JM750 said:
A) Do you think 2 months is sufficient?
B) Looking to put together a blast cycle for when I'm done cruising. But would like help putting one together, and sticking with the plan. (many times I stray off the plan like a jack ass)
It will need to be a test base. Test E or C is good. I like deca, but maybe want to run NPP and mast
I'd like to front load a short ester prop first. Not sure protocol for this?
Also, would like to throw in some primo as well. EQ is out for me. Drol is out as well. Dbol is fine if we throw in an oral.
I think 2 months is sufficient break, as long as your last blast wasn't full of a bunch of 19 nor's or anything like that. Even then, with TUDCA ....
You don't seem to hold water, so I think either Test E or C would be good. Test C does have a slightly (2 days) longer half life. Personally, I'm going to start using Test D as it's a true 1 pin/week, half life is 15 days.
Protocol for using Test P or TestPP as a kickstart is just start using 1st day of cycle, with your 1st pin of long ester Test. I like to use 3-4 weeks, as 3 pins of long ester and you reach saturation.If you want to run NPP, I'd get a blend of NPP/TPP and that way your long ester Test pin can be less mg's.
If you're going to use Primo, I'd definitely use Masteron, they act synergistically, Deca will overwhelm the hardnes and cut you'll get from Primo. Mast and Primo will accentuate, as you are a lean fuck right now anyway.
If you really want to run NPP, I'd get a blend of NPP/TPP and that way your long ester Test pin can be less mg's.
If you run Dbol, definitely at the beginning. I'd consider running Anavar the entire way through instead. My .02 brother JM.