Need more advice from juiced up bodybuilders /preferably on Tren


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Ok so you guys know my problem with my daughter well there is alot more problems. Ever since I moved with my chick everything has changed, I mean she's good to me as far as cooking cleaning taking care of me. She also has a stubborn side that only sees things her way and her 5 kids are innocent never do wrong. She's never opened up to my daughter and gained her acceptance.

She tends to come down hard on my daughter for not grasping math. My daughter is the best behaved in this house. Now I Know THIS Sounds Fucked but i hate her kids for the most part. They cuss yell non stop very disrespectful to there mom and I pretty much have no say in it. We constantly fight over it and this house has become very toxic. I made the decision to send my daughter with my parents she said she hates it here.

I talked to my daughter she tells me the way she gets treated when I'm not around. I've seen the aggressive behavior from my girlfriend towards my girl. My daughter doesn't even want to be around her and the kids I'mnot eexaggerating they are fucken horrible! It's not 100% but i may be leaving her soon when she's at work because she gets psycho. I feel horrible because her littlest thinks I'm her dad but i can'tsee mmyself putting up with this.

Believe me i told her when we met I'm not a kids person i can't handle kids. She is stubborn wanted me got me now this is the result. I'm more miserable than happy 90% of the time. I'm gonna do what i feel is right just curious what you guys think. There's alot of shit i can't explain everything she even complain when i let my girl visit my parents. My daughter is gone i moved her out with my mom and dad today
Bro leave that woman...for your daughters sake...I bet if you do and let your daughter know you did it for her and for your well being she will be more inclined to respect you and your can use leaving her as a huge bonding opportunity for you and your daughter
Only problem is I'm human and have a heart. If i leave this second my girlfriend can't afford the rent. We have a few months left here. I'm thinking of getting taxes pay the rest of the year and bounce. I can't keep communication she's convinced me to come back many times when i leave. Also a suv under my name her kids won't fit in a normal size car so that'sa fucken tuff one. IIt'sgonna take some pplanning but iccan'tjust leave her fucked she mmoved an hour away to be with me.
Also think about the consequences if you married this woman...your daughter will turn on u and hate you I promise you that...u got to love thst little girl more than the as fast as u can .

Bro I get you have compassion for her and the kids but they are NOT your problem....if she cared for you and your daughter she would not treat your baby that way, and the house would not be toxic.
You can keep feeling guilty and fucking yourself and your daughter OR you can bail..
If she has 5 kids she should be getting child support id she cant support them without help!
She did fine before you she will do fine after are in a very critical point in your daughters life you are going to HAVE to choose her ovet them if u want your daughter to repsect you and her be healthy and haply...YOUR child is your only priority. .her and those kids are a burden your taking on that you dont habe to...mcut the strings walk away clean, block her numbers , change your number and if she starts coming around your parents or wherever you move get a damn restraining not continue to subject yourself and your daughter to abuse...
About the vehicle...what u gonna do when the lease on home is up? U cant keep being her crutch.
Shes gonna have to figjre out transportation herself...its not your duty...
And as far as rent u can move the fuck out. Pay 2 months with ur taxes and say goodbye...if she cant get her shit right in the two months u paid in advance then so what...move one bro
Take a walk brother !!! Ur daughter is way more important !!! I can't stand my baby mama , I take care of my son, if I were to live or try to reconcile with her because of him is a ticking time bomb !!! U have to look after ur kids first and foremost !!! My girl understands that I love her and I love my son and when plans between us change she doesn't spaz out because he's my son !!! Find one like that and u'll be good !!!
I hear ya and agree problem is her ex was granted immunity from paying g child support because he is "disabled" but in reality he can work he's just a drunk piece of shit. She really has no help works in her old town only weekends and is a full time student to be a RN. I'm gonna do this but I want to leave with a good conscience that I don't fuck up her life too bad. She's not evil she just has issues is on antidepressants has a bad heart looks like ovary cancer alot on her fucken plate too.
Bro thats your kid... nuff said throw that one away there are plenty more that will make your daughter feel welcome...
Fuck that id blow the fuck up on the ba bas kids....
If your daughter is unhappy its up to you to fix the situation.
Plus I gotta say... five kids wtf dude ... id grab my gear and kid and gtfo
I understand she has issues hell we all do, it's hard to leave but isn't it even harder to stick around and fix things? How long have y'all been together? Have you ever been happy with her? Pre marital counseling as well as parenting classes and even throwing her kids in counseling sounds like that's what they need, in order to have a clear conscience when leaving a marriage or long term relationship you have to exhaust all efforts.. That's just my opinion and I'm just throwing it out there as another harder, but more often times than not a more gratifying path...
Granted immunity in what state? If he collects gov disability in some states they will garnish his checks to give to her...also she can apply for gov assista assistance being shes a student..she has options I promise she does.....
More importantly talk to your daughter ..explain what u just did to us about to your plan to leave.
In trust her with you plan and explain how important it is to keep your secret. And that your doing it for her and for you to be happy together...communication with your baby is huge I said use this as a chance to bond with her trust and she should respond well to you
Flex4rce said:
I understand she has issues hell we all do, it's hard to leave but isn't it even harder to stick around and fix things? How long have y'all been together? Have you ever been happy with her? Pre marital counseling as well as parenting classes and even throwing her kids in counseling sounds like that's what they need, in order to have a clear conscience when leaving a marriage or long term relationship you have to exhaust all efforts.. That's just my opinion and I'm just throwing it out there as another harder, but more often times than not a more gratifying path...
Flex4rce2 years and yes it was great before we moved in together
Blueedge said:
Granted immunity in what state? If he collects gov disability in some states they will garnish his checks to give to her...also she can apply for gov assista assistance being shes a student..she has options I promise she does.....
More importantly talk to your daughter ..explain what u just did to us about to your plan to leave.
In trust her with you plan and explain how important it is to keep your secret. And that your doing it for her and for you to be happy together...communication with your baby is huge I said use this as a chance to bond with her trust and she should respond well to you
CA well he just got ssi so it's gonna take a few months and she will receive for the kids as well
Joker said:
Yo niner... I got one word for you. .....


That's what I was waiting for Joker knows wassup! now i can move on lol i have no idea what I was thinking I told her too I'm not good with kids but dam her kids are fucken horrible
No matter what u do in this situation, your old lady is going to think your an asshole.
My chick is awfully quiet tonight she feels it and knows there's nothing really holding me back now
Fuck her man! Your daughters much more important than any woman man! Your lil girls your world and i'm sure you'd go through hell for her, so just focus on whats best for your daughter and you boss! Also if she's begged you to come back many times, then she needs to make some changes on her part and with her kids if she cares so much for you. Regardless/bottomline, wut i'm saying is, your daughter's life and well being is more important then staying with any chick. You've done your part in trying bro, time for her to or time to get out while you still can!
I just don't know how I'm going to cope with being single again and fucking new hot chicks every weekend fml! :'(
Sad part is the bitch gets home with kids not one kid gave a fuck my daughter was gone. And my bitch had the nerve to tell me my parents made me move my daughter wtf? And she said I let my daughter get her way wow 😡
Bitch be gone. I have alot of kids bro 2 of them with my ex. If my new wife wouldnt have bent over backwards for them and acted as close to a mom as she could to them, well....... she wouldnt be my wife or in my life at all. Your daughter needs you not her grandparents and definitely not your gf and her kids. Her kids will make due with out you...they will have no choice.
Bro I am going to make this real simple. LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. Fuck the GF and her kids. This may sound harsh but they are not family. Your daughter needs you man. I have an 8yr old daughter and if I wasnt married and was in your situation and a bitch ever ever treated my daughter weird in the slightest, she would be gone in 1 second on here ass. You need to protect yourself my man. Just my 2 cents here and all love.
I would have never shacked up with a bitch that had 5 kids in the first place!... Cum dumpster is the proper term for her it sounds like. Take your daughter and get the fuck out of dodge. You wouldnt want your daughter to think you placed some other girl above her...
Damn Niner.....Lots of tough love here. I'm not one to ever tell anyone to bail, but, I'd have to agree. The way you're talking, there is no chance you could see yourself spending the rest of your life with this girl. And, if that's the case, the longer you stay is not only being unfair to you, but it's being unfair to her and her kids. Leave, it will be tough, but you're a grown ass man and you'll survive. Your daughter will love you for it, your Blood Pressure will love you for it. It's commendable and honorable that you don't want to leave her hanging....Kudos. Money can be replaced, sanity is another story. Find you a girl that loves you completely....hell, even JM750 found one, so they're out there! Lol

No tough love here this time, just take care of you and your daughter....and do it now.
You are in a bind bro. The way I see it is you have to choose between crapping on some bitch or crapping on your daughter. Easy decision bro. You brought that girl into this world she is your responsibility. The other kids are not your problem. Its nice of you to help and I can tell you are a big hearted person but its still not your problem.

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