my legs / quad sweep is greatly improved, my lats are much improved, lots going on. my apologies but my heads in the clouds lately and i'm not doing a lot of posting, time to walk the walk
awesome bro kill it
tested the water a bit over the weekend, did a regional show called the North Coast Championships, won the men's bodybuilding 50+ and took third in the mens 35+ classic physique. now i have 8 weeks till nationals
tested the water a bit over the weekend, did a regional show called the North Coast Championships, won the men's bodybuilding 50+ and took third in the mens 35+ classic physique. now i have 8 weeks till nationals
Awesome man congrats!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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