New paradigm of Tren ....


Time Deum
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
.... currently there seems to be a revolution afoot regarding Tren to Test doses when cycling together. The minimum requirement for Test to become anabolic in your body is 200mg's/week. (Llewelyn).

Now, with Tren being such a strong Androgenic as well as equally strong Anabolic (500/500) many are seeing the science of not even needing a Test base for Tren, as you already have an Androgenic base, why even bother with Test? But this is up for debate. I'll continue to run 250mg's Test e5d probably no matter which compound(s) I use.

Since the standard of Tren is Nandrolone, wouldn't it follow that whatever holds true for Tren would also for Deca, and NPP? Of course you always have to watch the prolactin with these 3, but perhaps a lower Test dose across the board for all these compounds is in order. I always start caber by the 4th week when running Tren, sooner for Deca.

I got these tips from BK (many of you know him). He has interesting thoughts on the matter that mirror those I just stated.

1) Always keep prolactin in check when using Trenbolone or Nandrolone
2) Never use more than 200mg of Testosterone per week when using Trenbolone
3) Don’t knock something till you try it. It may change your entire mindset of this game!
4) Bump up Tren nice and slow...and get big and lean as Hell!
sportsfreak said:
And from personal experience, careful with the damn ligaments and tendons!
Totally agree bro. My only problem with Tren is that my elbows end up hurting almost every time I run it.
Just tore my bicep tendon Sunday and looking at possible surgery! Got a post started on it in the injury section looking for suggestions.
sportsfreak said:
Just tore my bicep tendon Sunday and looking at possible surgery! Got a post started on it in the injury section looking for suggestions.
Damn. Sorry to hear it. Only related suggestion I have is to keep training everything else if you can. At least legs.
Killed em last night Dowork. All pulling movements halted til the MRI. Sorry to hijack Hanzo, back to original programming.
On my current cycle of NPP Test Anadrol I've dropped the test to 300mg ew and I haven't noticed any less strength or gains than when I run 500-750.

My next run will include tren and I can't wait to see if the lower test helps ease the insomnia I normally suffer through.
You're ok SF, I don't care. My brother tore his tendon completely off his elbow and his bicep rolled up towards his shoulder. The surgeon (Dr. for the Bengals) had to pull his biceps back in to place, drill a hole through his elbow and insert the tendon through the hole, attaching it to his upper forearm/elbow area with screws. This was probably 5 years ago and he healed relatively quickly, and gained full use after about a year from surgery. He's a big guy, 6'4" and 250 and he can throw shit around like he used to.
dowork said:
On my current cycle of NPP Test Anadrol I've dropped the test to 300mg ew and I haven't noticed any less strength or gains than when I run 500-750.

My next run will include tren and I can't wait to see if the lower test helps ease the insomnia I normally suffer through.
When running tren, do you pin ed? After I started pinning Tren ed the sides diminished greatly.
Hanzo said:
When running tren, do you pin ed? After I started pinning Tren ed the sides diminished greatly.
I've only pinned it eod. I'll give the ed pinning a try too. Last bout with tren I could only hack about 7 weeks and had to discontinue just to get some damn sleep. Been over a year since, so I'm jonesing for another ride on the crazy train coaster.

If there IS a heaven, I hope they got some trenz for me. Our earthly bodies will be left behind so I'm planning on 1g tren ew for eternity. My second longest run ever.
Getting ready to try out a short blast of 150 mgs a week of test 450 npp and 450 tren ace. I'm trying to find the minimum sides dosing from tren. The sides I worry about is the crushing of my hdl. That's really the only side I get from tren which isn't good.
Currently running only 200mg test with 400 tren and 600 EQ and the sides are all but gone. Wife says I'm a little bitchy but the insomnia is minimal. Night sweats are the only thing I still have that drives me bat shit crazy!
Hanzo said:
When running tren, do you pin ed? After I started pinning Tren ed the sides diminished greatly.
I pin tren a ed and not even getting night sweats...using a test ratio of about 80% of my tren dose.

Now I add in EQ and I lose a little mind Anxiety out the ass!
i wonder if one can use eq at 300mg when using tren to help with collegen synthisis for tendons? and if one runs test that low how will it affect libido.... i have always ran my test equal too or higher.. its how i was taught yrs ago
bionic redneck said:
i wonder if one can use eq at 300mg when using tren to help with collegen synthisis for tendons? and if one runs test that low how will it affect libido.... i have always ran my test equal too or higher.. its how i was taught yrs ago
bionic redneckI was hoping the same thing about the EQ, running it at 600mg did nothing for my elbow that I just blew out. I am 41 and do shit like I'm 20 so that may play a role in my injury.

Libido is kicking ass at 200mg test after 5 weeks with sex almost a nightly thing. (the big O can be a challenge for me on tren)
I do have pharmaceutical bromo while on...
Joker said:
Hmmm where have I heard about low test base with trenbolone... hmmmm
I've been saying it for about a year. Tryna' pound it into some heads. 8)

But then, for most I think Test doses are too high anyway, IMO.
4everstrong said:
I dont get night sweats when i use Tren E but i do with Tren A Dont know why..
the longer ester provides more stability in blood stream levels. I have less sides running longer esters such as mast and primo than if I run the shorter esters...the shorter ester has faster fluctuations in blood levels and is therefore more difficult to keep stable. hence more sides.

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