New to the board!


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Alright guys Im new to this board. I have been on many others. I had a friend give me the inside scope on this board and so far i like what i see. A little bit about myself. I've been lifting for about 5 solid years. I've been up and down with weight and body fat %. I've been 215 at about 9% (with calipers) i've been 200 with over 20% and 145 with 9%. I have yet to figure out a comfortable size for myself. I've had my fair share of gear. Test E, Test C, Test P, Dbol, Tren, Winny, countless number of pro hormones. And i was sick of getting shit all across the board, sometimes I'd get gear from the same place and some shit was bunk and the other stuff was good. Its hard to stay consistent when that shit happens. Im currently not in the best shape im about 170 and 15% bf. I had a surgery this last summer that ended up badly after getting my gallbladder out I ended up catching a infection and losing a shit ton of weight and strength. I've been back on the grind getting my size back.

Numbers I found in my Superman log book ( my currents are low but they are steady rising)
Bench: Now 250 Best 325
Dead Lift: Now 325 Best 425
Squat: Now 225 Best 315

Feels good to be aboard!
Nice opening argument! 🙂 Everyone here is fucking cool. The vendors are great with awesome products.
This is a no bullshit board. Be proud of yourself for earning a spot here.
Have fun and take advantage of the auctions. Ooh, and watch out for that dude named 49er….
Good to have you. No matter what your ups and downs have been, I like the fact that you stay dedicated to improving. Here's to more improvements!
Welcome to EG man.

Well at least you have past stats that you can strive for cause you already know their attainable. One step at time bro, get back into it at a steady pace until you reach where you were. Once your there you can set new goals
Welcome to the site! I think everybody here has been in your shoes before or atleast a similar situation. Just keep at it and stay motivated by logging on here every day!
Welcome! No bullshit here every vendor is at the top of there game or they wouldn't be here, Grim/Rock, and T don't fuck around with scammers!! So if you have your diet and split in line you will be sure your getting the sups you need to help meet your goals.

Watch Grim he likes reach around when he gets crabby!
Wacker said:
Welcome! No bullshit here every vendor is at the top of there game or they wouldn't be here, Grim/Rock, and T don't fuck around with scammers!! So if you have your diet and split in line you will be sure your getting the sups you need to help meet your goals.

Watch Grim he likes reach around when he gets crabby!
Couldn't agree more...... Our admin and mods are top notch. They go the extra mile for sure

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