new member looking for advice

Wacker said:
They speak the truth...I started at 158 got myself to 179 and got stuck for weeks. Hired a pro and have gained almost 13lbs in 5 wks that's huge and it had NOTHING to do with gear! It helps but you cannot compare the results you get from a real meal plan and split. I thought I was eating good too! Was expecting just a few adjustments...only to find out I was eating like a pussy not a bb! Don't get me wrong I still eat pussy just now wash it down with a steak now🙂
I want the pussy and prime rib meal plan 🙂
Yep, dosage numbers are way too high. But, ask anybody on this board and they'll tell you I'm a less is more guy. You can have more "real" gains with moderate doses than larger dosage. Point of diminished returns is reached rather quickly with that much gear. Not to mention, the ill fitting side effects.

I haven't run the numbers for you, but I agree with Rock......2800 calories is a great place to start. The Macro breakdown he suggested should work great as well, I like 40/40/20 myself, but that's more for a lean gain........and that takes A LOT of time. 35/45/20 will give you quicker gains. Just keep your proteins lean, your carbs timed, and your fats as poly and mono as you can. Sounds like you already know how to produce a meal plan, though.

Any questions you have just ask, we're here to help.
I know ur a man, and you are gonna do what your gonna do, however you have a lot of people.... Well pretty much everyone lol, telling u to drop it.... You posted the thread for advice, my suggestion is that you take the advice already given... My 02¢
Those doses seem way too much. Most of the guys I know that run tren drop the test low. 2-300wk. I was ready to give up on tren. Last time I ran it with a gram of sustanons and I felt horrible. Right now I am running 250test C, 300tren a, 300npp, 50mg dball day. I have made good gains at this dosage, felt good, no sides. I know that NPP and tren are both 19nors but at this low dose its been ok. I would like to run masteron with this but didnt have any.
These are good results for me with a low dose and I weigh right at 300lbs. Start low and see what happens. Dont waste your gear. I have too many times. Also on tren I have a hard time eating enough. It ramps up my metabolism hard.
Diet, sleep, training, drugs.. in that order... 70% diet, 25% sleep, 10% training, 5% drugs...

Yea, 110%...

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