NFL Draft


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Any top picks?
Im usually not into it at all.
Guy i worked out with well at same time as him in it. So kinda curious
I stopped watching it years ago, I would start watching again if the pay went down and they played for the love of the game again. Oh and go back to leather helmets and smaller pads.... those guys loved the game, making $30,000 to $50,000 a year if they were lucky. Those were men!!
The rules recently killed it 4 me
Salaries will never go down. Everyone want to be the highest paid player in sports. How much money is enough?
The Falcons front office fucks us again! Boring draft with shit picks.
Yes sir, a bunch of spoiled arrogant asses, paid to take AAS, snort coke, party and workout. The AAS part not so bad...LOL... Just my take on it.
Don’t get mad at players for money. Don’t we all want to be paid the most we can? Think about how much money the owners have if they can pay that. And talk about arrogant, meet a few owners. Make players look humble. I know cause I’ve got friends that played several years and I’ve meet owners and lots of players.

As for rules, majority of public turns game on to watch stars and good players. Not back ups.

Pay. Think of this. Most teams have 3 QB’s on roster. That’s 96 people qualified to have that job. I bet there are more than 96 right this minute to do any of our jobs. There are more than 96 heart surgeons in large city. In the world there are what 2000 people with skills to make a team.
I get what you are saying but it gets absolutely ridiculous when it becomes a bidding war......when players hold out to see who will give them the most.

Something else that frustrates when your GF calls and says she has some 'free time' during her lunch break and your waiting for the guy who sits on the machine between sets and your torn because your workout has been that when a player forgets where they came from. I am a huge Cleveland Indians fan and when Jim Thome and Manny Ramirez left town because of a bigger paycheck I was steamed. I love Thome still....he was a great player and a good humanitarian...but both these guys came up through the Indians farm system and spent their entire career in Cleveland. Both these guys were huge fan favorites....they were the 'Poster' players for the Indians. Both these guys owned much of their talent to the coaches and staff Cleveland.....and then go to Philly and Boston for a few extra bucks(to them). It just a real sour taste in the mouths of alot of Indians fans. Sorry for the rant....that was years ago.
thing is some players make peanuts, others make a fortune BUT then you gotta take into account how much the owners make as well.
Cause none of us have ever applied at two different companies and used it as a way leverage more pay? The difference is it’s public when they do it. Don’t forget just because you sign a 5 year contract doesn’t mean you get all the money. Odds are at year 3 even if you’re playing well they ask you to take a pay cut. If you don’t you’re fired. I forgot guys name, but this past March a guy was cut hours before a bonus. Imagine if your boss fired you on 29th only to avoid paying you a bonus. And 30 they are looking to replace you. Like you’re done. Can’t do job much longer.

It’s capitalism. Make what you can while you can.
Football players make out a lot worse than athletes in other sports. Lots of injuries and short careers. The owners are making boatloads of money, no reason that the players shouldn't make out too. Don't forget that many of them end up with severe brain damage or can barely walk, or both.
That is true but they all make to much from the owners down. Drugs have somewhat extended the playing time of some but in the end their bodies pay for it the older they get, just like us.

Most rich people are arrogant asses but you do have a few humble ones still I think, looking at the paychecks and endorsements, none is worth that much but I am one that does not believe anyone is a celebrity, just a rich ass that everyone watches. IMO
I understand your point but none of us make 10 million(or more) a year.
None of us have skill set that only a few thousand people in the entire world have. When you do, you get paid ridiculous amounts of money.
And don’t forget owners for years covered up CTE. They did it avoid paying more and to avoid paying hire amounts when they retire.
Honestly i think we all should make more money, everyone or most people are good at their specialty.

We are all under paid, under appreciated and well actually not born into the right families. Makes you want to :beer:
I believe most of our families/ancestors before us probably had money/land, hell I know my did but shit it away before the last 3 generations of us came along. Story goes that my family owned what is now Mud Island in Memphis Tn but shit that away, sheer stupidity and someone else ended up with the deed. So my family was kind of like the Rich and NFL coaches, didn't give a shit about anyone else not even their family.... They ended up getting what they deserved but that rolls down hill.LOL
I know mine did.
Grandpa on dads side had 3 houses.
Grand parents on mom's side not rich but land worth a fortune. I was in will written out in the end years :/

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