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Wife of nearly 4 years asked for a divorce and is planning on leaving the first week of the year. There's no way around it, she's leaving, no way to stop it either.

Im not going to write 19 paragraphs etc about the whole relationship. She says she wants to be single and free to do as she wants. We have one child together.

I need some help on how to deal with the heart break and depression I'm starting to develop.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with the sadness let me know please.
Sorry to hear that bro but from what it sounded like it was bound to happen. There's a bright side to everything all you have to do is find it. If you're running gear keep Estro in check so you stay thinking logically. If you don't have anything to do that with I'd be happy to donate to the divorce fund no pun intended. PM me anytime.
Idk if you have the funds or insurance to go to a therapist, but that worked for me when I went through a similar situation. Time will be a big factor on also wouldn't hurt to go slay a few one night stands, just don't bring up your wife and divorce and you'll be fine.

You'll get through it just like the others here that have gone through it.
Daredevil said:
Wife of nearly 4 years asked for a divorce and is planning on leaving the first week of the year. There's no way around it, she's leaving, no way to stop it either.

Im not going to write 19 paragraphs etc about the whole relationship. She says she wants to be single and free to do as she wants. We have one child together.

I need some help on how to deal with the heart break and depression I'm starting to develop.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with the sadness let me know please.
DaredevilPm me. I went through a divorce of 10 years. My brother was killed and I lost my house and job all at same time. I can help bro!!!!!!
Hard hearing anyone go through this, but you got to get your financial situation in check right now if you haven't and get an attorney. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
She bro I have a kid and I'm 26 and I'm not with the baby mama anymore it's ruff at first. If you wanna talk pm me I'm here for you. Just remember you need to worry about you and make yourself happy and take care of your baby know matter what. Make sure you get days to see your kid and after time things will get better. But what I learn is there is know point in stressing or caring about someone who don't care about you it's not fair.
I think the best thing to is talk about about it with people you feel comfortable with and trust. A therapist is great way to start as mentioned above or even a support group. Talking to people who have been through the same thing can make a huge difference. Also, think back to times in your life when you were feeling very down and what got you through them. You are probably a lot stronger than you think. This feeling will not last forever or at least at this very painful level. Take some time, let it set in and know its going to hurt. Feel that pain and work through it, and you will come out the other side a stronger better man. It's not so much the problems in life that define us, its how we deal with them. Good luck brother.
Daredevil said:
Wife of nearly 4 years asked for a divorce and is planning on leaving the first week of the year. There's no way around it, she's leaving, no way to stop it either.

Im not going to write 19 paragraphs etc about the whole relationship. She says she wants to be single and free to do as she wants. We have one child together.

I need some help on how to deal with the heart break and depression I'm starting to develop.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with the sadness let me know please.
Very sorry to hear this bro. Let me think about this while I'm working today and get back to you tonight. You seem like a pretty cool dude to me. Maybe we can figure out how to resolve things with her.
never been through it myself... only some painful break ups with girl friends...which is not nearly the same as wife and kids.

but after i made it through the painful mourning process ... i was glad to be rid of them... realized what a bad match we were. sometimes that mourning process lasted a lot longer than i thought it would.. sucked

also realized i had broken off relationships with a couple of great girls because i was too young and thought i may end up never finding mrs. right...

just keep moving forward and try to will take time
As long as the " deal breaker" hasn't been done. Then marriage counseling and some changes in your life could greatly help. The grass is not greener on the other side. Although in my case it was. But forget about me. My new wife is about to leave me as well. And she's 1000x better than the original wife. So I'm in the same boat AGAIN. But she's got reason. I'm not bringing in a penny, and for 4 years of our relationship I was making good money. So now she's paying for EVERYTHING. so I understand. As for your situation, I don't know any details. My wife is a defense and divorce attorney. So I'm fucked. As for you, things may be quite different. I bet if you were to try marriage counseling, it would greatly help and give her a 3rd party perspective
Daredevil said:
Wife of nearly 4 years asked for a divorce and is planning on leaving the first week of the year. There's no way around it, she's leaving, no way to stop it either.

Im not going to write 19 paragraphs etc about the whole relationship. She says she wants to be single and free to do as she wants. We have one child together.

I need some help on how to deal with the heart break and depression I'm starting to develop.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with the sadness let me know please.

Bro if it was me I would try hanging out with friends and family, once you find yourself alone in your home you'll be thinking about the whole situation and fall further into depression.
If you don't want to give up on your marriage you can try the Love Dare. My friend did it and their as happy as they ever been
Thanks guys for all the responses. We have been married 3 years. She basically said her heart is not in the marriage anymore. She doesn't want the responsibility of being a wife. She's been hanging out with single females going out occasionally. Truly from what she says I decipher it to be she wants to go from relationship to relationship and end things once the in love stage wears off before true love starts. She basically wants to live a single life being a single mother.

She's been drinking a lot. She also lies so frequently to me about big stuff and minor stuff.

We have tried marriage counseling and I'm even see my own counselor but she said she doesn't want to be in a marriage anymore.

I've cried, begged and pleaded and nothing. She simply says she wants a divorce and when she says it she seems to be at peace with her decision.

I've tried everything y'all. She's got her mind made up to leave.

I feel it's for the best anyways, trying to be with a woman who lies everyday to my face is hard. There's no way of developing trust in a relationship.

One example of a lie was other day I dropped her off at a club, told her to take a taxi home or at very least I'll pick her up. I asked please don't let a drunk friend drive you home. She comes home early AM drunk and a drunk friend had drove her home drunk as can be. She tells me she took a taxi but I clearly saw the car dropping her off was a drunk driver who was her friend and wasn't a taxi. She then tells me some fancy crazy story about how she hailed a taxi down.

If she can't be honest about simple shit how can I trust her.

Yet she admits she lies to me often and basically says she needs a divorce to fix herself. Yet I say get your own counselor and fix it while we are married and she doesn't want that. She simply wants a divorce.
I've been through this before. Let her go, she made up her mind a while ago to leave. Mentally she checked out a while ago. If you want your kid let me know and I'll tell you how win. I did it so it can be done.
Daredevil said:
Thanks guys for all the responses. We have been married 3 years. She basically said her heart is not in the marriage anymore. She doesn't want the responsibility of being a wife. She's been hanging out with single females going out occasionally. Truly from what she says I decipher it to be she wants to go from relationship to relationship and end things once the in love stage wears off before true love starts. She basically wants to live a single life being a single mother.

She's been drinking a lot. She also lies so frequently to me about big stuff and minor stuff.

We have tried marriage counseling and I'm even see my own counselor but she said she doesn't want to be in a marriage anymore.

I've cried, begged and pleaded and nothing. She simply says she wants a divorce and when she says it she seems to be at peace with her decision.

I've tried everything y'all. She's got her mind made up to leave.

I feel it's for the best anyways, trying to be with a woman who lies everyday to my face is hard. There's no way of developing trust in a relationship.

One example of a lie was other day I dropped her off at a club, told her to take a taxi home or at very least I'll pick her up. I asked please don't let a drunk friend drive you home. She comes home early AM drunk and a drunk friend had drove her home drunk as can be. She tells me she took a taxi but I clearly saw the car dropping her off was a drunk driver who was her friend and wasn't a taxi. She then tells me some fancy crazy story about how she hailed a taxi down.

If she can't be honest about simple shit how can I trust her.

Yet she admits she lies to me often and basically says she needs a divorce to fix herself. Yet I say get your own counselor and fix it while we are married and she doesn't want that. She simply wants a divorce.
DaredevilHonestly bro from the sounds of it you're better off without her....if she has been going out a lot and been lying a lot she is probably cheating. If you've only been married 3 years then there isn't much loss in my opinion.

Just take time to do you for awhile, you might like it far more than being married. I know if I got a divorce I would be back to my normal self of traveling all over the world and enjoying life to the fullest!! I wouldn't even think about getting married again. Once is good enough for me.
you are right let her go... she's not ready for marriage if she love to go out drinking with friends. marriage and kids means a very few couples outings a year period and almost none alone.... i don't go without my wife...except to gym or bball...etc...
krustus said:
you are right let her go... she's not ready for marriage if she love to go out drinking with friends. marriage and kids means a very few couples outings a year period and almost none alone.... i don't go without my wife...except to gym or bball...etc...
I don't go out without your wife either...... eehhhhh I mean I wouldn't go out without my wife either...... that's it.... ;D

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