New Covid Strain


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I really hope it doesn't reach us but there seems to be a new strain of the covid virus in the EU, Great Britain and France have closed their borders to the EU.
It’s rampant in England. Why we haven’t banned flights from England is beyond me.
2 new strains they say, one coming from africa to england
This is fucking too much bros
These fucking Scientists can develop a coating that can be put on batteries so that it will make babies refrain from swallowing them, but they can’t fuckingvtake time and money to develop something more important like a fucking vaccine for this virus, A REAL 100% VACCINE!!
This is fucking too much bros
These fucking Scientists can develop a coating that can be put on batteries so that it will make babies refrain from swallowing them, but they can’t fuckingvtake time and money to develop something more important like a fucking vaccine for this virus, A REAL 100% VACCINE!!
Torresno vaccine is 100% effective, to many variables plus mutations/strains
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They say Biden took the vaccine to show everyone it's safe, I bet he took normal saline shot LOL. Bet non of the politicians take the vaccine until everyone (guinea pigs) take it to see if it makes us sick or kills us 🙂, just my thoughts on it.
They say Biden took the vaccine to show everyone it's safe, I bet he took normal saline shot LOL. Bet non of the politicians take the vaccine until everyone (guinea pigs) take it to see if it makes us sick or kills us 🙂, just my thoughts on it.
ThorHer names Tabe. She went to school with one of the NP’s that a family member of mine knows. They didn’t fact check it, but it’s easy enough to do by checking where they went to school. Unless someone broke in without causing damage I’m sure it was the actual vaccine.
Some of family took it last week. No issues. Don’t forget over 20,000 or 40,000 people played guinea pig when they made it.
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Sorry brother my avatar keeps popping up as Anonymous guest?? Not all the time but every now and then??
Her names Tabe. She went to school with one of the NP’s that a family member of mine knows. They didn’t fact check it, but it’s easy enough to do by checking where they went to school. Unless someone broke in without causing damage I’m sure it was the actual vaccine.
Some of family took it last week. No issues. Don’t forget over 20,000 or 40,000 people played guinea pig when they made it.
JinkoI worry about the people that are on the front line of a rushed drug or vaccine as you never know what might happen and what the long term after affects might be and no one will truly know what he was given accept the person that brought that single into the final destination where Biden was, too many things can take place and to many people are willing to do anything for money now days especially politicians and big business.
we do know anything can be changed or substituted by anyone at anytime during any part of that procedure whether it was set up but say for example the producer of the vaccine and Biden or anytime before it was actually delivered for use or for Biden's injection, we have found out that anything is possible by the powers that be and it would be very simple for them to make sure he didn't get the actual covid vaccine.

I hope everything goes good with your family now and in the long run brother. It has been a rushed vaccine and if we look back in history rushed vaccines have caused more damage than good.
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I read about this knew straint too. Suppose to be much more infectious that the last one. It doesn't surprise me though. Viruses are constantly mutating. And not purposely.
Just think. Like when you make a copy of a picture in a scanner. The more you make the more it changes and is harder tk see. Then the virus adapts and changes so it can carry on.
It just the common flu, just has changed some.
Sucks but that is just nature.
I read about this knew straint too. Suppose to be much more infectious that the last one. It doesn't surprise me though. Viruses are constantly mutating. And not purposely.
Just think. Like when you make a copy of a picture in a scanner. The more you make the more it changes and is harder tk see. Then the virus adapts and changes so it can carry on.
It just the common flu, just has changed some.
Sucks but that is just nature.
GoProCovid isn't the flu, totally different viruses
Covid isn't the flu, totally different viruses
GRIMMy bad. Got mixed up. Flu like symptoms . Thought the article said was the flu.
My bad. Got mixed up. Flu like symptoms . Thought the article said was the flu.
GoProBottom line., the damn thing only has a less than. < 1% fatality rate.
They're blowing all this shit out of proportion,, and downright lying to the masses, it's what they want ( Leftists, Global Elitist's ) to create Mass hysteria & fright. Way more than meets the eye, I know, but I believe soon ( And the Country/ World will be shocked ) alot will probably still be in denial & believe everything shoved down our throats.

And yes...! We all need to be Free thinkers, I most certainly won't be getting, nor am I worried one bit about these alledged mutations.

My 02¢ , MotorCity Out..!
another new one reported in Africa
I could be wrong, but I heard some where that it’s more infectious, but easier and quicker to cure .
There's probably dozens of strains by now
Viruses have poor replication machinery - they lack robust error checking so mutations are common.

You can look at an undergraduate A&P book and compare human reproduction and all of the error checking and correction that goes on there versus what happens with viruses.

It's just dumb luck whether a mutation increases a viruses pathology and/or increases the ease with which it spreads.

But having let's say a billion people reproducing the virus trillions (or more) times doesn't exactly flip the odds in our favor.

Even within the same person there are probably minor mutations but the vast majority have no real effect on the pathology of the disease.
They say the mutated virus spreads easier and targets children more than the original from what I read in an article, the virus may have been engineered to mutate and adapt easily, who knows but the ones that created it.?

I do believe we have a long road ahead of us and if they continue to allow travel from the EU things are going to get worse fast but again people with money will continue to travel and the politicians will continue to jump ship and take vacations in other countries etc...... while they try to lock America down and crash our econemy as they are doing, a blind man can see what they are doing.
They say the mutated virus spreads easier and targets children more than the original from what I read in an article, the virus may have been engineered to mutate and adapt easily, who knows but the ones that created it.?

I do believe we have a long road ahead of us and if they continue to allow travel from the EU things are going to get worse fast but again people with money will continue to travel and the politicians will continue to jump ship and take vacations in other countries etc...... while they try to lock America down and crash our econemy as they are doing, a blind man can see what they are doing.
Thorwasnt created bro our own intelligence, other intelligence agencies, scientists say it wasnt

only ones who do conspiracy theorists. few scientists did make claims which were quickly debunked

all viruses mutate, evolve etc
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wasnt created bro our own intelligence, other intelligence agencies, scientists say it wasnt

only ones who do conspiracy theorists. few scientists did make claims which were quickly debunked

all viruses mutate, evolve etc
GRIMThat could be true G bro but there is so much out there that says other wise too, when I read where Trump pulled out the WHO there were statements about how China had a majority say so and that WHO was helping them keep this virus issue under wraps so again I don't think anyone knows and we don't know who is getting paid to cover things up. Like Eman said, I don't believe things that are put out there now days, people are so confused and brainwashed wondering what to believe so I try to research what I can. With technology now days any truth can be debunked or vise versa even if there is proof of something there are always parties that will find away to disprove it if they benefit from it and people will believe them, so much bull flying from left to right on the net now days????

With technology you can build things with 3-D printers just like the first 3-D gun not that long ago and they have self learning computers or robotic arms that are teaching themselves to do surgeries faster, working 24/7 with no rest or bathroom brakes, food etc....... these are unmanned so they will do away with some surgeons in time and this also goes for other jobs but already the self learning robotic arms that have taught themselveselves to suture by practicing on artificial flesh correcting its mistakes and learning to do the perfect suture job faster. Technology slowed for a time but has been growing in leaps and bounds again over the last handful of years, self driving cars is one that will probably be taking every country by storm as billions are being poured into this industry at this time with Jeff Bezos from Amazon and others investing in this technology right now along with the self teaching robotics and computers but if you think about it the self teaching technology kind of worries me. Sorry long winded and to much said but this is what I have come across as of late.
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Well I just saw that the New Covid Cases are trending Downward !!!
But , and there seems to be never ending But’s , officials are worried about Post New Year surges throughout the country as people will still go out and party and worry about consequences later. WTF !!!
Well I just saw that the New Covid Cases are trending Downward !!!
But , and there seems to be never ending But’s , officials are worried about Post New Year surges throughout the country as people will still go out and party and worry about consequences later. WTF !!!
TorresNo one seems to really know, we are told to wear masks and than you see articles and news saying masks don't really help so I guess you would need a re-breather or any system that would allow you to breath fresh oxygen from a tank lol. Shit who knows since it is fairly new, changing and mutating over a short period of time.
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No one seems to really know, we are told to wear masks and than you see articles and news saying masks don't really help so I guess you would need a re-breather or any system that would allow you to breath fresh oxygen from a tank lol. Shit who knows since it is fairly new, changing and mutating over a short period of time.
ThorThere's also some very good info out on UV ( artificial ) "and" Sunlight that nearly eradicates this COv-19 nonsense, not sure about the alledged new one however. We are certainly "The Monkey in the Middle" on all this craziness.
Gonna be a long winter; Wonder when the majority of the population will be vaccinated. I'm guessing 6 months or more.
Gonna be a long winter; Wonder when the majority of the population will be vaccinated. I'm guessing 6 months or more.
R2D2By late spring/early summer and then that should be the time the world's new case numbers drop significantly so hopefully next fall and winter things will be getting back to normal.

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