New leaner, lighter, version...


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
I haven't posted in sometime. I dieted down and dropped by from 270's to 240's. Strength did take a hit but being in my 40's there is no reason to stay a 275'er. I may or may not compete again but that doesn't stop me from training my ass off... as Dave Tate says.

I've switched to a 4 day split:
SUN - OHP/ Bench
TUE - DEAD/ Squat
WED - Conditioning (Sled Pulls/ Plyo)
FRI - Squat
SAT - Conditioning (Weighted Carries)

Even though I may not step on the platform again, I still train for strength and size. I can't seem to transition to bbing no matter how many times I try. I dropped my weight by conditioning and by a Kcal deficit and began including conditioning.

My days are comprised of; endurance days (7's), volume days (4's), strength days (1's), and speed days (3's).

So...time to clock in and the goal is to hit 6's in Sq and DL. I know my OHP and Bench will never be anything to tear underwear over considering my shoulder is permanently fucked.
Reset my numbers and started the new program (which is mostly a changed layout with more emphasis on certain bodyparts I believe I was neglecting). I'm also going to focus on pushing my assisting lifts more than I have in the past.


Conv. Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 315x1, 355x1, 395x1, 445x1, 425+chain x1
Box Squat (18"box) +chain +monster mini~ 135+C+Bx3, 185+C+Bx3, 225+C+Bx3, 265+C+Bx3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3
Deficit Conv. Dead~ 135x3, 225x3, 315x3, 345x3, 375x3, 405x3
HexBar Row~ 50x10, 75x10, 100x10, x10, x10, x10
Hammer Curl~ 40x10, x10/ 30x6
Not a bad day. Right shoulder struggled a bit with the OHP. It's evident in my vids (you see my right arm locking out after my left). In fact, I struggled with my OH Pin Presses.

Z-Presses~ 85x4, 130x4, 150x4, 170x5, 130x8
OH Pin Press~ 135x3, 165x3, 185x3, 205x2
SideLat Raise/ Rear Delt (Cable SS)~ 22x10/ 16x10 (2 sets)
PlateLoaded FlatBench~ 45x10, 60x8, x8, 75x8, 45x10
OH Tri Ext (Cable)~ 33x15 (3 sets)
Legs are already getting sore from today's training. The hack squat/ leg extension superset was brutal. The 405 set was a bit high, stance was just a bit wider than normal so the squats were cut a big high but that's ok.

Squat~ 145x3, 235x3, 305x7, 355x7, 405x7
no belt. knee sleeve on 405 set.
Standing GM w/ SSB~ 125x5, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5, 245x5
HackSquat (per leg) SS Leg Ext.~ 115x8/ 90x12, 135x8/ 100x10, 160x7/ 90x10
GHR~ monster mini x10, x10, x8
Walking Lunges~ down & back turf (1 set)
I got the shit kicked out of me today. I'm sore as hell from my leg training and it took a toll today. My grip wasn't as strong either.

Weighted Carries; 44lbs KB (each hand)
25min Total Time
10min @ 6% incline and 2.8mph; 6min w/ 44lbs KB & 4min bodywt only
10min @ 4% incline and 2.8mph; 5min w/ 44lbs KB & 5min bodywt only
5min @ 2% incline and 2.8mph; 2min w/ 44lbs KB & 3min bodywt only

Single Arm weighted carries; 70lbs DB
3 walks; 100ft (per hand) and 2min rest
Worked last night as usual so got home around 4am. Still, managed to nut up and get to the gym in the AM. Not a bad pressing day. I pushed myself a bit and I'm happy with how it went. No PreWO.

I'm going to use my football bar for all pressing movements. I know I'm not strongest with this bar but it doesn't aggravate my shoulder like a regular straight bar or my axle.

Also, found out how to perform narrowgrip pulldows with full ROM. I used the triceps pulley and sat on a low block. Worked great. I can't go as heavy but the stretch is fantastic.

Speed Bench w/ football bar +70lbs chain~ 95+Cx3, 135+Cx3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3
1:30 rest, no sleeves
PinPress w/ FB bar +70lbs chain~ 135+Cx5, 165+Cx5, 190+Cx5, 215+Cx4, 235+Cx2, f.drop 190+Cx5
Machine OHP +red mini band~ 45+Bx5, 70+Bx5, 80+Bx5, 90+Bx5, 100+Bx5, 110+Bx5
JM Press/ Alt DB Curl~ 95x10/ 35x10, 110x10/ 40x10, 125x10/ 40x10
NarrowGrip Pulldown~ 80x10, 100x10
IsoRow~ 90x10, 135x10/ 90x7
Short on time so I didn't get to push as hard as I wanted on accessory lifts and had to abridge my session but hit what I needed to... so I gotta say, I was happy with how it went. All in all, done in an hour including my dynamic warm up.

Conv. Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 285x7, 325x7, 375x7
no belt but wore oly straps
Box Squat (med box)~ 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 345x5, 375x5
wore belt on 375 set, knee sleeves on 345 and 375 sets
Deficit Deadlift (.75")~ 135x3, 225x3, 315x5, 345x5, 375x5
no belt but wore oly straps
HexBar Row~ 50x10, 75x10, 100x8, x8/ 75x8/ 50x12
Sled Pulls (Backwards) - 90lbs x120ft, 140lbs x120ft (2 sets), 160lbs x120ft (2 sets), 180lbs x120ft (2 sets), 160lbs x120ft (1 set), 140lbs x120ft (1 set)
2min rest betw sets

Lateral Sled Drags~ 90lbs x120ft, 100lbs x120ft (2 sets)
2min rest betw sets
Shoulder felt like absolute dogshit. Not sure why but I sucked it up and pushed through it.

Z-Press (speed)~ 105x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3
Standing OH PinPress~ 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 195x4
Lateral Raise/ Rear Delt (Cable)~ 22x8/ 16x10 (3 sets)
CGBP (PlateLoaded)~ 45x10, 60x7, 75x7, 90x7, 60x10 (per arm)
Standing OH TriExt (Cable)~ 33x12/ 12 (3 sets)
12 reps with rope apart and 12 reps with rope touching while extending
Don't know why but I'm always very confident when I squat. It's a good thing but I need that level of confidence to carry over to my pulls.

This workout was done in under an hour. I started cramping on GHR so I skipped walking lunges. I gotta up my electrolyte intake. It's 99 degrees now with 90+ humidity and that sucks everything outta ya.

Squat~ 145x3, 235x3, 305x4, 355x4, 405x4, 455x4, fdrop 355x4
sleeves on 405 set, sleeves + belt on 455 set.
Stranding GM~ 125x5, 185x5, 210x5, 235x5, 260x4
Hack Squat/ Leg Extension~ 115x8/ 90x12, 135x8/ 90x12, 160x8/ 90x12
GHR~ BWx10, monster mini x8, x8
Conditioning went much better today. I think the actual day off is helping me and allowing me to push more on my training days and my 2 conditioning days. I just don't feel run down.

Weighted Carries; 44lbs KB (each hand)
30min Total Time
10min @ 6% incline and 3mph; 5min w/ 44lbs KB per hand and 5min bodyweight only
10min @ 4% incline and 3mph; 5min w/ 44lbs KB per hand and 5min bodyweight only
10min @ 2% incline and 3mph; 5min w/ 44lbs KB per hand and 5min bodyweight only

Single Arm weighted carries; 70lbs KB
3 walks; 100ft (per hand) and 1:30min rest
Some piece of shit shatter my back window so I couldn't train at my main gym so I had to go to the commercial gym. So, did what I could. It was like playing with Legos.


Decline Bench Machine~ 45x10, 70x7, 85x7, 100x6, 70x12
Pin Press~ 135x5, 185x3, 210x3, 235x3, 260x3
JM Press~ 100x8, 120x8, 140x8, fdrop 120x10/ 40x8, x8, x8 fdrop 30x12
OHP Machine~ 70x7, 85x7, 100x7, 115x7, 130x7
NarrowGrip Pulldown~ 99x10, 111x10, 121x10, 131x6/ 99x8
Some piece of shit shatter my back window so I couldn't train at my main gym so I had to go to the commercial gym. So, did what I could. It was like playing with Legos.


Decline Bench Machine~ 45x10, 70x7, 85x7, 100x6, 70x12
Pin Press~ 135x5, 185x3, 210x3, 235x3, 260x3
JM Press~ 100x8, 120x8, 140x8, fdrop 120x10/ 40x8, x8, x8 fdrop 30x12
OHP Machine~ 70x7, 85x7, 100x7, 115x7, 130x7
NarrowGrip Pulldown~ 99x10, 111x10, 121x10, 131x6/ 99x8
BrotherIronWhat a shit bag.

JM press, I haven’t heard that term since I was at West Side.
Things are finally clicking. Wedging better and starting with a higher hip position is making deads feel easy again. Added an additonal set and it was a cakewalk. Posted my vids so I could review them. A very good day needless to say.


Conv. Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 325x4, 375x4, 415x4, 405+40lbs chain x4
belt 415 and 405 set. hook grip on all sets
Speed Box Squat +chain +monster mini (med box)~ 135+C+Bx3, 225+C+Bx3, 265+C+Bx3, x3, x3, 275+B+Cx3, x3, x3
1min rest, no knee sleeve
Deficit Dead~ 135x3, 225x3, 325x3, 355x3, 385x3, 415x2
HexBar Row~ 50x10, 75x8, 100x8, x8, 75x8/ 50x10
Not a bad day of training. Shoulder cooperated a bit more. I decided to use my axle instead of my football bar. I know I can't train with it for more than 5 or so weeks and then it'll be 10 weeks or so with the football bar. (football bar is just easier on my shoulder).


Bench w/ axle +70lbs chain~ 75+chain x7, 115+C x7, 135+C x7, 165+C x7, 195+C x7, 215+C x7
Pin Press w/ axle +70lbs chain~ 165+C x5, 190+C x5, 215+C x4, 240+C x2
JM Press w/ axle~ 100x10, 120x10, 140x8
OHP Machine (no band)~ 70x6, 90x6, 100x6, 110x6
NarrowGrip Pulldown/ Alt DB Curl~ 100x10/ 40x6, 110x10/ 35x9, 110x10/ 35x6 drop 25x6
IsoRow~ 90x15
Skipped training on Friday. Went to Six Flags... was ok. 40% of the park isn't open yet probably due to ticket sales being down and the fact people would rather sit on their fat ass than work.

Trained today (everything done in under an hour). Will be doing OHP and sleds tomorrow.


Speed Squat w/ SSB +110chain~ 125+Cx3, 175+Cx3, 215+Cx3, 265+Cx3, +Cx3, +Cx3, +Cx3, +Cx3, +Cx3, +Cx3, +Cx3
1:30 rest and I was tired so I wore my belt
Standing GM w/ SSB~ 125x3, 175x3, 205+Cx3, 225+Cx3, 245+Cx3, 265+Cx3
Hack Squat SS Leg Ext~ 90x10/ 90x15, 115x8/ 90x15, 135x8/ 90x15
GHR~ BWx10, monster mini x11
What a shit show of a day but it's over... Got in to train at 10pm. In and out quick because the gym closes quick. Shoulder wasnt happy but I'm not surprised since training was rushed.


Z-Press~ 85x8, 115x3, 140x2, 160x2, 180x2, fdrop 140x8
Standing PinPress~ 135x3, 155x3, 175x3, 195x2
Lateral Raise Machine~ 70x12, x12, x12/ 40x12
Rear Delt Raise~ 16x15, 11x15
CloseGripBench Machine~ 45x10, 60x8, 75x8, 55x10
OH Tri Ext (Cable)~ 33x12/12, x10/10
Not my best day but still clocked in and did work. Knee felt a bit soft (twingy) so I cut my deficit deads short. I didn't wear my knee sleeves on squats and I think I should have. Won't make that mistake again.


Speed Pulls +chain +monster mini~ 135+Bx3, 225+Bx3, 265+Bx3, 265+B+C x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3
1:30min rest
Box Squat~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x3, 325x5, 355x5, 385x6
Deficit Dead~ 135x3, 225x3, 325x3, 355x3
HexBar Row~ 75x10, 100x10, x10, x10/ 75x10/ 50x10
Press day was ok. I pushed a bit more. Still limited by this shoulder, and always will be most likely.


Bench w/ axle+70lbs chain~ 75+Cx4, 115+Cx4, 165+Cx4, 195+Cx4, 225+Cx4
PinPress w/ axle+70lbs chain~ 165+Cx3, 195+Cx3, 225+Cx3, 250+Cx3
JM Press/ KB Curl~ 105x10, 125x10, 145x10/ 30x9, x9, x9
OHP Machine (plateloaded) each arm~ 70x10, 80x10, 90x10, 100x10
CloseGrip Pulldown~ 100x10, 110x10, x10
IsoRow~ 115x12

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