new cycle


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
thinkin of running a cycle of 900 Test, 600 Mast, 500 Eq, and 200 Deca a week, split up in 2 pins per week. anybody have any thoughts or experience to share on combining these compounds...
What's your goal with this cycle..? Lean bulk/ just mass gain/ cutting?
lean bulk. been leaning out the last few months with diet and a lot of cardio. lost some size and definite strength. would like to get that back without adding too much bf.
Have you considered test tren mast 900/300/300 every week....the combo will cut u up quick !
personally that's my favorite for lean bulk.. and add tne/dbol injectable pwo
Deca would give you good strength gains but I don't consider it great for lean bulkimg and I'm not a huge fan of eq for the results it yields...for myself I had to run 900mg a week to get results.. jmo
As far as the question of running them together, you should have no problems. The EQ seems low for your desired goal. I'm guessing the deca is there for joints, and although collagen synthesis is good with deca and EQ, the test is too high an will counteract the possible collagen benefit of those compounds.

For me, deca bloats me up, so I would consider NPP to stay leaner looking. The mast will help with the gyno sides and dryer harder gains.

I'm with blue to an extent. The better "lean bulk" compounds would be Test e, tren e and Mast e. I like running equal amounts personally. I've even thrown in NPP (yes that's 2 - 19 nors) with no problems.

I personally like EQ as well, but would run it more as a recovery cycle with a low test dosage, say 200-250/week, as a base and about 600-800mg EQ/wk. this will help heal up joints and tendons.
No need for that much Test, imo. Mast P, or Mast E? You should stay at like 350-400mg's Mast/week, imo. If you're running Mast for lean bulk, add Primo, maybe Var. I know you like EQ, and that's always a good addition, imo. I know you're leery of Tren, but if you want strength gains, nothing beats it.

Rocko is right, Tren/Test levels should match, if you run Tren.

Why are you going with Deca over NPP?
Don't like this cycle at all........At least for the goal you mentioned. Reconsider it, with some of the options listed above.
I am on EQ and Test Enan myself and I love it. I use Test Prop with it.
DGAF said:
I am on EQ and Test Enan myself and I love it. I use Test Prop with it.
DGAFHe's got good compounds, great "Bulking" compounds. Just not great Lean/cutting compounds.
Real good Info !!! Bookmarking this thread !!!
TSizemore said:
He's got good compounds, great "Bulking" compounds. Just not great Lean/cutting compounds.
I think it could be a good lean cut cycle if test prop was used and maybe throw some var in there. I wouldn't run deca with it, I did that and didn't like it. Ever since I dropped the deca and just went with test and eq and some var I am leaning out real nicely, just took awhile for the eq to start showing results. Overall I don't think its too bad just needs some tweaking with doses and drop the deca.
DGAF said:
I think it could be a good lean cut cycle if test prop was used and maybe throw some var in there. I wouldn't run deca with it, I did that and didn't like it. Ever since I dropped the deca and just went with test and eq and some var I am leaning out real nicely, just took awhile for the eq to start showing results. Overall I don't think its too bad just needs some tweaking with doses and drop the deca.
DGAF said:
I think it could be a good lean cut cycle if test prop was used and maybe throw some var in there. I wouldn't run deca with it, I did that and didn't like it. Ever since I dropped the deca and just went with test and eq and some var I am leaning out real nicely, just took awhile for the eq to start showing results. Overall I don't think its too bad just needs some tweaking with doses and drop the deca.
Yeah, Deca will not let you lean out.
thanks to all for the great info. I should have been a little more specific. the "deca" I am running is npp. and the test is 400 Test E, 400 Test C, 100 Test prop per week. also doing 100 of tne pwo for first few weeks. sorry to mislead. I like tren also, but had some bad sides 1 year ago from that cycle. so thought I would try this combo.
There's some solid advice here maybe just tweek your amounts and run with it. As for the decca, at 200 mg's a week I don't think you'll hold a lot of water. I'm doing a 200 mg weekly just for joints and have no real water retention to speek of.
gearbender said:
thanks to all for the great info. I should have been a little more specific. the "deca" I am running is npp. and the test is 400 Test E, 400 Test C, 100 Test prop per week. also doing 100 of tne pwo for first few weeks. sorry to mislead. I like tren also, but had some bad sides 1 year ago from that cycle. so thought I would try this combo.
gearbenderWell that changes everything.....cycle looks good and should be very effective, maybe raise the eq dosage. But other than that it looks solid....maybe add tbol of var and you should be diced by the end of this run..have you considered running a log? Would like to see progress on this cycle.
TSizemore said:
Don't like this cycle at all........At least for the goal you mentioned. Reconsider it, with some of the options listed above.
TSizemoreWith you on this one.. its too much..

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