Need ideas for next cycle please



Ok, after months and months of blasting, I have come to the conclusion that I need a cruise break. I'm 15 months back into bodybuilding, and have made excellent progress. Some of you have seen the before and after pics.
But my body is telling me that no matter how much more I blast it is a waste without time off.

So for the last 2 weeks, I have been on a 200mg test e cruise and will continue for like 2 months. I'm still running GH at 3iu per day.
So far, my strength has stayed up and I do not appear to be looking smaller. In fact, I feel great!

A) Do you think 2 months is sufficient?

B) Looking to put together a blast cycle for when I'm done cruising. But would like help putting one together, and sticking with the plan. (many times I stray off the plan like a jack ass)

It will need to be a test base. Test E or C is good. I like deca, but maybe want to run NPP and mast
I'd like to front load a short ester prop first. Not sure protocol for this?
Also, would like to throw in some primo as well. EQ is out for me. Drol is out as well. Dbol is fine if we throw in an oral.

So if anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears. Also want to get some anastrozole, does not have to be pharm grade, as long as it is good. I'm getting low on the stuff I had from manpower.

I also don't mind if you throw in lab suggestions for my run as well.
As far as dose, I can easily take a gram of test, so no worries on a nice high dose run. I just want to make this cycle really count.

thanks Bro's,,,, help me out! 🙂
Test e/c- 1000mg

Jm I would only use an ai if you need it. Don't start out with one. Estrogen is important to growth and you are not Gyno prone. Also the mast will help keep esro in check
JM, I used to go over a gram with test but I have gone with lower test the last couple runs and had great results. High test is horrible for your collagen while anabolics are useful. I like 300 testc. 300NPP, 3-400deca, 3-400mast.
CB1 said:
JM, I used to go over a gram with test but I have gone with lower test the last couple runs and had great results. High test is horrible for your collagen while anabolics are useful. I like 300 testc. 300NPP, 3-400deca, 3-400mast.
For him the test is to low He needs at least 600 as he cruises. I would pic npp or deca. Would go deca as it will be a longer blast. Would up the mast too 600 then throw in some halo at the end.
inhuman88 said:
Test e/c- 1000mg

Jm I would only use an ai if you need it. Don't start out with one. Estrogen is important to growth and you are not Gyno prone. Also the mast will help keep esro in check
i second this!
yes your goals for the cycle would be a big factor in choosing the compounds...

JM, I used to go over a gram with test but I have gone with lower test the last couple runs and had great results. High test is horrible for your collagen while anabolics are useful. I like 300 testc. 300NPP, 3-400deca, 3-400mast.

i never go above about 150mg a week of test for this reason... as i get older joint health ( collagen synthesis) is at the top of my list.
i forgot to post goals. sry. i only have one goal. and that it to get big. i am not interested in being 7% bf.
strength and mass.
I really liked and did well when I did this

Test 900mg ew
Npp 600mg ew
Mast 600mg ew

I've also front loaded and what I did and it may not be right hopefully someone will chime but this seemed to work for me.

The first week I did half my test dose 450mg in the first week in 2 shots and then I shot 1cc of prop every day for 7 days and then week 2 the same and then week 3 I went to the 900 a week. I read a lot of stuff on it nothing really to clear and basically understood I just wanted to get my blood levels up and stable faster. I actually like to front load now if I can
I always frontload with Test P or Test PP. Love the hell out of it. I usually go 2-3 weeks of kick start because 3 pins of long ester you've achieved saturation (TS).
Thanks for the reply's.
Now NPP is a short ester. VS the test e and c
What about the mast? Use P or E?? How many weeks of each compound.

Also, I've never really mixed short esters and long esters in a cycle so not really sure how to do that.
So If someone could help me with the week 1- week?? that would also help.
I just want to make this one count and do it right.

I'm known for not sticking with the plan at times. I'm my worst enemy at that. LOL
Ive mixed Test E with NPP before I just did M W F. With my Test E split up on those days also. I have never tried frontloading before. And i would go with Mast E.
yeah i have run NPP, mast e, test e with a 6-8 week kicker of tbol... was a great cycle... little to no sides and great lean mass gains.

npp 300-400mg
mast e 600mg
test 150mg
tbol 50-75mg daily for 6-8 weeks.

i did shots every third day mon, thurs, sun, weds, sat....etc...

i'm running this cycle now but am trying a little higher dose of npp 450-500 and have added draks 1-test cyp at 600-700 a week... been on it about 5 weeks or so now... no tbol right now...
JM750 said:
Thanks for the reply's.
Now NPP is a short ester. VS the test e and c
What about the mast? Use P or E?? How many weeks of each compound.

Also, I've never really mixed short esters and long esters in a cycle so not really sure how to do that.
So If someone could help me with the week 1- week?? that would also help.
I just want to make this one count and do it right.

I'm known for not sticking with the plan at times. I'm my worst enemy at that. LOL
JM just split your weekly volumes into 3 and inject Monday,Wed,Friday. That should be good with the NPP. I'd go with mast E.

I would add the oral around week 9 where gains start to taper.
krustus said:
yeah i have run NPP, mast e, test e with a 6-8 week kicker of tbol... was a great cycle... little to no sides and great lean mass gains.

npp 300-400mg
mast e 600mg
test 150mg
tbol 50-75mg daily for 6-8 weeks.

i did shots every third day mon, thurs, sun, weds, sat....etc...

i'm running this cycle now but am trying a little higher dose of npp 450-500 and have added draks 1-test cyp at 600-700 a week... been on it about 5 weeks or so now... no tbol right now...
Krustus how are you liking that 1test cyp? Thinking of picking some up on my next drak order

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