Need more advice from juiced up bodybuilders /preferably on Tren

Bro, your daughter comes first. I understand how you feel about leaving your gf and her kids in a bind with no where to go or get around with the car she has but I think its in you and your daughters best interest that you leave this woman. With that being said watch how and what you tell your daughter about the situation. You don't want her thinking she can pick and choose your future girl friends just because she don't particularly like them because they aren't her biological mom. Also I'm not sure how much your gf knows about your usage but tread lightly if you think she may be vindictive.
Good luck bro
Well........... First off I have never heard of this tren thing you talk about so I am not sure if I am qualified.........

My take on the whole deal is.... If you are doubting the relationship now then, its probably only going to get worse unless you guys sit down and talk to each other and address the issues. If she really doesn't know how you feel about her kids and their behaviors then you need to tell her. Tell her how she treats your daughter is not ok with you. If it is not that big of deal to ya then gtfo... I know you bro and your heart is a big as the moon. Your loyalty is unmatchable!! If your at the point to where your doubting the situation then there has to be some merit to it. I know its your daughter and she is your life, but you have to be happy to bro. You can't be there for her if your not there for yourself pimp!!! You got this you know in your heart what to do!!!
I know exactly what living in a toxic house is. That's why I got out, and I'm feeling great these days.
Those kids of hers should be living under your rule of the house. You are the man of the house. Sounds like she does not want them to learn respect.

I say you should seriously think about taking a hike out of there. Especially if you and your girl have already been down this road with her kids, and the same shit just keeps happening.
If you know the defenition of insanity, then you know what I'm talking about.

good luck. Dont do anything stupid.
Just make sure all your bussness is cleaned up and safely put away at a location she doesnt know know how they can be when they get pissed.
Wacker said:
Just make sure all your bussness is cleaned up and safely put away at a location she doesnt know know how they can be when they get pissed.
Best advice so far! Forgot all about that!
49ER said:
Ok so you guys know my problem with my daughter well there is alot more problems. Ever since I moved with my chick everything has changed, I mean she's good to me as far as cooking cleaning taking care of me. She also has a stubborn side that only sees things her way and her 5 kids are innocent never do wrong. She's never opened up to my daughter and gained her acceptance.

She tends to come down hard on my daughter for not grasping math. My daughter is the best behaved in this house. Now I Know THIS Sounds Fucked but i hate her kids for the most part. They cuss yell non stop very disrespectful to there mom and I pretty much have no say in it. We constantly fight over it and this house has become very toxic. I made the decision to send my daughter with my parents she said she hates it here.

I talked to my daughter she tells me the way she gets treated when I'm not around. I've seen the aggressive behavior from my girlfriend towards my girl. My daughter doesn't even want to be around her and the kids I'mnot eexaggerating they are fucken horrible! It's not 100% but i may be leaving her soon when she's at work because she gets psycho. I feel horrible because her littlest thinks I'm her dad but i can'tsee mmyself putting up with this.

Believe me i told her when we met I'm not a kids person i can't handle kids. She is stubborn wanted me got me now this is the result. I'm more miserable than happy 90% of the time. I'm gonna do what i feel is right just curious what you guys think. There's alot of shit i can't explain everything she even complain when i let my girl visit my parents. My daughter is gone i moved her out with my mom and dad today
Take care of you and your BLOOD brother! You don't want your daughter to think you are choosing them over her even though she is with your parents. Get out of there ASAP mane! You and daughter will have a piece of mind and it will bring y'all even closer.
Dam just logged in to find a tin of support and great advice! I'm glad everyone thinks the same I've talked to my dad my uncle everyone thinks it's time to go. I was doubting my decision because my heart was telling me I'm wrong but my gut knows I'm right and all of you have confirmed I'm right. It sucks my girlfriend tried to lay on me on the couch i told her get off my eyes tearing up because I know I'm leaving.

When i leave I'm packing up while she's at work I'm a coward in a way and don't want to see her cry and beg me back I'm afraid I'll give in again. I'm gonna look for a job out of town get everything lined up then bounce. It's gonna be tuff living with her right now knowing im gonna leave. Shes gonna be kissing my ass and im gonna have to pretend everything is ok so she don't try to fuck me over Thanks alot everyone for the input and support 🙂
49ER said:
Dam just logged in to find a tin of support and great advice! I'm glad everyone thinks the same I've talked to my dad my uncle everyone thinks it's time to go. I was doubting my decision because my heart was telling me I'm wrong but my gut knows I'm right and all of you have confirmed I'm right. It sucks my girlfriend tried to lay on me on the couch i told her get off my eyes tearing up because I know I'm leaving.

When i leave I'm packing up while she's at work I'm a coward in a way and don't want to see her cry and beg me back I'm afraid I'll give in again. I'm gonna look for a job out of town get everything lined up then bounce. It's gonna be tuff living with her right now knowing im gonna leave. Shes gonna be kissing my ass and im gonna have to pretend everything is ok so she don't try to fuck me over Thanks alot everyone for the input and support 🙂
That's definitely hard bro but you know its right for your daughter and that's all that matters. We are men, we do what we have to in hard times and we get it done!
49ER said:
Dam just logged in to find a tin of support and great advice! I'm glad everyone thinks the same I've talked to my dad my uncle everyone thinks it's time to go. I was doubting my decision because my heart was telling me I'm wrong but my gut knows I'm right and all of you have confirmed I'm right. It sucks my girlfriend tried to lay on me on the couch i told her get off my eyes tearing up because I know I'm leaving.

When i leave I'm packing up while she's at work I'm a coward in a way and don't want to see her cry and beg me back I'm afraid I'll give in again. I'm gonna look for a job out of town get everything lined up then bounce. It's gonna be tuff living with her right now knowing im gonna leave. Shes gonna be kissing my ass and im gonna have to pretend everything is ok so she don't try to fuck me over Thanks alot everyone for the input and support 🙂
You did it whichever way you have to . I would not look at that as coward more like smart, avoid the conflict. Just get it done

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