**Myostatin Human Propeptide LOG**


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
OK, before I run the Methyl tren, I wanted to get in the Myostatin HMP I got from LabPE. I originally wanted Follistatin, but they were sold out and I still had 2 Myo's in the freezer so this is the Myo inhibitor I'll run.

Run is short. gonna go 10 days straight at 100mcg IM ED

Because I reconned with Bact Water, the active life is very short on the 1mg I have. Here's how I'll combat that, I will draw up the doses in slin pins and freeze. then as I need to shoot, I'll let it thaw for an hour or so in the fridge and pin.

I will still have 1 more vial after this run and will probably run it after the MTR.

If theory holds true, this Myo HMP run will allow me to make some freakish gains while on the MTR
Pinned 100mcg IM this morning and that site is a little sore. Myostatin is responsible for homeostasis in your body. Plateaus if you will. The idea behind myo inhibitors is to break that barrier to allow more muscle growth and fat loss. I've been stuck at 245 (cutting) for some time now, this should push me past that plateau if I understand all the science correctly.
RockShawn said:
OK, before I run the Methyl tren, I wanted to get in the Myostatin HMP I got from LabPE. I originally wanted Follistatin, but they were sold out and I still had 2 Myo's in the freezer so this is the Myo inhibitor I'll run.

Run is short. gonna go 10 days straight at 100mcg IM ED

Because I reconned with Bact Water, the active life is very short on the 1mg I have. Here's how I'll combat that, I will draw up the doses in slin pins and freeze. then as I need to shoot, I'll let it thaw for an hour or so in the fridge and pin.

I will still have 1 more vial after this run and will probably run it after the MTR.

If theory holds true, this Myo HMP run will allow me to make some freakish gains while on the MTR
I really like the idea of priming with this before MTR! 8) Good luck brother. Subbed for the ride.
Yeah bro. If my theory is solid it should work out great.

Pip is already gone from the myo site.
You going to take oral or inject mtr? I've seen both recently just curious, I'm very intreagued, I'm stuck at 240 myself, doesn't matter if I take in 125carbs a day or 325 i stay the same lol protein stays high fats moderate to low so this myo to prime a cycle could really help me
As of today I've dropped 5 lbs on the scales. Still look really full too and am telling a difference in the belly area. For some reason I haven't been able to eat all my food the last two days, I've felt really full, especially in the evening. So some of the weight is due to a calorie deficit I'm sure. Carbs will start dropping out tomorrow.

I'm doing inject MTR from agent yes. I've got a log started in her forum. So far I'm liking what I'm seeing this week. It's been very frustrating to be stuck and even having increases on the scales when you feel like your diet is on target an you're putting in the work to get the fat off.
third shot about to go in. A little note about frozen peps, they take longer than a couple hours to thaw in the fridge. It's been in the fridge since for 3 hours and it's still solid. lol
I wonder if a myo inhibitor would still be as effective subQ? Otherwise I have to start exploring new injection sites...
spunoutdj said:
I wonder if a myo inhibitor would still be as effective subQ? Otherwise I have to start exploring new injection sites...
Don't know about effectiveness but tried subQ a while back. 100mcg made the most painful lump in my belly ever. And it was like that for a week. I would not got subQ with this product. The pip is nothing on this IM. I'm just using a 5/16 slin an sticking my delt, but my delts are pretty lean.
4th pin in. I'm definitely on fire this week, more so than in the past. That might be what's making me a little sick to my stomach. I've heard you can have flu like symptoms on Myo.

I've been rotating injection spot around my delts as other products need to go in the glutes right now. 😉
hopefully i'm just experiencing the flu type symptoms from the myo and not getting sick. Congestion and lethargy with a decreased appetite and a mild cough. really just started yesterday but has gotten a little worse today. I really think it's the myo.
Bronco said:
I've read that myostatin inhibitors cost thousands of dollars per milligram?
That may be why this is call "Myostatin human Propeptide" it may work in an indirect way. I'll admit I don't know as much about it as I should. I'm taking the advice from a trusted source who is a rep for a pep company but has nothing to gain from the sale of what I'm taking.

I'm really feeling like a bus hit me now.
I know nothing about it that's why I was asking, seen a post on another forum about the cost of myostatin inhibitor and I don't see how anyone could afford that. Anyway Hope you get to feeling better.
Thanx bronco. This stuff I got from labpe is pricey but not thousands. 88 a mg. follistatin is almost 100 I think.

I did a little research last night and came across another company with MIs and they ran about 300/mg but have never heard of the company.

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