new member looking for advice


Iron Killer
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Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
you might have seen my intro i just posted a few days ago. im 5'10 155lbs 8%bf 32 yo. im just starting a cycle with tren in it, i have used tren before, but question is do i need to eat a calorie surplus while on tren to gain muscle. i kind of hate to gain a bunch of fat bulking up but if thats what it takes its ok, i can drop fat quickly. i have heard many people say you can build muscle on tren even at a maintence or below? maybe that wont work for a skinny guy like myself? please give me advice. i think i already know the answer but id like to hear your thoughts. my pic is on the intro thread towards the top
Im not an expert but id guess you have a fast metabolism definitely surplus if you want to grow. For someone like you I wouldn't even worry about eating 100% clean cheat once or twice a week. I dont mean eat complete garbage like cupcakes lol Tren is very good for helping burn fat probably gonna get you even leaner, I would have definitely chose npp or deca first nothing builds size like those imo.
Eat Eat Eat if you wantto grow Brother. Tren is really good at burning fat. I
agree with Brothet 49er 100%. In regards too deca or npp i have never
tried with tren. I will in the future. Keep us posted on your results
to Brother tkasch30! ;D
I wouldn't even hit the tren just yet. Believe it or not, nutrition, training and prolly rest come first. Dont think because you eat a ton of good quality protein and carbs/fats that you are gunna get fat. If you train hard, the fat will stay off. At least that is the way it is for me. If I didnt train every day and I still ate the way I do, I'm sure it would get stored as fat.

I've done some heavy cycles with tren in the mix as well, and all it did was make me feel lethargic and run down. When i cut the doses way down, I felt a lot better and didnt loose any strength at all.
IT'S all about macros!! The best thing you can do is hire someone to teach you what you need to know. Macro's/Split/Rest then AAS does not work any other way!
Im gonna be straight up with you are waaaaay off the mark.

i have been doing train9ng nutrtion for years (even for professional IFBB) and you are going about this the wrong way.

What gave you the bright idea to run that much tren and npp together? REAL GOOD tren a mere 300mg-400mg week is almost too much.

Calories tell us very little...You need to get Macro in good ratio and consistent.

I highly advise against the cycle you have proposed.

I am just pointing you in right direction. I like to be blunt.
To be honest bro why waste your time and money. If you're truely 8% you should be bulking ESPECIALLY AT 155LBS!!!!. If I was you bro I would be dirty but thats me. I would grow into a monster at 6000 cals or more a day. If you're really 155 8% then you probably have a high metabolism. Listen to jdb3 he knows his shit.
jdb3 said:
Im gonna be straight up with you are waaaaay off the mark.

i have been doing train9ng nutrtion for years (even for professional IFBB) and you are going about this the wrong way.

What gave you the bright idea to run that much tren and npp together? REAL GOOD tren a mere 300mg-400mg week is almost too much.

Calories tell us very little...You need to get Macro in good ratio and consistent.

I highly advise against the cycle you have proposed.

I am just pointing you in right direction. I like to be blunt.
jdb3Ya if it REAL tren 50mg eod is a sweet spot. Nothing worse than going balls to the walls out of the gate. Slow and steady..
Also I believe tren works better with carbs up. So your macros should be made up of more carbs than protein. Correct me if I'm wrong there. Hope that's not some bro science I picked up.
Wooohhh slow down a little brother and please listen to the guys on here. They are not flaming you by no means onky trying to get the more is better logic out of your head! There is absolutely nothing that is going to beat good diet. Dont learn this the hard way cause its only going to cost you a lot of money with very little reward!
back4more said:
Wooohhh slow down a little brother and please listen to the guys on here. They are not flaming you by no means onky trying to get the more is better logic out of your head! There is absolutely nothing that is going to beat good diet. Dont learn this the hard way cause its only going to cost you a lot of money with very little reward!
back4moreSpend a little bit of money with me and save a lot in the end. I have that special going for 3 more days!
Homegrown as a trainer for you might be a great idea....definitely think about that.
On a side note, I get what might be an issue for you when you talk about the dirty bulk. Being 155lb and 8%, any excess fat is depressing and de-motivating. It's a mind fuck you want to learn how to handle. I've learned that when gaining Muscle, a certain amount of fat will be involved. Remember, the only way to gain mass is to have a calorie surplus. Problem is, there is a definite fine line between the correct calories to gain and too much. Be ready and willing to go from 8% to even 12% BF, if your goal is to gain muscle mass. The Lean Gains theory is just so tough to master, especially when AAS's are involved. It's a lot easier to lose 4% BF than it is to gain 15lbs of just muscle.
I agree with many of the posts. I love me some tren. I would hold off on it tho until about the middle of the cycle. Eat and eat more. You seem like someone who can burn it off fairly easy. Good luck , keep us posted.
jdb3 said:
Im gonna be straight up with you are waaaaay off the mark.

i have been doing train9ng nutrtion for years (even for professional IFBB) and you are going about this the wrong way.

What gave you the bright idea to run that much tren and npp together? REAL GOOD tren a mere 300mg-400mg week is almost too much.

Calories tell us very little...You need to get Macro in good ratio and consistent.

I highly advise against the cycle you have proposed.

I am just pointing you in right direction. I like to be blunt.
ok jb. give me some advice on the macros then. give me some estimates on macros
please. i have had vets on other boards tell me npp and tren is a great bulk up. i guess you disagree. my diet is good at keeping me real lean. i can stay at 7-8 bf with zero cardio but gaining muscle has been tough lately. not eating enough i guess thats why i ask for help. im lower my cycle to test 1000 tren 600 npp 500 mast 400 so is that still too much?
How did you reach numbers this high with your doses? A gram of test at 155lbs????? Really? How old are you by the way? Its easy to get overzealous with gear bro but you seem to be on the fast track to bad things. How much test are you going to run when you hit 200 lbs???? 2 grams a week?? Sorry to seem like a pick but we like to keep each other safe around here. I ask for help all the time and ask the bros here to help give me a reality check. And this my friend is what you need.

Most guys here dont run a gram of test. If you need that much to grow then you must be competing or doing something wrong. Keep it simple two or three compounds at a time with moderate doses. Get the majority if it done in The kitchen and train with intensity.

My opinion is you should drop everything, maybe keep a trt dose going, get a full blood panel done and reevaluate everything with drugs being your lowest prority.
Def some good advice here !!! U really want to eat , and eat a lot bro !!!
I for one will be tryin Tren on my next cycle but my whole thing was and always will be gaining mass. I love to bulk , been skinny b4 and got tired of it . I eat for calories and that's everyday !!! I eat clean yes, but like to cheat . I have a fast metabolism as well !!! But my favorite bulk cycles include Test E, Deca, EQ, Dbol/Drol, try those out b4 dipping into Tren. My opinion !!!
IMHO I think your bulking macros should be something like this 35% protein, 45% carb, 20% fat. Calc your calories at about 18 per pound of BW for a hard gainer. That's 2800 for you at 155. If you want specifics with meals, hire a coach, we have professionals on this board.

I've been at this for several years and don't take that much oil. I have HomeGrown coaching me and I grow each cycle on a lot less. I'm 250lbs btw and my test on this bulk is under 500/wk.

We aren't trying to squash. This is the truth. Your body can only handle so much hormone. Try it for 8 weeks and see what happens.
RockShawn said:
IMHO I think your bulking macros should be something like this 35% protein, 45% carb, 20% fat. Calc your calories at about 18 per pound of BW for a hard gainer. That's 2800 for you at 155. If you want specifics with meals, hire a coach, we have professionals on this board.

I've been at this for several years and don't take that much oil. I have HomeGrown coaching me and I grow each cycle on a lot less. I'm 250lbs btw and my test on this bulk is under 500/wk.

We aren't trying to squash. This is the truth. Your body can only handle so much hormone. Try it for 8 weeks and see what happens.
They speak the truth...I started at 158 got myself to 179 and got stuck for weeks. Hired a pro and have gained almost 13lbs in 5 wks that's huge and it had NOTHING to do with gear! It helps but you cannot compare the results you get from a real meal plan and split. I thought I was eating good too! Was expecting just a few adjustments...only to find out I was eating like a pussy not a bb! Don't get me wrong I still eat pussy just now wash it down with a steak now🙂

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