my winter lean bulk


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
I'm starting to track my progress for a lean bulk i'm on , about 2 weeks in.

drug use
HGH - 2.5 IUs ramping up .5 per week to 5 or 6 IUs (greytops)
soon to be on Sciroxx IGF-1 lr3 50 to 80 mcg pre workout three time a week , one month on one month off
test - 200 mg test C - week m/f - depo-test RX
300 mg a week NPP (TMM)
110 mg test prop 35mg m/w/f (part of a cut mix)
tren e 600 mg a week - joker tren e 400
tren A 110 a week 35 m/w/f - ptc shop cut mix 75/75/100 just doing .5 three times a week as a bump
mast p 150 a week 50mg m/w/f
anavar 60 mg a day (TMM)
25 mg proviron a day, just feel nice (drakon)
12.5 mg aromasin (black label) tuesdays and thursdays for now - i find the day after injection to be the best to kill the spike

crushing it in the gym, feels good to be sore again, i don't always go that hard but you can't waste this opportunity

plan is a pre contest season bulk for the new classic physique 5'9 to 5'10 with a max weight of 192 lbs

current stats 5' 9.5
weight 190
bf about 13%

i exspect to post some before and after pics so this week i will get the current photos up
misterB said:
I'm starting to track my progress for a lean bulk i'm on , about 2 weeks in.

drug use
HGH - 2.5 IUs ramping up .5 per week to 5 or 6 IUs
soon to be on Sciroxx IGF-1 lr3 50 to 80 mcg pre workout three time a week , one month on one month off
test - 200 mg test C - week m/f
110 mg test prop 35mg m/w/f (part of a cut mix)
tren e 600 mg a week - joker tren e 400
tren A 110 a week 35 m/w/f - ptc shop cut mix 75/75/100 just doing .5 three times a week as a bump
mast p 150 a week 50mg m/w/f
anavar 60 mg a day (TMM)
25 mg proviron a day, just feel nice
12.5 mg aromasin tuesdays and thursdays for now - i find the day after injection to be the best to kill the spike

crushing it in the gym, feels good to be sore again, i don't always go that hard but you can't waste this opportunity

plan is a pre contest season bulk for the new classic physique 5'9 to 5'10 with a max weight of 192 lbs

current stats 5' 9.5
weight 190
bf about 13%

i exspect to post some before and after pics so this week i will get the current photos up
misterBTear it up misterB! I'll be following this!
best part about the igf and hgh is carbs, back on the oatmeal , was getting away from carbs in the morning but now I can eat loads of carbs . quinoa, rice, broccoli and cauliflower tonight
Awesome man. Subd. Running a sponsors hgh? If ya don't mind me asking
roachboy101 said:
Awesome man. Subd. Running a sponsors hgh? If ya don't mind me asking
HGH is not a EG sponsor. its from "theGreyTops" a GMP based china company with over 5 years consistent labs and results

if cash was no issue id go with Nobel but i have limitations on the resources i can toss at BB

id look at HGH power soon too, I see good reviews out on the net
Dude looks good man. If you can tolerate the sides from tren, and you built a cycle around it so I'm assuming you can, your gonna fucking grow....
Let me suggest hot tub therapy and extra stretching cause your about to blow the fuck up my friend...GET THAT SHIT MAN
bigdude said:
Dude looks good man. If you can tolerate the sides from tren, and you built a cycle around it so I'm assuming you can, your gonna fucking grow....
Let me suggest hot tub therapy and extra stretching cause your about to blow the fuck up my friend...GET THAT SHIT MAN
Tren does not mess with me, shit I barely feel the tren e so I added a touch of tren a for aggression, and I hot tub it every night exspecially after exercise , ad the heat is fantastic for recovery
misterB said:
Tren does not mess with me, shit I barely feel the tren e so I added a touch of tren a for aggression, and I hot tub it every night exspecially after exercise , ad the heat is fantastic for recovery

Found the same to be true of Tren E after being scared to death of it for years.
weight 191 lbs , unpumped or flexed 8:30 this morning


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GOOD GRIEF !!!... looking jacked!... my

on another got all your health issues straightened out i assume...
krustus said:
GOOD GRIEF !!!... looking jacked!... my
🙂) i'll post some pumped and flexing shots soon, this is my baseline 3 weeks into the 9 week blast

moved to 3 IUs HGH this morning, cant believe how it affects body fat, i actually eat more and care less about carbs and I wake up leaner and leaner

expect to start some IGF-lr3 soon from Sciroxx, its the real deal and I think i will do several small localized shots to try to affect the muscles more and the intestines less
krustus said:
GOOD GRIEF !!!... looking jacked!... my

on another got all your health issues straightened out i assume...
i took three months off and have been using "Kidney Stuff" and fiber supplements every day, did bloods after the 3 months and my levels were back to normal, I was really scared because i took little time off over 3 years and saw continued declining kidney test and I thought I was really messed up , now I religiously will practice time on / time off. too old to lose years with my kids and lady
smart man!.. plus you already look incredible.... no need to push to hard and risk health
I noticed that you use very little AI compared to a lot of people. I have also been talking to a guy who does a lot of comps and is pretty knowledgeable when it comes to AAS and he uses very little as well. Do you get bloods done Mr.B and find that the AI amount is sufficient, does that amount just work for you, or do you think people tend to over do it when it comes to AI's. I am currently rethinking my amount I use on cycle.
LT... looks like he's running 300-310mg of test a week?... shouldn't need much AI for that?

unless i'm reading it wrong.

and misterb...that 13% bodyfat guesstimation ... man that looks really lean

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