Myostatin inhibitors

I've personally hit a wall around 163 5' was culprit at that time .......I hit another wall around 195-198
This time the culprit was more training based I believe...and less so my diet..
Have u considered the fact that maybe you are over training? That can KILL your gains.....regardless of how much gear u take!!!!! I had a terrible time getting chest, and bi's to I stopped working out arms and went to training only large muscles...back chest and legs with big heavy movements slow and controlled..dropped my sets to no more than 10 after ..warm up....and my bi and chest both started growing drastically compared to what I was getting.....not saying this is bow u need to train but u may want to explore some new techniques or a new regiment...if your not growing its food or training or is free to change can get costly....but I've been able to grow without 3000+ calories a day as most people say u have to do....just my 2cents
You also have to consider that if 3000 (for example) cals made you grow when you were 190lbs, it's gonna take more than that to grow now that you are 220lbs. (Example figures)
I may have been .misunderstood....I've been able to grow with around 2000-2500 calories...probably could grow faster if that number was higher...and yes the more weight I've gained the higher I've had to bump calories and protein to handicap is I do manual labor all day, so I burn off a shit load at work.....when I have a week or two off I see drastic burst in growth on same diet as when I'm working...which I'm hopefully done with construction for good very soon..anyways point was food isn't always the culprit when a person hits a growth wall...but in most cases its food and training that are off and need adjusting
I'm telling you guys, HomeGrown has a fix for that. I can't tell you what it is but it freaking works. Wait till after this show, I'm gonna stay lean and put on 20 LBS muscle for next contest season.
Blueedge said:
I may have been .misunderstood....I've been able to grow with around 2000-2500 calories...probably could grow faster if that number was higher...and yes the more weight I've gained the higher I've had to bump calories and protein to handicap is I do manual labor all day, so I burn off a shit load at work.....when I have a week or two off I see drastic burst in growth on same diet as when I'm working...which I'm hopefully done with construction for good very soon..anyways point was food isn't always the culprit when a person hits a growth wall...but in most cases its food and training that are off and need adjusting
Blueedge2000-2500 man I'm taking in 4000 to 4700 weekdays more on days off... I've got my mind made up that me and homegrown are gonna hook up in the near future..... Possibly this fall. No way can I bulk in the summer with my job.this is why I'm here to pick up on things and give every one shit from time to time.
Wow...!!! Then it has to be over training is the culprit.....if your a sever ectomorph like I am your workout should be very different from most muscle isolation workouts...all large movement s dead lifts,squats, bent over rows with bar,flat bench ,weighted pull ups and seated rows...slow reps no more than 10 sets 2*3 minutes between sets...u can easily Google training routines for ectomorphs and get better idea of what I'm talking about..
If your eating that much u should be growing...there's no way your maxed out...take a look at 5×5 routine you may benefit from giving it a try....I was doing it till I had thisedical issue and was getting good results..I'm sure homegrown can give u more and better advice...

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